Owned by Pugs

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Backup Puffy


Meet backup puffy. Backup puffy is exactly the same as puffy except it is a different color. It is also technically Henry's, but Benjamin commandeered it almost a decade ago.

Puffy and backup puffy were one of the first toys that G-Ma gave to the boys back when we still measured the boys' age in weeks. Benjamin immediately developed a strange bond with the puffy that G-Ma gave him and pretty soon it became part of Benny's routine. In addition to hanging out with puffy throughout the day, Benny always finds puffy after he eats and he always seeks out puffy when he goes to bed.

Knowing how fond Benny was of puffy we also kept a close eye on backup puffy. To Henry it was just another toy, so we made sure backup puffy never got lost in the mix. We also tried to substitute backup puffy for regular puffy on the rare occasions when the whereabouts of puffy were unknown. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.

Even today backup puffy is a tough sell for Benjamin and whenever I see him carrying around backup puffy a little feeling of panic comes over me. "Oh, no! Where is puffy?!?" I think. Because there have been more than a few times that we have been searching the house high and low for puffy at bedtime. My favorite is when we could not find puffy anywhere in the house so we had to move the search to the backyard. There we were with flashlights searching the backyard for puffy with Benjamin standing watch. We eventually found puffy just hanging out in the backyard.

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I absolutely love how dedicated you are!  I love you Benny…..you and puffy/backup puffy are so cute!



What a cute story!!  And I can vision you searching the backyard, in the dark, with flashlights for puffy.
They know what comforts them..
I agree Heather, Benny, puffy/backup puffy are just so dang cute!!



Corrine, the picture in my mind of the puffy search is just precious…such a good pug momma!  I looooove that Benny has his puffy (and backup!).  I think it is cuteness beyond words when our babies pick a comfort item and develop such an affinity.  My Baxter has his “mat”...all 4 corners of his mat are worn because he takes it, spends time winding it up in a pile getting it *just right*, and then suckles on the corner.  It warms my heart and I, too, keep very close tabs on the whereabouts of his mat.  Granted, it’s too big to lose, but there have been times we’ve gone on a sleepover and I think, “OMG - did I pack his mat?!”

Love you Benjamin…enjoy your puff!

mary castagnoli


I think it speaks volumes for Benny’s heart and inner thoughtfulness that he has attached himself to one specific toy.  Bella has never been really big on toys, even as a puppy.  They were merely something to chase and chew when not chewing on me.  My Lhasa Apso (Molly, however, was very particular about her toys - kept them in a toy basket and would select a certain one, depending on what she wanted it for (tug o’ war, fetch, kill the squeekie, etc.)  A friend’s little girl was over once, saw the basket of toys in the living room and went directly for them.  Molly wasn’t having any of that - only child that she was used to being.  From then on, I had to put the basket out of sight when “little people” would visit, as teaching Molly to share wasn’t a safe option.  (Lhasa’a are guard dogs in Tibet - so their temperament is not as easy going as the Pugsters.)

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Lucy has a white six inch bear that was her very first toy. I took it with me to play with her at the breeder’s before she was old enough to come home. It was bigger than her then. She has slept with it every night and in the morning has to bring it out of her crate with her. Occasionally during the day she’ll go find it and give it a good shake, then lay down with her head on it. When I’ve washed it she watches closely and is so happy when I let her climb up into the dryer doorway to retrieve it. Five years later it has been repaired at least a dozen times and is so threadbare that we put it back in her crate and close the door during the day so Pen can’t get to it. I wish I’d known she was going to continue to be so attached to her “Baby” I’d have purchased a back-up. We live in fear that Baby will one day become un-repairable. I completely understand the backyard search for puffy, Corinne!



I loved reading the blog this mourning Toby is that way about his green frog he still won’t have anything to do with his new birthday toys he just wants his beat up worn out frog but he also wont let any of the gang near his new ones
still waiting to hear back from the vet on Abby’s lab work she seems a little better this mourning but then she isnt eating very much the vet has me giving her two teaspoons of ID every two to four hours



I love love love the puffy stories. And the ‘backup’ puffy is essential to have!

Pip has a pink pig that is his ‘puffy’. He has a million toys and will occasionally play with one of those but his piggy is his ‘go to’ toy. When we realized this was ‘the’ toy, we purchased a few piggies. He doesn’t play with piggy in the daytime, it is an ‘after dinner - bed time’ only toy. After supper, he wonders to our bedroom and stands there until someone gets the pig. He then carries it around until he finds someone’s feet to wiggle inbetween and then he goes to town licking the pig. Every night I ask my husband ‘where is piggy?’ and it drives him nuts!!! He has one new pig left so this one now has been sewn and washed a million times to preserve it. He has had to have the new piggy on a few occasions when piggy is MIA. This was very long winded and I apologize.

