Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Channeling Their Inner Benjamin


It's funny how each of the remaining pugs have taken on some trait that used to be a Benny only trait. Henry has taken on the role of dinner time beggar. But Luna, has now overtaken the little white rugs in the house. We wonder if they always had these thoughts in mind (begging and white rug hoarding) and they just let Benjamin run the show or if they now see these things as cool since Ben isn't monopolizing the rug or taking all the table scraps. The reality is, though, that if Luna wanted a white rug when Ben was on one, well, there would have been 2 more to choose from. And if Henry wanted leftovers, there are more angles he could have opted to whine from. Who knows? Maybe they are just doing the things Benny did to feel closer to him. In any event, it is nice to see them enjoy some of the simple things in life again. smile

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Nice to see them enjoying things,and glad to read your household is doing well.  smile



Warms my heart that Luna and Henry are helping to keep Benny’s memory alive.  Hope the entire family is starting to recover.



Love the stories everyday! I think Luna and Henry feel close to Benny by doing these things. They had a good role model with Benny and they have a good role model in spirit now.

sue wooding


I think it makes them feel closer to Benny

Sue States


Definitely think they are keeping Benny’s memory going by enjoying the things sweet Benny enjoyed. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

brenda in texas


I bet it makes Henry and Luna feel closer to Benny taking up the things that he always did.  I’m sure it is comforting for you all.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Your very kind and thoughtful gift of Kind Notes touched me deeply. I am sharing one at each meal at the rehab dining table. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It is so good to be back. I have my tablet up and running at the rehab center, and can’t wait to catch up on OBP.

I believe that Henry and Luna are dealing with the grieving process by honoring Baby Benny in stepping in on some of his habits.

My friend Vickie brought Annie Fannie to visit me. She has never been here but as soon as Vickie opened the door Annie walked in and came right to my room.  She knew each hallway to go and straight to my room. Several people saw her and were amazed. Aren’t pugs wonderful?



This is precious and I agree with everyone…they are comforted by engaging in Ben’s rituals!  Smooches babies.

Sue VDB: how nice to hear from you. Glad you are up and running, so to speak. Hopefully recovery will go quickly so you can really get up and take Annie on some adventures. Love that she was able to visit…of course she found you on her own, she’s an awesome pugger!!!!  Keeping you in my prayers.



Luna looks beautiful, like she’s on a cloud!

Maybe when Benjamin was busy begging, Henry and Luna were content knowing they’d probably share in the bounty.  So they didn’t need to do it.  But now they are picking up since “someone’s got to”.  But about the special rug, since Luna could have always gotten on one, maybe she really likes to do it just because her brother liked to.

And Sue VDB!!!  How happy I am to ‘see’ you!  I thought you were going to be unable to be online until you got home!  So glad you’re back at OBP!!!

About Annie finding you at the rehab center, I think that is just amazing!  Apparently little Annie Fannie is a brilliant tracker!!

Sue States


Good to hear your recovery is going well-will continue to pray for continued success! Glad Annie got to visit-Solsie would not eat when I was away for a few days and she follows me around like a tail since I’ve been back. Puggers are awesome in how they love/care for their humans! Keep up the good progress-Pug hugs from Pastor Sue & the Colorado 2

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