Owned by Pugs

Friday, January 31, 2014

Good Sharer

Henry and Benjamin

The end of the sofa with a clear view out the front door is the most coveted spot on the couch. This spot is almost always occupied by Henry. But, luckily for Benjamin and Luna, Henry is willing to share his spot with them.

Henry and Luna

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sue wooding


that is so sweet of Henry to share my gang if one is in the spot they want they just climb on top of them its funny as all six love to cuddle up on top or right next to each other

brenda in texas


Henry is sweet to share his favorite spot. He really is a good big brother. I can’t get over how neat and clean your house always is. Have you taught the pugs to dust and vacuum?



It’s very endearing that they love this strategic spot!  Great observation post AND cushions.  What more could a pug want?  okay….maybe a plate of chicken right beside the cushion!



In the first pic, it looks like Henry is saying, “Seriously Mom? Do I look like I’m enjoying sharing?” (thats what my 7, almost 8 year old human daughter says to me all the time. All. The. Time. “Seriously Mom?”)

But he looks like he is enjoying sharing with Looney Tunes. So cute!

Sue States


Henry is a sweet heart for sharing with little sister. Since daisey is our old lady (I’m sure shes thinking “who you calling old?”) and can’t get up on the chair as ofter-little Solsie will snuggle next to her. Sibling love. Pug hugs & have a great Super Bowl week-end-GO BRONCOS!pastor sue & the Colorado 2

crazy pug lady


Photo 1

Henry:  Yeah.  I guess I will share with Benny but I don’t really want to but since I have all my life I will. 

Benny:  Aw, bro, how could you not want to share with me?  Look my cutie face.  I love being close to you, bro.  smile

Henry:  Hey, I have same cutie face as you!

Benny:  (thinks, but does not say: Is he kidding me?  I am way cutest pug EVER ANYWHERE!)  Then says:  Right bro!  You are as cute as me.  That is why we share.

Photo 2

Henry:  Ugh!  Again!  Now I have to share with the GIRL?!  Fine.  Whatever.  :/

Luna:  Henry, it’s not like you are even sharing!  I have half a sliver over here!  You can take it.  Be man and suck it up!  I’m Looney!  Make room!  wink

Love these pugs!!!!  They are super cool!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Henry has so much brotherly love. 

With all that staying in one spot on the sofa, what will you do when that end wears out but the rest of the sofa is in good shape?

pug mama


Great pictures!!!  Henry, you are such a well mannered pug to share with your brother and sister smile



precious dolls.

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