Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 9, 2015

Ask OBP #16

Today's ASK OBP questions come from Christie, who asks why the name "Owned by Pugs" and from Martha who asked if the OBP peeps had dogs growing up and if we were always dog lovers.

Benjamin, Henry, Luna and Sol

The name Owned by Pugs came about as sort of a play on the pets as property view. We're not big believers that pets are property, they are family to us. Playing off that idea, we thought that if anyone owned anyone in that situation it was most likely the pug. After all, pugs seems to have a way of making "owners" putty in their paws, so it seems funny to flip that idea around and say "I'm owned by pugs", rather than "I own pugs".

Peep 2, also had a couple cats and a dog as a very small child. By kindergarten, however, the dog was already blind and elderly and was lost in a car accident. The cats lived another few years but after that Peep 2 was petless until college when Peep 2 rescued a cat (who sadly did not live very long). It was shortly after that when the OBPS became a family with Lou C the rabbit, Cupid the Cat, the boys ( Benjamin & Henry) then Luna and Sol.

While as children, we both would consider ourselves pet people (and probably more dog than cat people) but without parental consent, we would not be permitted to actually attain an animal. (Although peep 2 did try to be a pet rescuer as a young child without parental consent once in a while).

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If you have a pug in the family, it is safe to say you are “owned” by them smile



I have been very fortunate.  I have been with dogs my entire life.  When we lived in the country, there were always cats that hung around our house and barn, so Mama always fed them.

There was a brief period of time when we were first married there was not a dog.  One night my husband, who owned a gas/service station, brought up this adorable puppy who had been left in a box at his station, with the idea of taking care of her until we found her a good home.  HA, that good home was with us.  When she was killed by the landlord’s husband, we got our first pug, who was the only dog for about a year.  After that there have always been pugs with a variety of other babies in our house, including 3 cats and 4 parakeets. 

You are absolutely right.  We are the ones who are owned, and they definitely are not property, but family.  I get very irritated when I see the term property for animals.

Christie Sachde


Totally agree…they are not pets…they are family-my kidz! You are so right Corrine, pugs do have a way of making us putty in their paws…as my husband always says…“how can you not love them?!?!?!” While I suspect every breed of dog has their particular charms as it were, pugs seem to be on charm overload:)



From the very first time I found this blog, I’ve always loved the phrase “Owned by Pugs”!  It is perfect!  We are all owned by our pugs and are definitely putty in their paws!  I’m in complete agreement with Sue VDB.  I also get irritated by the idea of animals being property.  My animals have always been beloved family members!  (Sometimes more beloved than some of my human family members.)

The OBP peeps histories as animal loving children seems like a perfect and expected background for you to have!  My first memories are of neighbor dogs, and I was always enamored by dogs!  When I was growing up, we weren’t allowed to have a dog inside (too dirty, blaa blaa blaa), but I was finally allowed to have an outside dog.  That taught me that I never again wanted a dog’s life to be limited in that way.  Early on in our marriage, my husband and I got a dog, and have always had one since.  Sometimes two and sometimes three!  I just love having a dog in my life and home and heart ♥  And since I have learned what it is like to be loved by a pug, I hope to always have a pug in my life!



We have found that our dog is much like me - doesnt like early mornings, likes to cuddle under blankets! Which of your pugs was the closest to the personality of Peep 1 and Peep 2?

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