Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Between a Dog Bed and A Soft Place


We have so many dog beds that the pugs have started combining them to ensure maximum comfort. Like they are saying to themselves, "This bed does wonders for my back, but I love how this bed supports my neck. No problem, I'll just drag this bed over next to the other bed and voilà!"

And when it comes to dog beds you know I am willing to help in any way I can.

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Oh what a beautiful face.  Those puggies just love to be comfortable in soft squishy places.

  To all those that have kept Toby in their thoughts: Toby has not had any more seizures. The vet called me yesterday to say all his lab work was completely normal he then left it up tome as to whether or not I wanted to start him on Phenobarb. I have chosen to take a more conservative look at this and wait to see if he has any more seizures. I don’t want him taking meds if it isn’t needed.  Thank you again for all your concerns.



Handsome Henry, you look pretty cozy sweet boy.  I think it’s very inventive of you!  I’m the same way with pillows.  Enjoy a nice snooze for both of us!



Henry you are one super smart little pug. You really know how to maximize comfort, and you certainly do look comfy.  Way to go.



What a beautiful little face!  Henry, you are so handsome - have a wonderful snooze!



Wow Marcia…it’s wonderful news that all his labs are normal, but I imagine it may be a little disconcerting not to have an answer.  I will keep you and Toby in my thoughts and prayers…praying for no more seizures!!

sue s


Henry you look so comfy! Max comfort is one of lifes joys! Marcia, great news to hear about Toby!!! Pug-hugs all around!! Form the Colorado3



Marcia, glad the lab work came back fine, but it really is disconcerting not to have any answers.  Unless your baby continues to have seizures, I’m with you on not putting him on any meds.  My Missy has been diagosed with epilepsy, which in some ways is a catch all, but without Phenobarbital she has many seizures. Toby keep up the good work sweetheart.



what a picture I love it Henry you are so handsome very smart to have two dog beds to get comfy

Marcia great news on Toby I am with you when it comes to meds dont like to have them take them if they dont have to I would do the same thing wait and see yay Toby



mmm yes, I am very comfy people! Two , not one, but two comfy beds to rest upon!

Marcia, wonderful news… no meds for Toby.  We hope it was just an isolated incident since the tests results didn’t show anything
pug hugs & prayers



Oh Henry, you are a gorgeous little man with your classy gray beard.  Lots of pug smooches for you!



Marcia - you have to be relieved even without a definite diagnosis.  Cooper’s had mini-seizures for the past four years or so but the vet could find no reason for them and said it really wasn’t a concern unless they got stronger or increased in number.  Maybe some dogs just have them without it being any real problem?

I think Henry looks very worried because he couldn’t make up his mind as to which comfy bed he wanted to lay his sweet “little” body on…and being a Pug, he went for the best of all worlds.

Pug Hug,
Abby & Huckle



I was away for a few days and deprived of my OBP fix!  It’s wonderful to see Henry’s squished face tonight!

Marcia, I’m glad the lab work on Cooper.  Your thinking sounds very sensible to me : )

Hellen Norton


Ummm…Henry I thought all pugs used two beds OR like me…a really large soft bed, a soft pillow, AND three plush blankies. 
GiGi..a very much loved adopted Pug Heart Girl

PS We live in Louisana and it is hot and humid. GiGi and Gwen go out in the very early morning and late evening.

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