Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Her Pickyness


For the last few months with Sol we have been having fun trying to find a food that she likes that also does not upset her tummy. She liked our home-cooked meal, well she liked the turkey in our home-cooked meal, but the pumpkin & veggies didn't sit too well with her. So we transitioned her to Wellness. She liked the Wellness OK, but it was a bit much for her stomach. So we are now onto California Natural. In talking with our vet, he recommended a fish or turkey based food & recommended that chicken be a last resort. Well guess what? Of all the California Natural flavors we have tried, Salmon & Sweet Potato, Duck, Turkey and Chicken & Brown Rice, guess which one is the only one she will eat? The chicken & brown rice flavor! She turns her nose up at all the other flavors. And to make it worse, she doesn't just walk away, she sniffs the food in her bowl and then comes and stares at you, like, "I know you have something better. Come on. Give it to me."

So we have started mixing in some of the other flavors with the chicken & brown rice food. But that is a very tricky game. Every bit of hearing that pug must have had at one point in her life, must have went straight to her nose, because if you don't get the ratio of what she likes and what she doesn't like just right, she will refuse to eat. Plus, if you don't mix the food well enough you will find only the flavor she doesn't like still sitting in her bowl when she is finished. Oh, and don't even try to slip a pill in her bowl. She will find it every time! And she doesn't just eat around it, she will refuse to eat any more of her meal, after she has found the pill, like we have tried to poison her and now the rest of the meal may be tainted.

And the little girl gets 3 pills a day. In the morning she gets a pill for her arthritis and a pill to help her breathing, which she also gets in the evenings. So we have to sneak the pills in a treat. And get this, so far, we haven't found a treat that she will eat for more than two weeks. She gets bored and just refuses to eat the treat anymore, with or without a pill in it. In the beginning, we did the 'ole peanut butter trick. That worked like a charm, but she soon tired of the peanut butter. Then we moved on to hiding the pill in a puperoni. That worked for about a week and a half and then we moved on to hiding the pill in canned cheese (gross). Right now, we are using lunch meat and we have about a week left to come up with what we will use next.

The other bad part is that Sol does not like anything remotely healthy. I'm sure she would be happiest if we just went into Walmart and bought the cheapest dog food they sold. Heck, she had us feeding her canned cheese for awhile there! She sure does keep us on our toes.

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What a face. Couldn’t you just cover that face with puggy kisses? She just puts a smile on my face.



oh beautiful Sol…smart, stubborn, sweet, simply beautiful Sol. My girl Reese was just as smart with the medicine.  I hid it in cream cheese, peanut butter, deli meats, she simply would either lick around the food products and drop the pill or not take it at all…I don’t envy you that task.  Look at her, she is absolutely the sweetest thing ever!  I love you all!



In my pre-pug days, I had a very old labrador without much appetite.  Like Sol, he wanted novelty.  When canned chicken dog food & the other standard flavors didn’t entice him any more, we found venison and rabbit.  (Don’t tell the pet rabbits that we have now!)  He also would sometimes eat those Kennel Ration fake-burger packets.  I can’t imagine they’re healthy, but I figured at least they were calories!  We’d also “picnic” on the back porch, because he’d eat more if hand-fed.  He was 14 and a good boy…I wasn’t gonna argue. 

Good luck with your elderly Ms. Princess!  smile

laura Lyall


We use vanilla ice cream to hide pills for our girls. We feed our pugs Blue Buffalo brand dog food. There are no fillers in it and it even has glucosamine (sp?) in it to help with their hips. You can find it at Petsmart.



Oh,what a sweet face,morning pretty girl,she is something else as my darla is like that what a rough time she gives me as she will turn her nose up at things.Sol looks so bored,but i think they give you that look for a reason and as far as pills boy what a time i have it’s hard to get them to take them as i’m running out of ideas to fool them.



Hahahaha!! You have a little diva on your hands!

Sol, you beautiful girl, don’t ever stop being you smile



I too have some very picky eaters in the legion of former foster pugs I now babysit for regularly (fortunately not the Home Crowd…they would eat dirt if I put it in their food bowls!).  My never fail secret food weapons?  1.  Natural Balance food rolls.  It comes in lamb, turkey, beef and duck and for some reason, probably the strong “smoked ” smell, pugs can’t resist it.  I can put a few chips of this into their regular food and they will eat the entire bowl.  Or, because it is a high quality food by itself, just feed them the food roll.  2.  Put some of the turned down food on YOUR dinner plate, along with your food, let the finicky pug watch you eat, then let them “finish” the leftovers…their food which you left on the plate.  I can’t tell you how many times this little psychological gambit has worked, but it gives me a giggle every time.  It is SO pug!

mary castagnoli


For being such renowned eating enthusiasts, pugs (mine anyway) was really tough to get pills down and just ramming them down her throat got her so upset (I did it as gently and kindly as possible.) that she usually puked it up anyway.  The lunch meat would work sometimes - sometimes not and my list grew as long as yours.  Bella has allergies and takes pills for that during the season as well as antibiotics for periodic bladder infections (no kidney stones, thank heavens!)
Anyway - my vet carries these “pill pockets” which are very soft and have a meaty smell.  I get the larger ones and tear them in half to wrap around one pill.  Bella watches me put the pill in the pocket and when I hand it to her, I say:  “Time to take your pill.”  and she never waivers.  It just slides right down her throat like a good little patient.  It’s soooo much more pleasant for us both!



