Owned by Pugs

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Weekend Warriors - Pugkin Bread

Benjamin, Henry, Luna, Sol & Pugkin Bread

Pugkin Bread is back at Bob Evans for the Fall, so we made sure to bring home a loaf for the pugs. Sol loves it just as much as the boys and Luna!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Warriors - Sunday Drives


It may be too hot to go for walks, but an A/C cooled car is just right.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekend Warriors - Squeezing in a Nap

Luna & Henry

Weekends when I find time to take a nap are few and far between, but there is nothing I like better than a nap. And the best part is the pugs are always up for nice, long nap.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend Warriors - Playing Games


One of the best ways to beat the heat in Florida is to play some sort of indoor game. I wish I had more time for games during the week, heck I wish I had more time for games on the weekends, but the weekends when we manage to squeeze in some sort of a game are always fun. Sometimes, it's playing pool, a lot of times it is scrabble, sometimes it is old school board games like Sorry and nights when we play pretty much anything on the wii are always a blast.

The pugs seem to prefer board and card games because they can snuggle up next to us and get some petting in between the happenings of the game. But, I think their absolute favorite indoor games are chase around the living room and fetching the mini marshmallows we shoot out of the marshmallow gun.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend Warriors - Late Nights

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

Saturdays are almost always late nights for us. I find it is really the only time to get any of the little things that I need to get done done. The pugs aren't much for waiting up, though. They usually find the coziest spot in whatever room I am in and get some rest. Last night I was in my office the the boys & Luna were on the pillows and Sol was of course in her bed, under my desk, at my feet. Cupid, was sprawled out on my desk playing the role of paperweight.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekend Warriors - Take a Hike

Luna & Henry

Sometimes we're inspired enough to take a nice long walk at a park and sometimes all we can muster is a big climb onto some pillows.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend Warriors - Head in the Clouds


There is nothing better than lazy weekends where you can bounce from one thing to the next. The pugs are quite good at this. They take a little nap, sit in the sun for awhile, eat a little bit, take another little nap, chew on a bone, take another little nap, eat a little bit more...

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