Owned by Pugs

Friday, May 2, 2014

Flashback Friday

Yesterday's video was of sleepy Benny. Today's flashback is of a much more active Benny. I think my favorite part of the video is Sol looking on shaking her head at how much energy these young whippersnappers have!

Pugs Playing from obp on Vimeo.

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Wow, what energy!! Looks like the ladies preferred to stay out of the way and Henry didn’t want Benny getting his blanket.

Sue VDB and Annnie Fannie


Benny was having so much fun, and it’s always nice to see Solsey who still tugs at my heart strings.



at my house this is called “Puppy Tear”.... I was exhausted just watching him!!  You go Benny, love all that energy!
Happy weekend all!



Wow, love the energy…. My little Cleo runs through the house like a tornado…. Your puppies look very happy.

sue wooding


so much energy was this after there bath mine get like that right after a bath loved seeing Solsy



OMG. This made my day!!!  Love zoomies and the sound of crazy pug nails tearing carpet.  Lol.
Do you have an Instagram account?  If not, you should start one!!!  I visit your blog every day but would love to be able to interact more on IG smile

Sue States


Love watching pugs play-in our house it is s pup tear-these days grand old lady Daisey watches while Solsie tears. Thanks for the memories of Sol-still missed,still loved. Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



Love watching the dogs play together. You should put together some Vines of these cute guys. I would totally watch 6 seconds of these cute guys running around. I am exhausted just watching this video!

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