Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



Since we are in the thick of summer here in FL the pugs' walks have been short, sweet and to the point. This means they have not been getting nearly enough exercise. So, this weekend, I started something that I have been meaning to do with the pugs since June - swim time.

Sure, Henry goes swimming all the time, but I have been meaning to start having a bit more structured swim time with the pugs. Afterall, Henry & Sol could really benefit from the low impact exercise and a little extra activity sure isn't going to hurt Benjamin & Luna.

Swimming is a good exercise for Henry because of his hip dysplasia and Sol has pretty bad arthritis in her hips and front shoulder so the lower the impact the better for her. Sol also has almost no muscle mass on her body. Luna came to us this way as well, and after a few months of a quality diet and regular exercise her muscles developer rather quickly. The vet advised us that reversing Sol's muscle atrophy would be nearly impossible at her age (I didn't really like that answer). While we are not trying to build muscle, a little excercise with her goes a long way and it may also help her keep what little muscle she has left.

So here is how swim camp went down on Sunday. Once we got all the pugs suited up in their life jackets we were ready to begin. We took the pugs in the pool, one at a time, and each pug swam one lap - from one end of the pool to the other (lucky for them our pool isn't that long). After their lap, they hopped out of the pool and got a chance to rest while the other pugs swam their laps. The swim order was Henry, Luna, Benjamin & Sol. So after Henry finished his first lap, he got to rest while Luna, Benjamin & Sol swam their laps. I bet this was the first time the pugs wished they had more siblings.

When the pugs swam their lap one of us swam with them and I was quite impressed with how well each of the pugs did. There was no monkey business, no running around like wild pugs, just good quality time in the pool.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna each did 5 laps and Sol did an impressive 3 1/2 laps. In Sol's defense, though, she may have swam more. After her first lap, Sol decided that she wanted to swim the perimeter of the pool. So instead of going up and back, she swam right along the edge of the pool. It made her happy so we complied.

The one thing we did notice with Sol was that she did not kick her rear, left leg. This is most likely because of the arthritis in her joints. So I think she did pretty good considering she was only using 3 legs.

I thought having swim camp twice a week would be a good routine for the pugs, but considering they have been conked out on the couch for the past two days, I am thinking that once a week is plenty for them. The good news is that the two pugs that can benefit the most from swimming, Henry & Sol, really seem to enjoy it. Benjamin & Luna could live without getting wet, but I was very impressed with how well they did with their one-on-one time in the pool.

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Love it!  Tell the pugs I’m impressed by the number of laps.



That is awesome! Oh to have a pool that my pugs could swim in!
Sofie would love it.. Bentley, not so much, but he would warm to it.
You are such a good pug mommy.



That is so awesome…envious pug momma over here!!!

sue s


Here’s SOl the “Bathing Beauty” approaching the pool! Sol is definitely a 10!And Mom was able to get the moment on film with the clicky thing to share with all of us,too!



This is an awesome post.  I would have liked to see some in the water pictures—maybe tomorrow? 
Anyway, I am happy that the OBP Swim Team did such a great job!



Great picture and a great idea!



I love this story.  Awesome pug parents making hydotherapy time for four awesome pugs.  Is there more to come?

Karen B


What a great idea!  I get C.J. and Toeby in the pool to cool them down but they get a panicked look on their faces when I try to get them to actually swim so we just go very short distances.  They both immediately head to the side of the pool and try to claw their way up the sides to get out.  I guess I just need to work with them more to overcome their fear?



I, too, wish I had a pool.  I would benefit and so woudl Mr. Skittles.
Tell them keep up the good work!!



I love the way you love your pugs!  Swim camp is a wonderful idea!

And a note to any readers who live in the Dallas area.  I just read about an indoor and air conditioned dog park that’s recently opened here.  I’d like to check it out some day, although it’s kind of far from where I live to use it often.



We want video…we want video…

Sorry Corrine, you have demanding fans!!!



What a great idea!  Makes me sort of sad we are taking down our pool!

Corrine - OBP


You guys are too funny.  When I was writing this, I thought to myself that one picture was not going to be enough.

I didn’t have the camera out this time because I was making sure the puggies all had perfect form during their laps grin

Next swim camp, I will be sure to take more pics and I’ll see if I can’t get some underwater video too.



Corrine, all in favor of more pics and underwater video.  Can’t get enough of those darlings.



Doing Now - was Benny casing under the fridge to retrieve that lonely Cherrio? I can just picture him.



I love this post!  Of course, the picture of Miss Sol is wonderful too.  Water exercises are so good for the puggies (us too).  I so wish I had a pool, we would have swim camp too smile

I agree with everybody else…video would be fantastic!



Good for the puggies, and a big HOORAY for Sol - Atta girl!

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