Owned by Pugs

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hardly Working

Benjamin, Henry & Luna at the office

Since today is Take Your Dog to Work day the pugs wanted to pose for a picture in the office to show that they work hard for the kibble.

Is anyone taking their dog to work with them today?

Have a great weekend everyone!

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I did not know it was take your pet to work day!  I would have!

“Humans… Take a memo, get us a mid morning treat….pleeze?”

I love thefir antics!!  They are sooo photogenic!
Have a great weekend, pugs & kisses from NS



I didn’t know it was take your dog to work day either! I was just watching the local morning news, and the traffic reporter had his pug in the studio with him—so cute! I am not sure my dogs would be welcome at work in a hospital, otherwise I would take them in a second!



You always get the best shots!! 

My boys came to work…but a day early.  Every year, on the last day of school, I take them to the elementary school I tutor at as a treat for my class.  The school is right around the corner from my work so they were here in the morning making their rounds before heading over to see the kids.  Great time had by all children and pugs (and teachers too)!!

Have a wonderful weekend all!



I wish I could bring my girls to work.  My manager and I have actually talked about doing a pet day, and involving our customers (I work at a bank).  Sleighbelle would be so good with the customers, she would give them pug kisses as they made their loan payments and deposits—and she could growl over the phone if someone was late on a payment—“Collection Pug”.  Hey, that could be the concept for a reality TV show!  ha!



The pugs are looking at you like, “Excuse me, but do your realize what time it is?  You should have been at your desk hours ago.  I suppose we will have to put that on your permanent record.”  Pugs are tough task-masters!



I LOVE it!  Actually, I’m off for the summer, but hubby is working M to Th.  Even though he doesn’t HAVE to go in, we live walking distance to the college so he’s thinking of taking the boys over to say hello.  There will be admin. staff around to ooo and aawww over they guys. lol

BTW, OBP, you need a few more CPU’s there. lol wink

Have a great weekend everybody!



Today we see the Pugami Vice team hard at work trying to devise a way to get the refrigerator door open. Agent Henry looks like he may have a plan, he will push the chair to the fridge while agents Luna and Benny grab the handle tight, then he will push the chair quickly away. Should work.



I worked for a small company last year that allowed employees to bring their dogs in every Friday. It was fun and the dogs had a great time. There was one pug named Mo that would make the rounds and say hi to everyone.  I didnt have Brandy then, now I work for a larger company that does not allow any animals inside :-(



I work part time, and some of that is out of the house, so I usually have a pug assistant.  When he’s really being a contributing member of the staff, he gets paid in biscuits!

Karen B


I’d love to bring C.J. and Toeby to work but I work in a medical clinic so I think the admin would frown on it!  Plus, I wouldn’t get ANY work done!  I’d be busy playing with pugs!  LOL!



ROFL, Linda. 

BTW, I’ve uploaded a couple of videos of Biscuit and Rascal to my Youtube channel.  If you click on my name to the left of this post, it will take you there.  I will be posting more soon, so keep checking back.

Hey, Christina, the “Biscuit Barking” video could be his application for “Collection Pug” lol.



Every day is take your pug to work day for me! (I too work at home) She snuggles right up and I get a front row seat to see the spoiled life of a pug!



My dog is very jealous of your photogenic poochies.  He might be part pug, but he’ll never tell.



I wish i could! I work in a cancer center.. but i have thought about bringing Indy in to say to people. smile That or the children’s hospital…



How freakin’ cute!! I can’t take it!!!!
I wish I worked for you too!!! (I am a great door person….somethin’ you might want to consider…)hehehe
I also wish I had my boys at work with me today :-( but they are here with me in my heart as well as Luna, Henry and Benny!
Have a great weekend everyone!



I think Biscuit has a future in collections!
But what does ROFL mean?  Is that pugtalk?



lol.  Sorry, Christina.  ROFL…Rolling on Floor Laughing

sometimes ROFLMAO…Rolling on floor laughing my A** off or as I prefer

ROFLMBO…..laughing My Butt Off.

Karen B


Carla, I just watched your videos!!  Now I’m ROFLMAO!!!  Their moaning is heartbreaking but you can’t help but laugh.  And the barking is so sweet, how did you avoid putting the camera down and doing a pug hug??



Wow, I just checked the videos info and it shows they’ve been watched by people in CA, OR, MI, NJ, CO, GA, FL, and Germany.  That’s mostly from you guys, I know. (Not sure where Germany came from, but, hey!)

Karen, we have to be tough or they would be in our laps always, which they just about are. lol When they were crying, I did put the camera down and love on them, but I just HAD to get the video for my husband to see/hear how much they love their daddy!

Karen B


That’s great Carla!  I had a feeling you probably had to throw in some lovin’ somewhere!  They do love their daddy, don’t they?



Like you wouldn’t believe!



Carla, loved the video - so precious.

Karen B, I have been out of the loop because of computer problems.  How is C.J. coming along?

Karen B


Hi Sue!  Thanks for asking.  C.J. is doing pretty well.  I actually tripped over him yesterday and kicked his sore leg.  Yes, I felt terrible and had to apologize and love on him for a long time but it seems to be okay today.  He limped around til bed time.  Can’t remember if I mentioned the path report but it came back okay.  They said no cancer at this point but if it bothers him again they might re-biopsy it.

The hardest part is keeping C.J. quiet.  He wants to play with the kids and fights the sedatives like crazy.  He just doesn’t want to relax.  He likes to be a busy pug!!



Oh my gosh! Those are adorable pictures!



Dude!  you got a Dell!! 

sorry, i was sorta slow this time

Corrine - OBP


Linda - Love the Pugami Vice - Mission Refrigerator story!

Carla - The videos of Biscuit and Rascal are too cute!  Thanks for sharing!

Karen B - I’m glad to hear that C.J. is on the mend!

Dee - The pugs are putting together a compensation package this weekend.  They are always on the lookout for a good door person. grin



I WISH I could’ve taken the puggies with me to work but I’m not sure that would’ve flied. Also it would’ve been too much of a distraction and the pugs probally would’ve pooped under my desk or something.



I hope when I get a good job I can bring Mushu to work. I sometimes bring him into this one store I know doesn’t mind. Everyone adores him! Lol.

Your three look like they are behaving, although I imagine if it were my pug, right after the picture is taken, he is running around like a madman!

Go Pugs!

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