Owned by Pugs

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Luna, Henry, Benjamin

Warmest Christmas wishes from Benjamin, Henry & Luna.

Also, OBP Reader Martha, worked very closely with Benjamin, Henry & Luna and put together this Christmas dance for everyone. I hope you enjoy.

On a side note, things are going to be crazy busy here in the OBP house for a bit, so I am going to take a few blogging days off. I will return on Thursday, December 30th and will let you know if Santa brought anything for the pugs and also let you know what New Year Resolutions Benjamin, Henry & Luna have come up with for 2011.

Have a safe and merry holiday!

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Merry Christmas beautiful pugs.  Corrine, thanks for giving us a wonderful gift all year long-sharing your pugs with us.



The gang looks great in each Christmas setting you put them in!!! Your tree is huge and looks wonderful!! OMG the Christmas dance with the pugs is great…thanks Martha!!!! Merry Christmas everyone out there and Happy New Year too. Roberta, Coco, Beau and Lu



Corrine I am with Sleighbelle thank you so much for the wonderful gift of sharing the adventures of your pugs with us I look foward every day to this blog I feel like we are one big happy family I hope everyone has a wonderful christmas and santa brings you lots of goodies



Have a very Merry Christmas Corrine.  You have given us gifts year around sharing thoe adorable pugs and I want to thank you so very much for that.

Martha you did a fantastic job and gave me a good laugh this morning.  Thank you.

Corrine, hope you can enjoy your crazy busy days off from the blog.  We will miss you, and look forward to December 30.

Wishing the best Christmas for all OBPlanders.  I will miss seeing your comments too. 

Pug hugs and kisses. Sue VDB



Merry Christmas everyone, from North East NC pugs Pepper and Annie

sue s


Corrine, Thank you so much for sharing with us all the joys and heartaches,too, throughout the year. Hope you have a great down time with the puggies and can hardly wait to hear how their Christmas was-bet it will be special! As a pastor, I wish you all Happy and Blessed Holy-days! Pug hugs from the Colorado 5



I hope that everyone in OBP Land has a very Merry Christmas!

Sleighbelle started the comments out right, and I agree!  Reading about your pugs, Corrine, is a year-round gift!  It always makes me happy to share in the lives of Henry, Benjamin and Luna!

I’ll “see” all of you again on the 30th!



Dear Connie you will never understand how this very old, stuck in the house Grannie enjoys youru beautiful pugs and thier lifes!! Thank you so very much. Enjoy your time off…I will be going through the whole year of OBP because I saved them all!

Blessed Christmas to all and a very happy New Year!

Grannie Pug

Patty B.


Happy Holidays everyone from Patty, Rocky, Adrian and Gulliver in “Rainy” Southern California.



I was wrong before…this is the BEST Christmas picture, EVER! smile

Martha, the Christmas dance is wonderful and so cute!

Corrine, me too…thank you for sharing OBP with us.  I know I will always have a bright spot during the day.  Enjoy your “time off”.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.  Lots of hugs and kisses to the puggies and other fur babies.



Merry christmas, OBP family and cyberfamily. May all your wishes for christmas come true.

Wish our dogs were that well behaved…



I want to also thank you for bringing us your blog everyday. I am a faithful reader but don’t comment too often. I do hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Year’s. Much love and lots of pug kisses from your friends in Texas. I will be waiting to hear how yall’s Christmas was. I am sure never a dull moment like around my house. And I have 5 grandsons under the age of 3 that add to the excitement. Brenda, Mollie, Genevieve and Sir Luke

MrHarry pug uk


Thankyou for making me smile, you lucky pugs!



Your blog is a gift for me all year. This wonderful group supported me through cancer & the loss of my heart pug Lola. Your kind, loving comments meant the world to me. I will always remember the generosity of spirit from this big hearted pug lovin bunch.
Kelly, Gracie & Edward



Kelly, how are you, Gracie and Edward doing?  I hope you had a very good Christmas.



oh how sweet they are hope you enjoy your holiday.



The gang looks festive and ready for Santy Paws!  I’m sure their stockings were overflowing!

As the others have said…thank you Corrine for your daily gift of Henry, Benjamin, Luna, and our precious Sol.  You make every day that much more bearable.

To everyone in the extended OBP family, thank you all for your kindness, thoughtfulness, and support throughout the year.  It means more than words can say…

Blizzard conditions here…Baxter and Cole would like to know where the heck they’re supposed to potty with all this white garbage!  Stay safe and warm all and Corrine, enjoy your time off with lots of puggie cuddles!!!



Merry Christmas everyone! I will also say thank you to Corrine for this blog and to everyone else for their wonderful stories.

I hope everyone has a safe New Year. If you are out celebrating, stay safe. I will be tucked into bed and snoring when the ball drops in NY! smile

I’m going to try and post a picture of Pip. His halloween costume failed to post but maybe this one won’t. He is in his new bed he got from Santa and he looks like he is ‘special’. I don’t know why he looks the way he does in this pic. It gave me a good laugh.

Pug Hugs to all!!!!



Merry Christmas to All!!  I am just getting back to work after a few days off.  How I have missed you all sooo much!!  I hope everyone had enjoyable and safe holidays!
Love the christmas card Martha.. good job and very entertaining !  Love our trio!!
Hard to believe that we are in the final days of 2010..
The year has certainly flown by, and with it, the ups and downs of this wonderful pug family. Thank you to all for sharing.. your pugs, your family and your lives with us. At times it was difficult, and I have shed many a tear whether it be in laughter or sorrow.
Corrine, this is an awesome blog.  Thank you for your insight to get this going. It means a great deal to us addicted to OBP!!
Looking forward to another 365 days of OBP!
Best wishes for 2011..
Pug hugs and snorts..
Mr. Skittles and Pat



Having OBP withdrawal here!!  So nice to hear from all of you while Corrine is taking a well deserved break!  I miss you all and the antics of the gang…Can’t wait to hear what they’ve decided their resolutions are going to be!!!  Pug hugs to all!



Just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone I am so glad everyone has kept the blog going I look foward every mourning hearing from OBP family and all can’t wait till tomorrow to hear how Henry Benny and Lunas christmas went hope everyone has a great day lots of pug hugs Sue and the gang



It is obvious we all are going through OBP withdrawal, and it certainly is nice to hear from other OBP landers to keep us going until Corrine’s return. 

Romeo received an edible Christmas card, but really didn’t know what to do with it.  He picked it up, gave it a half dozen licks, dropped it, walked away several times UNTIL Minnie picked it up and started chewing.  THEN he wanted it back, but still couldn’t handle it.  I picked it up, cut it in half and rounded off the corners.  They were both happy.  Missy didn’t care to get involved at all, but she only has 3 front teeth left and unless it is soft she is not interested.



I agree, so nice to “talk” with other OBPers while Corrine is getting extra cuddle time!

Sue VDB, what an adorable gift.  Don’t you just love when they don’t care two hoots about something UNTIL their brother or sister wants it…lol, silly fur babies, just like humans!

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