Owned by Pugs

Monday, November 16, 2015

Ask OBP #17


Welcome back to Ask OBP. I needed to revisit the ask from last week. I realized after the fact that the part about peep #1 also having pets as children somehow got edited out. Peep #1 had pets growing up. A cat who lived 25 years and was the show & tell subject of peep #1's kindergarten class and a Yorkie came to the family during the 4th grade year. The cat, of course was the boss and the dog was a diva. Again, sorry, that somehow got missed in last week's blog.

Benjamin, Henry, Luna and Sol

Jude, presented another question. It is a real brain teaser! Which pug has a personality most like the OBP peeps. Since the boys were given family names, our quick answer would be that Benjamin would most be like peep #1 and Henry would be most like peep #2. And while it may be true that the boys were named appropriately in the fact that they hold family traits, on an individual level, there are traits that could be shown to be opposite of that. For example, Henry is more of thinker and subdued. While that is not really a trait of either family tree, per se, this trait is more a trait of Peep #1. Benjamin was a quick acting, get it done now kind of guy and that is more like peep #2. But Benny was also a super lover and that romantic mindset belongs more to Peep #1. Henry, the logic minded guy is like peep #2. Neither OBPer is like either of the girls. Neither peep is a diva or so extra demanding so that would rule out either both Sol or Luna being like a specific peep. BUT both peeps can have bursts of impatience which is very like Luna!

So, I think the real answer, Jude, is that each of the pugs and their peeps share some common traits. And just like with children who are a blend of both their parents, the pugs have taken characteristics of each of their peeps (and some familial traits that their peeps may not even realize they, too, possess). We cannot say Benny is like 1 or Henry is just like 2. But what we can say is that when we are altogether that it is clear that we are family and cut from the same cloth. When we add extended family to that, it becomes more clear that they pugs could not be more our children had we bore them ourselves. LOL!!!

#PugsArePeopleToo #OBPPugsAndPeepsAreFamily #ToughestQuestionYet #ThanksForAsking

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My goodness, a cat that lived to be 25 certainly deserves to be the boss!  I’m not surprised peep 1 also had exposure to animals as a child!

Thank you for your sweet, thoughtful answer about personality traits being shared between peeps and pugs!  It sounds to me like there is some amount of serendipity in the nature of your pugs’ personalities, and some amount of nurture that has brought about the similarities.  I just love it that you said “it is clear that we’re family and cut from the same cloth.”  That is beautiful!  And as far as I’m concerned, to be compared to a pug, is a very high compliment!




I have to second what Martha said.  What a great post about very special people, which of course includes pugs and cats.


Christie Sachde


WOW…25 years…that’s amazing! I find the personality traits so interesting…makes me wonder…if Benny had been Henry and Henry had been Benny would they still have the appropriate family traits??? I wonder if the name somehow has something to do with it…my nephew is named after my father…suffice to say he has many of the traits my father did…

Christie Sachde


My question…After Olive has finished doing her business she takes her paws and forcefully pushes them back as if to clean them off or something??? When she does it the grass goes flying and she often times will end up with grass either on her head or her back!!! Neither Vito or Luigi have ever done this. I haven’t seen another female dog do this so I wonder if it is just Olive…did Luna or Sol do this??? We call it kicking up her heels or doing the chicken dance! Have to say she makes me laugh when she does it!



Our pug makes us laugh at his personality. Hubby says the our guy does remind him of me… sooo.. I guess my guy is a little like me lol!!

Brenda Cooper


Such a sweet post about your babies. My mother in law had one that lived to be 18. It’s funny her grandkids had a yellow kitten picked out at the animal shelter but this huge black and white long haired cat just went up to her.So that was the one my MIL took. And Christi, my pug Genevieve does the same thing. She will kick up a storm. Molly, our pit mix is very dainty about it but still kicks the dirt and grass up.

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