Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beach Night


We are always trying to do something each night to wear Henry out for the next day so that he can be happy at home while resting and not be filled with anxiety. We have snuck him on to the people beach a time or two. And on this night that was again our intention. But for some reason once we got there, we had a feeling that we would have been popped by the po-po (for those of you over 20, that means busted by the police). So, we opted to just hang out on an overlook area (near the sign that said no dogs allowed). Here we observed a couple of things.

First, a few other people that had snuck their dog on and low and behold, up rolled the beach patrol and tossed them out. Not sure if they also got a ticket but off they went after the fuzz visited them (lights flashing and all).

Next we observed MANY Jeeps driving down the beach. And come to find out that later in the week, there was actually a world's record set for the most number of Jeeps at one gathering at one time. So, we got a mini preview of this event. Although we stupidly did not take even one single photo of this! Ugh!

What we did take a photo of was Henry taking in the smells from his overlook ledge. He still thoroughly enjoyed the breeze and scents that the winds brought his way and with the luxury of not even having to walk or get his feet wet!

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aahhh… hanging out with mom & dad, the salty breeze upon my face… life is good!!!
Henry you look so content, If I could relax at a beach, I would be happy too!!!

Mary M.


Aww, sweet Henry, just hanging with his peeps at the beach!  You’re such wonderful pug parents, Corrine!



I laughed out loud at the “po po” term and the (for those over 20). Love it! And I love Henry!!! Smooches to Hank!!!



Postcard-perfect puggy.

Susan States


Good to see Henry so happy again. I have to ask is there some reason pugs , actually my Solsie, do not like getting their precious paws wet? She will not go out in the rain or just afterwards. Pug hugs from from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

Christie Sachde


Thank goodness you followed your spidey sense and stayed off the humans beach…wouldn’t want to see Henry in pawcuffs;)



Your guardian angel was looking out for you!  I don’t think getting rousted by the popo would have been fun for you or Henry.

Thank you for keeping up up-to-date on current terms!  We’re “down with that”!

Denise and Gerry and The Pugs Joey D and Roxie Kis


What a perfect time fr Henry and his parents! He looks so content!

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