Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 17, 2008


The pugs are waiting for me to get off work so they can go for a walk.  While they wait, they like to bask in the sun and they always keep an eye out the door for other doggies out enjoying their evening walks.

Monday, April 14, 2008



The pugs sleep in bed with us at night, which other than the fact that they take up so much room, works out OK most nights.  My main problem with them sleeping on the bed is when they settle before I have a chance to take the throw pillows off the bed.  They would much prefer if I left the throw pillows on the bed at night because they love to sleep in them.  It is like rows of pug sized body pillows.

So every night it is a mad dash to get the pillows off the bed before the pugs settle, otherwise, I have to move them and I just had to disturb them when they look so cozy.

Our other bedtime issue is that little Luna hates to be moved once she has fallen asleep.  She moans and groans if you even move her an inch.  One day I will get a little video of her acting like the world is ending when I move her a tad so that I can get my whole body on the bed.  She can be quite dramatic!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why Do You Love Pugs?

Why I love pugs

I am most definitely an animal lover.  I have always had an animal in my life and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I took my kitten Kirk, to show-and-tell in first grade and he was still helping me do my homework when I was in college.  You can definitely call me a dog lover, but I have always loved the pug breed the most.  Why?  I’m not really sure.  I thought about it the other day and here is why I love being owned by pugs.

  • Their sense of humor:  A good sense of humor is important to me and I think pugs have a sense of humor.  They are not serious dogs and they are able to clown it up better than most dogs out there.  They make me laugh and in my book that goes along way.
  • Multum in Parvo: A lot in a little.  I like that pugs are small enough to pick up and sit on your lap, but tough enough to romp and stomp with you in the backyard or to hold their own at the dog park.  They are in the toy group, but I think they have a lot of traits of big dogs.  To me it is like owning a big dog in a little dog body.  All the benefits will a little less drool.
  • Companionship:  I can not think of a better companion dog.  Benjamin, Henry & Luna have been by my side from the moment I have brought each of them home.  I like that they are people dogs and that they always want to be in the mix.
  • Outgoing: I like that pugs are outgoing and eager to meet other dogs and people.  This at time can be hard, say when you have company over and they get a little over zealous, but I still wouldn’t change it.

What about you?  Why do you love pugs?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Whole Gang

Cupid, Benjamin, Luna & Henry

Canines on the right, felines on the left.  This family meeting will now come to order!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Rainy Days

Luna & Benjamin

This weekend was pretty rainy and gloomy here in FL.  Which, surprisingly, made for a good weekend.  All the pressure of getting out and doing yard work and getting the grass cut was eliminated by the rain and we just took some time to relax on Sunday.  We even baked cookies on Sunday (something we haven’t done in years).  They were warm and tasty and we munched on them while watching the Redskins get blown away by the Patriots.

The pugs seemed to enjoy the downtime.  Although, Benjamin & Luna were not happy about getting their paws wet on several occasions this weekend.

We also worked on putting the finishing touches on Benjamin, Henry & Luna’s Halloween Costumes.  The boys’ costumes needed to be taken in at a few places, so they had the tough task of standing still while we measured, nipped and tucked.  Henry did a good job, but this type of thing is nearly impossible for Benjamin.  After he was released from captivity, he ran around the sofa for about ten minutes getting all of that energy that we stifled out of his system.

While the rain here was much needed, I kept thinking that our friends in California could use the rain way more than we could.  I hope all the blog readers in Southern California are doing well and please know that we are thinking about you.

Monday, July 9, 2007

You Dirty Duck

Benjamin with his duck

I must confess the boys & Luna have way too many plush toys.  They have a little over two toy bins full of various plush toys, but one of them is always playing (or should I say dismembering) with one of them.  They do have their favorites, though, and they seem to drag those toys everywhere.  They nap with them, take them in the yard and sometimes Benny will even try to convince you to let him take his puffy on a walk with him.  With the amount of action that these toys get they can get pretty filthy.  So this weekend was bath time for all the plush toys.  We did two loads of plush toys and a few more loads for their dog bedding and pillows.  The toys all cleaned up very nicely and the dog beds smell very nice.  So now the boys & Luna are on a mission to dirty everything back up again!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Show us your pics

We launched H. Doodle a little over 5 months ago and things have gotten off to great start mainly because of the many loyal Pug Blog readers that have dropped by and picked up some toys or treats for their pugs.  I can’t thank you enough.

One of the best parts of running H. Doodle is talking to other small dog owners about their pooch’s favorite toys or the outfits that their pups like to wear.  On top of that, there is nothing better than when someone sends in a picture of their little one with their new prize.  So, I thought it would be fun to share pictures of H. Doodle’s four-legged customers with their favorite toy, treat or outfit on the newly launched H. Doodle blog.

So, if your puggy has anything from the H. Doodle store send us a picture of your pup with their H. Doodle treat to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).  Also, in the e-mail give us all the details.  Tell us about your pug, what they like about their item, what you like about the item and any other fun stuff that you would like to share.  We will then post your picture and your story on the H. Doodle blog.

I think this will be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of all you cute pooches!  Again, my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has shopped at H. Doodle.  You have truly helped get H. Doodle and a long time dream of mine off the ground.

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The Pug Blog chronicles the daily antics of Benjamin, Henry, Luna & Sol.

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