Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Story of Aging


As many loyal readers know, the boys each turned 9 years old earlier this year. Obviously, being a week apart in age, they did not come from the same genetic line. Not unless that pug mama had one heck of a labor! grin

It is clear that the boys are not blood brothers. There are many things that make the boys alike and many that make them different. Benjamin has been a spitfire his whole life. Henry, well, he has been more laid back. As time moves on, this is starting to reverse. We are starting to see the years of running hard and fast taking its toll on Baby Benny. Henry, while still relatively mellow, now takes the lead on walks and other events. It is sort of like watching the extended version of the tortoise & the hare.

Benny is simply slowing down at a more rapid pace than Henry. I can only compare it to what Solsey must have been like a few years before we got her. Benny's hearing is not as sharp as it once was, he walks considerably slower, he is not eager to go outside for his final potty of the night even though it always garners him a treat. He is as lovey as ever, handsome with adorable wrinkles, precious with his needy whine and irresistible with his appreciate kisses. He is just getting old.

He really is getting to be more & more like Solsey. So much so that now we sometimes call him "Solsey Benny". This is a spin-off of the "Solsey Baby!" call we would yell out when we would be super excited at something funny or adorable Sol did. We feel so lucky to have had Sol and experienced her for as long as we did. And now it is like having another Sol. Only this time we get to be there for more of the onset of the aging process. We really feel truly special to have had 2 pugs age ever so gracefully. We are curious to see if Henry will age in such an accepting fashion.

While it is hard for us to think of what happens after "aging", for now, we are simply enjoying their golden years. They are no longer the shoe string eaters and crate poopers they once were as puppies. They are now fine mature gentlemen that stroll rather than run through the parks and on the beaches. They are finessing their senior moments to be most splendid. We have of course, signed them up for their AARP (American Association of Retired Pugs) membership so they can get discounted meals and services. grin

Nonetheless, while Benny is ripening quicker and Henry is comparatively more green, both boys are getting up there in age. They are both still our ultimate pleasure. We adore them young, old and in between. Can’t even imagine what Little Looney will be like when she hits 63 in dog years like her bros. Only time will tell.

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crazy pug lady


Oh Benny, you beautiful boy!  Handsome Henry!  Lovely Luna!  No worries about your wrinkles and fine lines.  wink  You are all aging perfectly.  Got a tear in my eye on this one.  Heartwarming & uplifting.  Love you pugs!



One of my most favorite OBP posts of all time, without a doubt.  This brought tears to my eyes too!  What a wonderful way of describing the circle of life…and comparing Ben to Solsey Baby, priceless!

I, too, have witnessed the graceful aging of my Baxter, and Ri Ri before (although he was a “crazy puppy” until his last day…my love), and I can see both of them in Mr. Cole as he prancess like a pup one minute and then ever so distinguishly lays out for prime relaxation like Baxter.  Bax has been my distinguished gentleman since he was 8 weeks old, less than 2 lbs, and sitting on my shoulder…and now, as he approaches 12.5 he is still that distinguished boy who runs our pack and fills my soul with contentment.

Sigh, thanks for the beautiful post this morning, Corrine.  I feel so blessed to know your gang and to share in their years!!!  Lots of love to you all!



While there is nothing more precious than a puppy; I think there is nothing more noble or joyous than a senior.  They have wisdom beyond their years; they know how to work “it” to get everything they want. 

They are happy to lie next to you, content in the knowledge that they are with their best friend, and you with your best friend.  No words are necessary; a look, a kiss, a snuggle is all that you need.

Sleighbelle will be 14 on October 26, and while I can definitely see her slowing down (except where food is concerned!), she still has that spunk and playfulness that she has had since she was a baby.  It’s just that now, instead of expending every ounce of energy every day, she is more judicious in spending that spunk.

Love live our Pugs!!!



A beautiful story.  They may be 9, but they are not yet senior, senior.  All you can do is continue to love them as you have and enjoy them as you have.  We love them also.

Romeo is also 12.5.  He never was a very active pug, I think,  because for the first 3 years of his life he was crated at least 16 hours a day.  For the past year he sleeps more now, but is always ready for some chat time with mama. 

But you know, SENIOR PUGS ROCK.

sue s


What can I say? Loved this post this morning! Daisey our Boston turned 9 this year too. While packing the other day I found a Boston terrier calendar book I have kept where I noted the day our first baby Buttons passed over to the rainbow bridge. The great news is we get to enjoy our precious fur babies after we cross over. Thanks for this wonderful post Corrine! Pg hugs from the Colorado 5



I adore seniors and couldn’t agree with Sleighbelle more.  Loving this post, and the comments, today…sigh - love all of our puggas!!!!

