Owned by Pugs

Monday, October 11, 2010


Benjamin and Henry

I couldn't resist.

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From any angle, they’re irresistible!

Patty B.


So cute…and they can read, too!



I love it!  “I like pug butts and I cannot lie” to paraphrase Sir Mix A Lot!

Hellen Norton


I needed a really good laugh this morning and this is it!!! I love puggies from every view!!!!



What a great photo! Keep ‘em coming



How funny.  Perfect picture Corrine.  Romeo gave me this “what’s the matter with you” look because I laughed so hard at this picture.



Cream-of-the-crop Corrine.  You must have a vivid inner life!  Does anyone think the building behind Butts looks rather like an outhouse (albeit a small one)?  Reminds me of the ones they had at church camp (obviously a long time ago - but we’re not talking Dark Ages here either).

Pug hugs &
Huckle chuckles

mary castagnoli


Nothin’ beats a pair of pug-butts to brighten up a Monday!



I have to admit that is an irrestible pose. Too cute for words. Just wanted everyone to know that Sir Luke is now at his forever home. He is very well behaved and so adorable. He loves our big fenced in front yard, he marked his territory every few feet all the way around it. He slept right between me and my hubby last night. We are so proud of him and he is just what our hearts needed. Thank you all for your encouraging words. It really means a lot. The foster couple that brought Sir Luke to us really paid us a compliment. They said they could tell we were “pug people”. Not everyone understands that. I do hope Abby is feeling much better today. My prayers are with her and you, Pug Mama.



Congratulations Brenda!  Give Sir Luke a smooch from me.  And to be called “pug people” is the highest possible compliment!



Corrine I love the picture and thanks for the monday mourning smile Brenda so happy Sir Luke is home he sounds like he is going to be one very spoiled puggy he is marking his spot to let everyone know its his home I am so happy for you and Sir Luke pug Momma please let us know how Abby does at the vets prayers for her and positive thoughts she and you have been through so much lately



Brenda, yay for you, your hubby and Sir Luke.  He knows he is in his forever home.  The Butts picture made me laugh, and the Sir Luke story warmed my heart.  Please keep us updated with Sir Luke stories.



Kim, how are Lily and Violet doing?  We are all eager to learn about your new addition.

pug mama


Very cute Corrine!! 

So, regarding the Abby, her allergy to whatever the other day, made her itchy, she itched her nose, she itched her butt, licked her paws to rawness, so off to the vet we went this morning.  Nose wrinkle is moist, so we’re gonna be diligent on getting that to dry out.  And the butt itchy, which attracted the dog(s) I’m housesitting to lick her bum, turned her booty into a big ‘ol hotspot, so the vet did do a skin scraping but there is no sign of infection, thankfully.  So, the goal will be to keep a close eye on her, and to not allow the other dogs anywhere near her, and to put this drying powder on the spot so it dries up and goes away.  And, to give her the sedative she’s been on forever for her coughing, to also quell her desire to be restless and bug these spots.  Abby, 5 more days of dogsitting and housesitting baby girl, hang in there.  She really is being a super trooper, but, um, well, there is no way that her behind looks as perfect and pretty today as the pug butts above:-)



Pug Mama, well at least she is getting some relief and when you are finished with the dogsitting, that should also help Abby tremendously.  Meanwhile, I know that is a lot of work for you.  I muar commend you on your sense of humor…love the attitude.  Thanks for the update and please keep us posted on Abby.



Pug Mama - thinking of you and Abby.  How are you going to keep the other dogs away from her? 
does the sedative really work to keep her calm without affecting her personality? 

Pug hugs and prayers
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs.



Congratulations Brenda on Sir Luke. Nothing like a pug in bed with you. I had to wake Pip last night b/c his snoring was soooooooooo loud. He looked at me as if I was the rudest person in the world. smile

Lots of prayers for Abby and Pug Mama! Good Luck with everything.

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



I love it!  Pugs butts are always cute smile  Thanks for keeping me laughing Corrine!



heehee* giggle giggle*  too cute “Butts”

Brenda- I too had to get a peek of Sir Luke - sooo cute!!  Congrats to you and your family on the new addition!

Pug Mama - here’s a prayer for Abbey’s recovery xo

Jennifer Davis


Pug Pucker is SO cute!

Karen B.


Brenda, congrats and glad all is going well!  Here’s to pug people everywhere!

This photo cracked me up!



Karen B, I second that…“here’s to pug people everywhere”.

sue s


Corrine, Glad you couldn’t resist! This is just too funny-cute!!Pug-hugs from the Colorado 5



lol goodone

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