Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Caption This #162

Benjamin and Henry

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

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WAIT! Me first. ME FIRST!!!!



Ben, I’m comin’ to get ya…here I cooooommmmeeee…

Janelle Woodward


pugolympics here I come!




Great picture smile  I love how they like to go down the slide!  Very, very cute!



This OBP playground is the coolest thing, we love it.

I love the look on their sweet faces.  You can tell they are having a blast on the slide.



C’mon Henry!  We’ll go down the slide and then across to the swings!

Marcia Martin


Hey, where’s Luna?  She would love this too.



Gee, is it worth climbing these steps for such a quick thrill? Ah, what the heck. Me next!!!!!

sue s


The gang look like they are having just too much fun!! Stay cool sweeties! Pug-hugs from the Colorado 5



Here we are - we’re going to play and romp all over the jungle gym - wheeeeeeeee!  xxxooo
For my NEXT trick, I will attempt to…. ....



wee this is fun I beat ya Henry

took Emma to the vets and just as I thought its her alergies so she is on two meds twice a day and med bath twice a week she seems to not be scratching as much thank goodness and I was so proud of her she lost four pounds she now weighs 20 pounds now the hard job trying to maintain it
Huckle please let us know how Georgie does at the vets hope everything is ok will think good thoughts give him a hug from me

Simply Pug


Welcome to my castle!



Is Luna the score keeper?  My money’s on Henry (he wasn’t last, as it seems, but first!  Benny looks as if he can’t figure out where Henry has gone off to.

sue - that weight loss is awesome said by someone who owns a Pug just a little over 20#.  How did you and Emma make that happen?  What is she allergic to and how do you monitor that?

Pug Hugs,
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs



Huckle Emma lost her weight by changing her food I now feed her Hills Science light she gets a half cup in the mourning then a half cup at night and no more soft treats just one cookie a diet one at that and piece of banana a day I asked the vet how to maintain this weight and he said for now just keep what I am doing if she loses more weight we will have to change it a little wish me luck I dont know what the allergies are just know every August this happens when we start to get a lot of rain the vet also told me to wipe her pads with baby wipes I am sorry to hear about your husbands cancer coming back I will be saying a prayer for him and thinking good thought did you take Georgie to the vets if so what did you find out hugs to you and the swamp gang

Hellen Norton


I bet sweet Luna is already laughing at the boys AFTER she won the race!!! She is one smart puggie!

My Old gal GiGi needed to lose weight when she came to us, around 17 lbs. She eats canned Nutra Max Light canned food. Loves the chicken. One half a can twice a day and cooked carriots. Over the last two years she has lost 9 lbs. She is short and on the small size so her vet wants her at 12-13 lbs.



Huckle, I will put your husband on my prayer list. Hope Georgie’s allergies get under control.

Hope Emma’s allergies get under control quickly.  They can be so miserable.
Allergies seem to be rampant right now.  Same here.  Frontline Plus July 21 worked for only 2 weeks on my dogs…cats are fine.  Yesterday they were given Comfortis, but Romeo cant’ tolerate it and vomited.  Minnie has done great with it.  Missy, the Chinese Crested had a severe allergy reaction last night and her whole body turned red.  I gave her a Zyrtec tablet (which the vet had previously recommended) and in a couple of hours her skin was back to normal.  Now I have to figure out what caused the rection…the Comfortis or the chemicals I used on the carpeting to kill the fleas.  I am researching a lot of natural remedies.  I can’t get Missy in to the vet until Thursday, and we are going to have a very serious talk…she still has fleas.

Hugs from the semi-miserable household.

Wayne Blackman


Lets go to burger king and eat our way fat-We are already fat but lets go anyways i am hungry



I’m coming to getcha,looks like their having so much fun.



Sue VDB - what is Comfortis?  I don’t recall ever hearing of it.  Sounds like it’s not a good thing for your household.  I would have totally freaked with Missy turning red. Did you give her a whole Zyrtec?  That’s good to know to use.  Fleas can be beyond hard to get rid of once in a household…the little boogers are tenacious and I think laughing as we try to find a way to completely get rid of them.  Hope your vet visit is fruitful tomorrow, and thank you for your thoughts.

Just got back from a vet visit with Georgie. I took in my little baggie of you-know-what, but he wanted to give the vet a fresher sample, and did, right on the office floor.  He (not the vet) has a parasite which he probably brought with him from the rescue.  Despite his not eating for several days, he has gained a pound and a half in over a month or so…his size large Puppia harness is not large any more!

The major problem, however, is either a collapsing trachea or an elongated soft palate which I was hoping not to hear.  The xrays did not lean toward a collapsing trachea but toward the elongated soft palate.  It’s not serious yet, although the potential can be, so we don’t have to rush into treatment but would have to go down to Ohio State for laser remediation for the safest bet as there can be a lot of bleeding and other problems.  The downside of that would be the draining of the wallet…but who can put a price on love?

It seems these physical abnormalities get passed on by the backyard breeders whose only interest is in the $$-sign, not the health of the parents.  Since Georgie and Gracie were used thus, it made my skin run cold to think of how many babies this kind of problem was passed on to with just these two, who probably came from a similar setting.

I have been reading into “calming signals” for use in animals and wonder if that wouldn’t help Georgie calm himself down once he starts the unhealthy breathing.  I know it’s not a solution, but I’m wondering if it might be helpful…anyone know?



Huckle, Comfortis is a once a month beef flavored pill flea med.  It is the only one approved by the FDA, but one of the side affects is vomiting, and of course Romeo had to do that.  You are supposed to immediately give them another does, but since he waited several hours to upchuck,  I didn’t go back to the vet to get another dose. Missy weighs 8 lbs. and the vet had previously told me she could get a 10mg tab of Zyrtec.  It does make them sleepy, but the alternative is to let them be miserable…not an option.

Huckle, you have more than your share of problems.  Lots of prayers are going up for all of you every day.  You seem like a strong person, and I know you will get through all of this.

As far as the “calming signals” go, it is definitely worth a try.  I might even want to use it on Romeo.  Most of the time he is calm, but when someone comes to the house you would think he never gets any attention.  He is very loud.  And food time…oh my goodness, he is beyond wild, and if I’m not careful he will knock me over.  I can’t get the food in the bowl fast enough.

Curtiss Albany


I’m gonna KILL this slide!!



hmmmm do i wana go down the slide one sted at a time wait for me i cant climb up the stairs id slide down

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