Karen B.


This is a beautiful post, not only Corrines’s comments but all the rest too!  C.J. and Toeby are 6 so they’re getting right up there with me, trying to age gracefully, and stay healthy and happy. Sometimes life is hard but I’m convinced it’s much better with pugs and pug friends like all of you!  Thanks so much for this post, definitely a heart-warmer…



I love the post this mourning Corrine and all the comments it brought a tear to my eyes my puggies are all between 7 and 8 they are turning gray around the face and its so hard to believe how fast time goes they have all slowed down some but when it comes to food they are still puppies racing each other to the kitchen



Our daughter’s, Zorro, is 6; our Bugsy is 3; and our other daughter’s Penny is 10 weeks. I’ve had pugs live up to 14 years….there’s nothing like an older pug! Puppies are adorable but I love having someone to snuggle with.
Benny, Henry and Luna are adorable!!



**sigh**  we all hate to see our loved ones get old, and I guess the same holds true for our puggers…
Reading the blogs of the things that have happened along the way, Solsey… sweet Solsey, teaching us so much about senior pugs and their ways!!  My Mr. Skittles will be 5 in November, and I remember reading OBP long before I had a pug…cannot think of Benny & Henry as 9!! I am sure they will age gracefuly and with style..definately with style   xoxo



Is 9 really old for Pugs?  I didn’t realize it was.  Guess I’ll have to hug my gang a little tighter. We all know the essence of our Pugs.

This was a beautiful story this morning, Corrine. It’s all so interconnected isn’t it.  “Solsey Benny” - awwwwww. Loved the post.

Huckle &
the Swamp Pugs



Huckle, 9 isn’t really old.  All dogs at that age are senior citizens, but 9 is just the beginning.  With the exception of Bo Peep who was not quite 12, the other pugs were 14 or 15.  Pugs can live even longer than that.

pug mama


Golden puggies are the best smile <3 This one got me teary too.  My Abby, all almost 13.5 yrs of her, has her good days and her bad days, but for the most part has settled into a routine, and I have FOUND that routine that keeps her in tip-top shape.  She still has a playful side to her, like outside tonight when she made up some crazy game with our 2 yr old cocker spaniel neighbor-and it was the cocker that wanted to be done first, not Abby. 

Abby is the first and only pug I have ever had, and I think back to her rambunctious youth and can’t believe it is the same dog.  But looking at her puppy pictures, even though she has a solid white face now, she still has the same wrinkles, and the same mischievous twinkle in her eye, you definitely know it is the same dog!  smile



I read this so late in the day, it’s actually Friday! But I’m so glad I didn’t miss it, because it’s a beautiful post.  Corrine, I really loved the way you describe them as “our ultimate pleasure. We adore them young, old and in between.” 

I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments about their beloved puggies, too.  And Sleighbelle, I don’t think I’ve ever heard pugs referred to as noble, but they are!  It’s a very wonderful word for them!!

Our pugs are wonderful!  We’re all the lucky ones!



This post really hit home for me and made me cry.  As someone who is watching my babies get older, esp. Hooie, it rips me apart inside to think of them not being around the rest of my life, but also happy because they have great lives and owners who love them.

Huge pat on the back to you for doing all you do for your babies and giving all of them wonderful lives!

Patty B.


I loved this post, Corrine.  Rocky and Adrian will be turning 9 in October and I have definitely noticed an increased amount of slowing on our walks.  They no longer pull me along, I’m the one urging them to keep up with me!  They have, however, become more cuddly than ever.  Their favorite positions in the evening in front of the TV are either sleeping on my lap or right next to me, pressed tightly against me.  I just love it, having senior pugs.  Not only do they keep me constant company, they keep me from gaining weight!  It’s so difficult to get up from the sofa when your sandwiched between two pugs who really take offense when you try and move!

Francine Shore


I just wanted to you to know age is a state of mind.  My pug is 8 and was deteriorating like most, she had cataracts and could hardly see, did not want to go on walks anymore, just to do her business and really slowed down. I fortunately found a supplement thats been around since 1905, called Vital Pet. I was shocked it took so long to find it, started my darling Sweetness on it, and in 3 days, while walking down the street, she looked up and watched 2 squirrels playing for 5 minutes.  It was amazing, she now does not want to come in from her walks, even after one hour.  Its only been 2 months she’s been on this stuff and I am so excited, I can barely wait to see what the next day brings.

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