Beautiful Picky Solsie, it sounds like you are having quite the smorgesboard (how does one spell that?) of goodies as you try to hone in on your favorite delicacy.  BonE appetite love!

sue s


My girls(a puggie & a boston) get dry food-if they need pills I may have to resort to getting a blow gun and blowing the pills in! You may want to consider that as an option with her majesty-Queen SOL the First(And too cute for words!). Our first Boston had a finicky tummy-and was not much on pills either so her vet had us serve cooked ground beef and steamed rice-she did well with that! From the Colorado 3



that is a hoot of a story.  i never knew that she was so fickle!  it also reminds me of the lengths that we will go to make our little fur babies happy.

Hellen Norton


OK Sol, you know you are one much loved Puggie. EAT!!! GiGi is on Nutro Max canned and loves the chicken. For a treat she loves spoons of spinach.
We all love and enjoying seeing you each day.
Grannie Pug, GiGi and Gwen
PS Maybe you are like some of us older humans, food can wait, naps cannot.



I might be quirky, but man am I worth the trouble.  Now, be gone with you and find me something that will keep my tummy happy!



I work in a kennel and have to deal with picky eaters and dogs with allergies often. You could try cottage cheese, yogurt, and baby food (if you need to steer clear of chicken try turkey or beef) for the pills. Most dogs will eat all or any of these. Good luck your beautiful baby!



She’s slowly but steadily become the Queen of all she sees.  She’s benevolent, but make no mistake, she rules!

At the moment, a Biljack meatball works for pills for Bennie, but I’ve made mental notes of all the great ideas mentioned here!  You all are some clever puggie owners!



The “pill pockets” that Mary mentions might be Greenies brand pill pockets.  They come in chicken and in salmon flavors.  You can actually buy them at Petsmart.  I was using them with one of my cats for awhile who needed to take meds every day. (I have found cats notoriously difficult to pill.)  That lasted for a good month, but then he just turned up his nose and left the pocket on his plate.  Luckily, Ellie, who also must take meds every day, is easy to pill—peanut butter or soft cheddar cheese does the trick every time.



It might be frustrating, but it sure is cute. Maybe just start the rotation over again and see how that works!

I’m picky too Sol!!! My fiance gets pretty annoyed but he is patient with me like your momma smile



what a nice way to start the day.  i love sol.

Karen B


All hail the Queen of Picky!  I humble myself at your feet, Majestic Sol!!  (And also at C.J. and Toeby’s). 
I use cheese sticks and hide their monthly pills in a piece.  They usually gobble the cheese down and don’t even notice there is a pill inside.



Our 3 “boyz” are on totally different diets… Toby eats science diet k/d (renal failure) Charlie eats Blue Buffalo (sweet potato/fish) and Grady is on Royal Canin Vegetarian diet. All are VERY good eaters, not a picky one in the bunch! We use dried apricots for our “pill pockets”... we cut them in half and they open up to hide the pill. Of course, I believe the boyz would take a pill w/o hiding it!

Good luck w/Miss Sol… she rules!

Karen B


And by the way, Solsey, there is nothing wrong with holding out for what you truly love!  Time is too short to settle for anything less!



I know what you are going through with solsy I don’t have a problem with my five pugs they devour everything but one of my boxers is so fussy he only eats his food for a couple weeks then gets bored and wont eat he has been like that since he was a puppy and he is almost six pills are a total nightmare trying to get him to take them even his heartworm pill I wish you a lot of luck with solsy there has to be something out there for her



And I thought my guys were stubborn! There was a while I was buying 2 different kinds of cat food because one was super picky and now they are both eating cheap stuff since the picky one was starving herself and they were both underweight. Friggin kids.. i mean animals lol.

Gus and Indy love almost everything except for lettuce and Indy doesn’t like dried cranberries which we gave her for her uti. smile

Good luck, have you tried marshmellows? the mini ones?



oh my what a little diva… “Her Pickyness”
too cute… love ya Miss Sol!!  xoxox

Toni Bracken


All my pugs eat the natural balance food rolls, like Ann’s pugs.  Except for my old one, she is very very picky also.  We had to put her on babyfood, yogurt and cottage cheese for awhile and just now getting her back on canned food.  What a chore!!!! Likes one one day, but not the next.  She takes 6 pills twice a day, in creme cheese!!!  Has for a year now.  As long as she doesn’t feel the pill as she will spit the whole creme cheese ball out!!!  She was a rescue and very old and her teeth are rotten, and I mean rotten.  So canned food is her only option. She still gets yogurt every day, as that is her favorite food in the world.  Good luck with Sol.



Sweet Miss Sol really is a diva.  Greenies Pill Pockets for canine (beef or chicken) always do the trick for my 3.  I have had less success with feline chicken and salmon for my kitties.  Before pill pockets came along I was usually successful with the cottage cheese or yogurt.

I don’t envy you one bit Corrine, what with the eye med schedule for Luna and now Picky Sol with her meds.



I love Greenies Pill Pockets.  The ingredients aren’t the best, but they smell horrendous (a plus for picky dogs) and get the job done.

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Thank goodness only Lucy is difficult to pill, Pen will eat anything that’s stuck in a little piece of string cheese. I crush Lucy’s pills with the back of a spoon and mix them with a little canned pumpkin. No problem! Sol eats like my husband-nothing healthy!



You might also try cut up hot dogs. That usually works like a charm.



Oh Sol, you are the quite the lady! Funny, how she can use her sniffer to figure out any tricks that might be in the works.

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