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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Grammy

Benjamin, Henry and Luna

Hi Grammy! Benjamin, Henry & Luna here. We wanted to wish you a very happy 75th birthday! Cupid says happy birthday, too! Thanks for coming down to our house every day and pug sitting us, Grammy! We hope you have a very special 75th. smile We love you!!!

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Happy 75th Grammy!!!  Hope you have an awesome day! What a way to start the day with 3 special birthday wishes from those adorable grandpugs!



Happy birthday!  To the best Grammy in the world and the pug kingdom!!

Janice, 2 Pugs and a Boxer Mix


Happy Birthday Grammy!  We are wishing you a wonderful day and many more to come.  I know Benny, Henry and Luna will give you extra birthday sugar today.  Have a blessed day!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Ummmm…am I the only one who’s wondering how Grammy feels about having her age announced to the entire internet??? Although, who could be mad at those three adorable faces for telling everyone how old you are!



Happy Birthday Grammy! We hope you have a wonderful day! Lovin’ the pic of those three pug mugs! Smoochable I would say!

Pug Hugs to ya’ll from Bella & me.

Jennifer Moulton


Pugs, you have the very best Grammy in the history of Grammy’s!! Happy birthday Grammy!

PS:  Jade and Pink are sad that the Ravens beat the Pats the other day.  There were tears in our house in NH and we talked about how happy you three pugs must be!!!



Happy birthday Grammy

crazy pug lady


I think 75 is a true badge of honor.  smile
Grammy, may you have a very happy birthday.  You are surrounded by pet and people love.



♫ Happy Birthday, to you ♫
♫ Happy Birthday, dear Grammy ♫
♫ Happy Birthday, to you ♫

Have a wonderful day!!

from both Bennie and me!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Annie Alyssum Fannie Monkey Doodles loves birthdays, and wishes Grammy the best of birthdays.  That goes for her mama too.



Sue VBD, don’t forget she’s a princess!  Sooooo, her full name is actually:

Princess Annie Alyssum Fannie Monkey Doodles!



Catchy tune, Martha.  wink

Grammy, happy birthday from the Swamp Pugs.  75 is a special day and you wear it well.  You have a lot of pug good wishes out here.

Heather, I didn’t see your good news until yesterday.  Just think how much all that hard work you went through worked out so well.  Congratulations!  We are so proud of you.  Let us know of your progress and the fun you are having.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Martha, lol.  How could I forget, especially when she lets me know it all the time.



Grammy, happiest of birthdays to the bestest puggramma ever!!!!  Hope it was a special day with lots of smooches!!!!!!!!

THANK ALL OF YOU for your congrats!  It was a divine act that the first grade teacher left mid-year and I was blessed with the opportunity!!  Hardest job in the world, but oh those little hugs are the best!!!!

Sue VDB, I really hope Annie doesn’t need business cards…they’ll have to be poster-size!  wink

Love to Grammy from us!!!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Heather, lol.  I began calling Annie, Annie Fannie. Another friend came up with Monkey Doodles, and several friends dubbed her Princess, including Martha.  She was named Alyssum at DFW Pug Rescue, so I decided that would be her middle name.  And oh, if she needs business cards, does that make me her agent?

Sounds like you have already endeared yourself with your first graders…yay.



Happy, Happy Birthday, Grammy! Hope your grandpugs made it special for you!  Although I have a feeling that anything to do with these three cuties would always be special.  Enjoy!



A very Happy Birthday to Grammy. Benny, Henry and Luna will enjoy a piece of Grammy’s birthday cake!

pug mama


Happy Birthday Grammy smile  What a fun job you have to look after Henry, Benny and Luna!!

Congratulations Heather!

Sue VDB, too funny on all the names little Annie has been blessed with.  Sort of similar to all the “pet” names I have given to Lily, hehe!



I’m getting embarrassed about detailing the ills of my gang, especially Georgie, but here I go again…it seems that Georgie has, hopefully, a polyp in the bladder area - just out of reach of the vet’s fingers as he explored Georgie who was not smiling!  If the meds clear it up in the next several weeks, whew.  If not, surgery, depending on the severity, possibly Ohio State.  Georgie is a little trooper through all his various ills and I’m so proud of him.  And I thank you all for the support I know is coming.  The vet did say that Georgie is the Heisman Trophy Winner of health issues in his practice.  What an honor!

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Huckle, it never seems to end does it?  Many prayers to St. Francis that the meds clear up the polpy. 

Missy has some elevated liver numbers.  She goes back to the vet Monday for some tests.  If the elevation is due to Phenobarbital, then this will have to be changed to another med.  If it is the liver itself, that’s not good, and I’m not sure will is next.

Frankie’s checkup could have been better.  Two or three years ago he had a PU surgery to remove his penis and make him pee like a girl because he kept getting UTIs.  Now the hole he pees from has shrunk to the size of a pin head.  He also goes back to the vet Monday for tests.  If it is at the point he is not peeing enough he will have to have surgery to enlarge the hole and suture it open.

I have St. Francis on speed dial.

Mary M.


Sue VDB, it’s so good that you have such an awesome sense of humor.  I’ll keep your babies in my prayers, too, as well as Huckle’s Georgie.



Sue VDB, you are so right.  Through it all, I still feel honored to be their pug mommy.  My life is richer as I’m sure we all feel.  Prayers for Missy and Frankie, and you.

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Thank you Mary.  I always try to have a sense of humor, and be thankful for what I have, or don’t have.

Thank you alao Huckle.  Our babies may keep us broke, but we do what we have to do to keep them healthy and happy because they are so precioua.

Hellen Norton


Happy Birthday Grammy from Dakota and Gwen also!!!

What lucky puggies you guys are to have a Grammy that loves you and takes care of you when your ‘rents are working! Best of both worlds.

Drools and licks,
M3 (Minnie, Mack and Mario)

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