Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Quiet 4th


We had a very nice, but low key Fourth of July weekend. Benny is still on the mend and we spent a lot of time with the pugs just relaxing around the house.

Benjamin had some expected inflammation from his surgery. He sounded like a very congested pug. As the weekend went on, the inflammation went down, which meant Benny's mood and energy level went up. And even though he was feeling a bit better he really wasn't well enough to do anything. He picked himself out a bone that we had to take away because bones don't fall under the soft food category. He scratched on the door to go outside, but was disappointed when we didn't take him for much of a walk. By Monday night Benny was fed up with us following doctor's orders and he was a cranky mess, pacing around the house, desperately trying to find something to do. So we pulled out one of our Solsey tricks and took the pugs for a car ride. This was exciting to Benny, but did not get him bouncing off the walls so it worked well.

We are still supposed to keep Benny quiet for the next few days, but at this point Benny is as well rested as a pug can get. His batteries are fully charged. Depending on how he does today, I may try and take him on a short walk to the corner and back to see how he does. I think that would perk Benny up a bit. I don't think he can handle being cooped up on the house much longer. After all, he has grass to smell and trees to mark.

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Oh Baby Benny, Cole shared in your angst sweet boy…But soon you both will be breathing so sweetly that all adventures will be for the takin’!  Rest up handsome…lots of love to you!



Glad to hear that Benny is on the mend.  But sorry to hear that he’s been a cranky boy.  Nothin’ worse than a cranky pug on a hot day!  Sending lots of love his way.



I’m so glad Baby Benny is doing well - God bless him!  I agree with Paula - nothing worse than a cranky pug on a hot day!  grin



hey, what’s gonna happen if I fall behind on my grass smellin’ and my tree markin’?  Who’s gonna pick up the slack?  No one, that’s who!  I am the only one that can do it like a pro.  I’m ready mom, let’s get back to normal!!!



I feel for poor Baby Benny and also for you.  It can’t be fun when you want to bounce off the walls and then not allowed to and all the work to keep him from doing so. That only means, though, that he is feeling good.



Poor Benny:(

I guess the real question is how will you treat him to something once he gets better!!!!  I much like yourself hate to see my babies unhappy so I am sure it will be good:D



Glad to hear Benny is on the mend I agree no fun having a cranky pug on a hot day but soon he will be back to smelling the grass and leaving his mark



So good to read that Baby Benny is ready to go when it comes to smelling the grass and leaving his mark.
No more cranky puggie… hang in there Baby!

Karen B


So glad to hear that Benny is rarin’ to go!  That’s always a good sign.  Our babes usually recover a lot sooner than we do, particularly in the pocketbook area!



Benny’s feeling cabin fever, eh?  You probably want to spoil him to death just because he’s Benny and he is still somewhat sick.  Be careful you don’t create a monster as could happen easily smile  I would, and then I’d have to deal with the consequences and carting him around on a pillow would get to be old.

Smooooooooooooooch on Benny’s wrinkly head.

Pug Hugs,
Huckle The Black Swamp3

pug mama


Bored baby Benny, we’re thinking of you and sending you healing thoughts!!!  I totally understand that you can’t keep a good pug down, can’t wait to see you back in full action sweet ‘ol boy:-)

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