Owned by Pugs

Monday, July 21, 2008


Henry, Luna & Benjamin

This weekend was HOT!  As soon as we would walk outside I would break a sweat and the pugs would start to pant.  We swam in the pool a bit on Sunday, but going in and out of the pool wasn’t even enough to keep the pugs cool.  So, the pugs happily spent most of their weekend indoors lounging about and chewing on some bones.  It was most definitely a lazy summer weekend.

How about you?  How was your weekend?

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Your photos always have such nice depth to them! They always make me want to hug your pugs.
It was just about too hot to move in Jacksonville this weekend as well.
The most exciting thing that happened was that OPRA is coming to Jacksonville on the third Sunday of the month now and I met with them to see if I could help out. Dennis and Daisy from their website were there and were sooo beautiful and sweet!
I’m so pleased for the opportunity due to the lack of a dedicated Pug Rescue in North Florida.



It was hot here, too, but I wouldn’t trade my hot for your hot Kim and OBP.  Too much humidity.  It’s days like this that really make me miss my central air.  We spent most of the weekend hold up in one room with the pugs and the ‘puters, cause we only cool the room we are in mostly and sweat it out in the other rooms when we HAVE to go out for something.  But the guys kept wanting to leave the cool room to follow daddy. lol Silly pugs grin



I was so not awake when I responded earlier-in the off chance that anyone from Jacksonville reads my reply above I need to clarify that OPRA is in Jacksonville the third SATURDAY of the month - not the third Sunday -how embarrasing(blush)! They’ll be there again on August 16th.



The Kansas City area was very hot as well.  Romeo and my other 4 legged babies spent only as much time outside as it took to do their business.  Otherwise it was hang out with mom inside, with a minimum amount of movement.



It was a bit humid here, and we stayed indoors.  We do not have heat like you do, but it makes Mr. Skittles pant just the same!!



The spoiled so. cal pugs got to lay out in the yard with the sun and a cool breeze all weekend…I really hope I come back one day as a pug! LOL!
The pugs look so sweet!
Hey Mom: We are so sad and so bored and can’t go out and play would you go fetch us something to chew on? thanks.



Summary of the weekend in North Texas:

Karen B


Central California:  Hot, hot, hot!  At my house the mercury said 103 although the local news didn’t agree.  They said 99.  Guess it depends where it’s measured!  Anyway, C.J. and Toeby stayed indoors most of the time except for their exciting trip to the groomers on Saturday.  C.J. had such a hard time cooling down, his Daddy got an ice pack from the freezer and wrapped it in a towel and laid it on C.J.‘s back.  He was in HEAVEN!

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