Owned by Pugs

Monday, August 13, 2012

I Can Hold It


The FL afternoon thunderstorms did not have very good timing last week. They were in full swing just as I got home from work. Which is also when the pugs go out to potty. Needless to say, when I got home, I had 3 pugs that were pretty sure they could hold it.

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mary castagnoli


I’ve tried convincing Bella that piddling in the rain can be a very soothing experience - certainly beter than holding and worrying just when they rain will stop!  She was also stone-walling me when it came to going out to potty during our days of high-90’s.

Optimum potty-weather wishes for everyone this week!



I can’t believe I’m admitting this but I have actually held an umbrella over Bella so she can pee in the rain. *sigh* I’m not sure how this happened. smile 

It is actually about 60 degrees this morn in Omaha. We are loving it!!!!!

Have a great Monday ya’ll! Pug Hugs from Bella & me!



out of my six pugs only Toby my black one will venture in the rain the rest take one look out the door then head back in the house



Maybe they think that once they get started peeing, it will last just as long as the rain and they aren’t willing to chance it.

Gina, I CAN believe it.



This is too funny as my pugs are like that they hate rain when it rains they just look at the door then look up at me,it’s just funny.



Gina…..And I thought I was the Pug-nutty one because I bought a big beach umbrella for the Pugs. It has one of those screw anchor things to put in the ground and when it rains I put the umbrella up for the Pugs.



It must be a core belief of all pugs that they must not go out in the rain.  Bennie will never go out willingly.

And I am in the pug-under-the-umbrella group.  Here’s what I wish I had.  An umbrella with the handle coming up out of the middle, instead of down.  Then I could hold it over him easier.

mary castagnoli


I have also tried keeping Bella covered with the umbrella - but she always has to do so much twirling in circles - with her circumferences going from large to small - that it’s hard to keep her “covered”.  She sometimes will respond favorably if I hold up a towel and remind her that we will towel dry as soon as we get back in the house.  I mean, I ALWAYS dry her off - but the reminder seems to get her a little more amped to get out there and “potty for the Gipper”!!

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Thank goodness Pen doesn’t mind a little rain when he has to go, because Lucy is more trouble than she’s worth! Not only do we have to hold an umbrella over her )a challenge in itself because of all of the circling and mind changing in the search for the perfect spot) we also have to carry her to one of the pinestraw beds because Heaven forbid her paws get wet in the grass!!!

Mary M.


You are all making me laugh with your ‘potty in the rain’ stories!!  I love pugs, but unfortunately don’t have any.  I’m often glad that my kitties don’t have to go outside to ‘do their business’!



I just found your blog from pinterest, love it, I presently have 4 pugs, 2 parents and 2 of their children. 

Mine are Pickle and Petunia, Bamm Bamm and Sister Mary Rose, we lost our dear Pebbles in May to encephlitus, we are waiting to hear back from University of GA to see if it was the dreaded PDE, as that kind is heriditary and her little brother and sister are still young enough to be diagnosed.  Pebbles had turned 3 in Dec and was diagnosed in Feb, we lost her in May after a horrible massive seizure. 

My guys run for the door after greeting me when I get home luckily I work close enough I am usually home by 5 and they can run out before the storm starts, sometimes we have to resort to potty pads on the covered patio.  They refuse to go out in the rain except for Bamm Bamm he loves the water, he loves to go swimming, I have to keep the pool blocked off or he will jump in.

sue states


Solsie is not a big fan of rain-however, when she was a baby puggie we lived at 8000ft in the mountains-so she potty trained in the snow-when the spring thaw came and the grass re-appeared, she was a bit confused what to do-no white stuff to potty on was a bit unusual. Thankfully she caught on fast. Pug hugs to all from Pastor Sue & the Colorado 2



My two do not want to even go out at night or early morning if the grass is dewy!Forget it when it rains, I have to carry them out to the middle of the yard and put them down before they try to sneak back in the house.



Nanette, welcome.  My favorite cousin was named Nanette, a name you don’t often see.  You are going to enjoy OBP because we all admit to craziness when it comes to our pugs, help one another with a problem or advice about them and just generally understand, as only pug owners can, our commonality.  And, of goodie, four more pugs to add to our numbers.  It’s hard to have just one.  I’m sorry you lost Pebbles.  That is so hard.  I also didn’t realize a pug could be older than a puppy to get it.  We learn new things all the time.

Guess I’m going to have to invest in an umbrella, that solution never hit me, but you guys are too funny with the mental pictures of “singing in the rain”.



I must have a very, very special pug.  I know, we all say that…but…Sleighbelle has never minded going outside in the rain.  When she had her hearing, and she’d hear the thunder, man, she wanted out there to tell that noise and rain to get out of her territory!  As a matter of fact, sometimes I have a hard time getting her to come in.  She just walks around, smiffing like there is nothing unusual happening!  She’d walk right into the sprinklers too.

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