Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

15 lbs


The main ingredient in the homemade dog food that we make for the pugs is ground turkey (99% fat free ground turkey). The extra lean turkey can get pretty pricey and when you purchase 10-12 packs at a time, it can really run up the grocery bill.

A few weekends ago we stopped by a new meat market that came highly recommended by some friends. The meat in the display cases looked fantastic, but our eyes lit up when we say the extra lean ground turkey they had on hand and the price. We inquired about getting about 15 lbs of the turkey at a time and were even happier when they could give us a bulk quantity discount.

Buying 15 lbs of ground turkey at one time had everyone's curiosity in the shop peaked as to what we do with all that turkey. The looks on their faces when we told them we make dog food with it was priceless.

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Can you post your recipe?  Thanks!!



I love ground turkey and ground chicken breast.  But I agree, 15 pounds at a time would make me stare too!
I must admit, that is my least favorite picture ever! Bring back the pugs!  haha



That is so funny. Wish you would’ve had your camera with you for that one! I love that you make their food. Can you share the recipe with us? smile

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Gina, my thoughts exactly.  Those expressions would have been hilarious. 

Sleighbelle, had to laugh at your comment…yeah, this does not qualify as the best OBP picture.

The pugs are very happy though.



thats a lot of ground turkey would love to know the recipe can you share I am with everyone rather pug pictures

Pen & Lucy's Mommy


I know how you feel Corinne, we get lots of questions when we check out with 15-20 lbs of ground turkey. And when I tell them what it’s for the response is usually, “Wow, your dogs eat better than I do!”



The first comment I thought of when I saw that picture, I won’t repeat, but it wasn’t pretty.  So glad to read that it was rather classy after all. Maybe we ought to all show up at your house with a plate and a fork - for us! With a recipe like yours, do you have to give vitamin supplements as well?

Hellen Norton


WOW!!!!! We bake whole turkey breast and cut it in bite sizes!!! Where can you get them to ground it?

PLEASE Share how you cook it!!!!



Jill, I just now read your post.  I don’t know how I missed that one.  I’m so sorry. Jill, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about your’s and Coco’s loss of Opie.  I was just reading back through some entries and saw your heartbreak.  There are times when life asks too much of us.  This is one of those times, I am sure.  Having the support of OBPers helps because a lot of us have been down that road whether or not we have Pugs.  And no matter what, we have never had enough time with our precious ones.  I’m not being flip, but in a way it is easier to lose a loved human than a loved animal because the consensus of many not understanding the human-pet bond is, “...just get over it.”  How cruel.  Opie must have been a very special baby to have been loved so.



I’m new to this blog and love it!  Would you please post the recipe for home made dog food? 
We have five pugs and would love to try it.  Thanks!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Jojo, I went back through all the blogs concerning food, but didn’t find it.  You may, in the meantime when Corrine posts the recipe, look at the blog for February 4, 2009, which shows the 84 dog bowls used to prepare a week’s worth of food for the pugs…very funny.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Jojo, I found this recipe of April 25, 2007 under Recipes of the Pugs.  Corrine may have changed it since then, and I don’t mean to infringe on Corrine’s blogs, but I know she is one very busy lady.  Sorry if I offend you Corrine.



Wow! You are so kind to find it for us!  Thank you!

Corrine - OBP


Sue VDB - Thanks so much for looking through the archives!  No worries about infringing.  I appreciate the help!  The latest recipe was posted today.

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