Sue, please keep us posted as soon as you hear anything. smile

Pug Hugs to all from Gina & Pip



Thank goodness, Benny has a backup puffy.  Bo Peep had two backup teddies, and on rare occasions gave them a very brief acknowlegement, but Teddy had to be there.  I could sneak it away to wash or to sew up, but as soon as that was done she had to have it back.  I have some very funny stories about her and Teddy.  I too have gone out in the back yard at night with a flashlight looking for Teddy.  I totally relate. 

Romeo, on the other hand, is not a big toy pug.  He will sometimes chew on a toy, but he can go weeks without touching them. Silly pug is more interested in paper, probably from his previous long hours in a crate. There are times he actively searches for paper to shred. 

sue, hope you get some good results quickly on Abby.

Huckle, how is your Abby doing?



I just heard back from the vet and she said Abby has low protien levels which she dosent know why they are ok where they are though and she has a urinary infection so have to pick up some antibiotics for her and she wants to do a recheck on her blood in two weeks thank you everyone for asking about her I still feel a little confused on what the vet had to say no real answers



I think it’s so sweet the way Baby Benny loves his puffy : )

And it’s also sweet the way Henry indifferently allowed his puffy to become the back-up!



Sue, that is good news about Abby as it seems like just an infection that can get cleared up with meds, yay!  Give her a smooch!

Huckle:  How is your Abby doing?

Hellen Norton


While GiGi hax a few toys she prefers her stack of soft pillow WITh tons of supper sof blankies.

Lilo n Me


I love reading everyone’s stories. Lilo’s favourite toys were with the brand name Booda. We started out with the green dragon Booda, then the cow Booda, and the bear Booda. I think after going through numerous replacements, and several reconstructive surgeries, I think there is one left. She had one since she came home with me, and i think she grew really attached because they didn’t squeak, but rather made a sound somewhat close to a pug groan. Unfortunately, I cannot find them anymore.

Glad to hear that Lilo isn’t the only one hard on her toys. I affectionately call her Destructo-Pug! She like to chew on them if she’s bored, or going to sleep at night. It would be ok if she just did that, but not this girl, she’ll pull the stuffing out, and she will swallow it if it goes that way. I have an old blanket bag with the injured toys inside. When i get some free time i pull one out and resurrect them.  Lilo is so impatient though she will try to take it from me while it’s undergoing surgery.

Her go to toy, is a one and only white bunny. Not a dog toy, but a plain old stuffy that belonged to my ex’s aunt.  We didn’t actually give it to her. She kind of just helped herself to it, and since most of her toys were bigger than her we thought it was so cute.  Now i’m in fear of what to do when bunny is no longer able to carry on. Bunny is usually rejected for a while after she has a bath. She’s looking pretty nasty right now, and i’m thinking she isn’t going to make it through the spin cycle!

Glad to hear Abby is feeling a little bit better today. I hope she gets well soon. Love and pug hugs from Lilo n me.



What wonderful stories today.  Aren’t pugs just the cutest!  I read the stories to my gang hoping that would incite them to do something cute.  So far, nope.  But I laughed and laughed at your stories.

Abby seems to be feeling ok - thanks for asking kids and I have been trying for the past 2 days to get a “sample”.  She must be sneaking off and doing it.  If not, she may explode.

Have a great weekend kids and hope you east coasters have a safe and uneventful weekend especially.

mary castagnoli


HUCKLE:  Will Abby potty “on leash”?  Bella is used to doing her morning potty while walking w/me.  I always bring potty bags with us to pick up after her - so getting samples is never a problem.  She even thinks its amusing when I’ve had her pee in a bowl (for transferring to an empty pill bottle) when she has had UTI’s.

If Abby had pancreatitis, I would think she’d be in alot of pain and not eating.  So, hopefully, it’s not that.

Have a good weekend - everyone!

Lilo n Me


Lol Mary, that’s impossible with Lilo to get a bowl under her. So when we needed a urine sample I sacrificed one of my kitchen ladles on our morning walk. Snuck it right under her when she squatted. Easy peasy!



Lilo n Me….that is hilarious. A ladle! I love it!

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