Owned by Pugs

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gobble Gobble


Henry's first Thanksgiving went very well! Henry has been to Grammy's house many times, but this was the first time he was there during the hustle and bustle of a holiday. The house was packed and there was lots of activity in the kitchen. And wouldn't you know that is exactly where you would find Henry.

Henry quickly figure out that the kitchen was where all the action was and that's where he needed to be. He did a good job of not being too much in the way, but being enough in the way so that everyone knew he was there. Just incase anything needed taste testing or anything like that.

During dinner, Henry parked himself right by the table. He made his way around the table a few times to see if anyone had anything they wanted to share with him.

After dinner, Henry thought about watching some football, but couldn't quite settle since there was so much going on. He hung out in the kitchen while the big cleanup was happening.

With all the new experiences and all the people to talk to and get pettings from Henry did not sleep all day. He was up for a good 6-7 hours straight and for a 12.5 year old pug that's no small feat!

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sue wooding


sounds like Henry had a wonderful thanksgiving I am sure he slept well that night

Minnie, Mack and Mario


Wow, that was a house full!  Hope your day ended with a big sleep!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Oh Henry, sweet pugaroo, I know you had a wonderful time and it is good to see you in the middle of all the action. Just goes to show #HenryStrongAllDayLong.

I suspect when you got home you probably crashed.



I’m sure he had a great time. He looks happy in the picture. Henry is the best!

Sue States


SO glad Henry had a great time! As SUE VDB said-Keepin it Henry Strong! pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2



I love this picture! Henry fits perfectly right in the middle of the hustle and bustle! And I love picturing him walking around the table while everyone was eating! If my Dad, Bella’s PawPaw, was there, he would’ve parked himself right at his feet. PawPaw CANNOT resist feeding hungry little pugs with big brown eyes or eye in Henry’s case. Bella howled when her PawPaw pulled into the driveway on Thanksgiving. HE’S HEEEERRREEEEE!!!!!

I bet Henry slept well that night. God Bless you all OBP family.



I’m so happy that Henry had such a good Thanksgiving!  And he was such a thoughtful guest to hang out in the kitchen ready to help when needed!  After all, if a morsel of food gets dropped, it’s so hard for humans to bend down.  Henry was already there!

Gina, I’d love to hear Bella howl when she sees PawPaw come : )



I’ll bet Henry slept good Thursday night after his long day and I’m sure a few goodies. Being an only child has its benefits.

Brenda Cooper


Glad that Henry enjoyed Thanksgiving . I just knew he would.



Sounda like a good time was had by all!  It was a busy day for Hank for sure! Bet he didn’t want to miss a minute of the festivities! xo

Christie Sachde


I bet he didn’t sleep at all with all those “smells” drifting around the house! He was like the guest of honor:)

pug mama - Jen C


Oh Henry!!!  You look like you had so much fun.  I sure hope you got some turkey and pie!  So nice that you had so many people to dote on you, you sweet boy smile

Sandra B.


I LUV how happy Henry looks. 

a Pug in his element for sure!

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