Owned by Pugs

Friday, January 26, 2007

But I Want It

Here is Benny having a little pug tantrum.  Luna was chewing a bone and a small piece broke off.  Once it broke off it was deemed a “choking hazard” so I threw it in the trash.  Benny, being Benny, would have none of that and had a little fit.  Acting like that was the only bone in the house.  The boy cracks me up.  Also, Luna pops in to say hello to all the blog readers!


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Oh my goodness - the pouty defeated pose at the end was just too much! 

Tell Luna we say Hi back (love the little bum wag when she was in front of the camera!)



That is, by far, one of the cutest things I have ever seen…Your Benny is just beyond adorable…and Miss Luna looking so cute with her little curly q wagging.  Lots of love to your puggies!!



Damn, beaten to it - was just going to say how cute luna is looking and the little tail wag that she gives is just fantastic. Its as if shes looking down the camera saying hello to all her fans!!



I love how he tried everything, from demanding to pleading.
I love how Luna smiled up at all of us—Miss Serene while brother’s world was in crisis….



Little Benny is SO cute!!!  He’s a persistant littel monkey huh?!  Luna is a beauty!!!  I love your blog…it always makes me smile!  After I’m done reading it I can’t help but want to hug my Pug babies!!!



Benny is too funny, my Pugsley does the same thing to me. He gives me that look like you are kidding right?  There is something for me in there!  Love it….Pug hugs to you all…thanks for the daily smiles.

kim bourcier


sometimes when we go to bed and have to take a bone away from one of my pugs, Shadow will remember exactly where I placed it and the next morning he’ll stand below the spot and cry until I set it on the floor again.



This is so funny.  My Sleighbelle does the same thing.  She will paw and whimper until she gets her way….or until Mommy takes “it” out to the trash bin in the garage and I tell her it is all “gone-gone”.  Pugs are tenacious little things!



Benny is trying his hardest, but Romeo would have had a regular conniption fit and be going wild trying to retrieve that little piece of bone.  Adorable Luna and her little tail wag makes me smile big.



I must say Benny is so cute trying to get the piece of bone and luna with her cute little smile and tail wag as I was watching the video my puggys heard Benny bark so they all chimed in guess they were trying to say hello to Benny and luna

Claude Pug


Wow dat happenz to me all the time!



Have to love that pug power as with mine they will keep it up all day but,mom puts a halt to it after a few minutes as all four work together and i love luna the little star taking her bough.



Perhaps a 5 ft. high, steel trash bin would deter the boy? (But I doubt it)  This fixation is definitely a Pug thing.  My “little?” Abby will not rest until her missing item is restored, and who can resist that (unless, of course, health is an issue - then it’s my determination against hers).

Don’t tell Benny, but Luna is my favorite.  I was looking at the back of the OwnedByPugs calendar and realized how in love with that little spirit I am.  She looks wise and loving beyond her years and well aware of her great fortune to be in your home and hearts.

My day does not begin until I log onto the computer and get the daily Pug picture and blog.  Then I know it’s going to be a good day.

Have you ever considered writing a book (or have you?) about your Puggies and adventures?  Your talent for writing brings us all right there along with you to enjoy and your pictures are fabulous.  You have quite a talent - but then you have terrific subjects!

Sorry this is so long.  I have wanted to tell you this for a long time.



I just read this. There was an OBP calendar??! Is there any way to get ahold of one?

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