Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rainy Days


We have had a lot of rainy days lately. To me, the rain is a welcome relief. But to Benjamin and Luna who hate to get their feet wet, the rain is the worst thing possible. And for Henry, the rain seems to slow things down in the potty department. The harder it is raining, the longer he will take to go potty. It is almost like he enjoys being out in the rain. So, needless to say, taking Henry out to go potty when it is raining is no fun. An umbrella is a necessity, even if it is just sprinkling.

So the theme of this week has been wet paws and cranky pugs. While the pugs hate the rain, the garden and lawn sure are liking it.

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Silly Henry, you don’t look too happy to be soaked, so that means you need to tinkle faster, not slower!  You are so adorable all rained on and pouty though…Big kiss to you Hank (and your soggy bro and sis too!)!



Lately Mr. Skittles has been walking along under low growing bushes/shrubs…when he gets back to the house he is very wet from the dew soaked bushes..  I guess he doesn’t mind being wet!
Henry, I agree wtih Heather..gotta do you business quicker!!
Hugs n kisses to you, Benny & Luna!!

mary castagnoli


Henry, you DO seem to trot to the beat of a different drummer.  I can’t even get Bella out the door when it’s raining.  Thunder & Lightening??  She’s oblivious.  Just don’t let those drops of water fall.  She’ll navigate carefully atop the landscape stones to avoid getting her toes wet in the dewy grass.  But I’m in agreement - it’s been many years gone by since I’ve enjoyed walking in the rain.



Mary, my Cole is like your Bella.  God Forbid, his Precious Paws get wet!!  He won’t even go on grass that has morning dew on it!!!  I think I need to get him some boots!  LOL LOL

Love all the quirks of all our different puggers!



Henry, you do have a grumpy expression on your face.  You really need to learn to run out quickly, potty quickly, and run back in quickly.  But at your age I am sure you are set in your ways. 

Romeo and my other two furbabies, Minnie and Missy, put on the brakes when I open up the door and it is raining.  Sometimes I have to force them out on the deck.  My deck is L shaped, and there is an overhang there and depending which direction the rain is falling, they can go out there.  Decks are easy to clean to I say better there than in the house.  If it’s not raining hard Romeo and Minnie will eventually go out, but not Missy.

pug mama, hope your baby Abby had a peaceful night.



Henry…I love the ‘wet’ look. And you do have a pout on your face don’t you?! Silly boy.

Has anyone here seen the movie True Lies with “Ah-nold” S. and Jamie Lee Curtis? If you have, remember that part where Arnold’s character is riding a horse and he wants the horse to jump off the roof of a building into a swimming pool? And the horse plants his rear and skids to the edge and stops and refuses to jump….thats Pip when we open the back door and it’s raining. We have to literally push him out the door. Silly pugs!!!!

Pug Mama ~ Thinking of you. Hope you and Abby slept well.

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



I thought it was just my gang who hated rain and getting there feet wet but after reading all the comments I see most puggers hate to get there feet wet Cuddles and Zeke are pretty good they will go out do there thing then run back in the other four I have to push them out the door and instead of doing there thing they stand thee looking at me like I am terrible for making them get wet
Pug mama hope you and Abby had a restful night how is she doing sending good thoughts



OH NO Pugmama, I just went back and read what happened to Abby.  :-(  Poor lil’ gal must be feeling awful.  My stomach hurts every time I read the words from you and Sue VDB about “not ready to say goodbye”.  My Baxter is 12.5 and I honestly can’t live without him.  It’s so hard to NOT think about the inevitable (I don’t even like typing all this out, makes me ill) at their older ages, but Lord knows I am trying not to think about that and to instead believe and know that he will be with me for a long, long time to come.

Lots of love to Abby and please, please keep us posted on her day!  Keeping all the Seniors (and youngin’s and all in between, of course) in my daily thoughts and prayers!



Sure wish we were getting some of that rain… we are severely parched with big cracks in the ground. My pugs seem not to mind the rain so much, but they don’t like getting dried off. That’s a whole nother story.

pug mama


Henry, you look none too happy about the rain situation down there, guess that means more inside time to watch the darn trial on TV, eh? 

Abby is hanging in there, she had a quieter night as far as coughing and the heaving breathing goes, but her problem with loose stools is getting much worse, to the point that I can’t even collect anything of substance to bring into the vet for a check of it.  Cuz they don’t think it could be her antibiotic causing it this quick (she’s only had 2 doses so far) so now they are wondering more about a systemic virus or bacterial illness that is affecting her poops as well as lungs.  Poor baby!!!  She is sooooooo miserable.  But still eating like a champ, so that I am grateful for!  I will continue to let you all know how she does, but I fear that this is going to be slow goings since she is sick all over, and not showing much improvement yet.  Keep that St. Francis and the prayers close <3 <3 <3

mary castagnoli


Pug Mama:  Abby will be in my heart and in my prayers for sure. Such a scary time for you all.  Hopefully, you are able to get whatever is ailing her pinned down and knocked out very soon.



Pug Mama, praying and thinking of you and Abby most definitely!  Poor sweetheart…but I am happy to hear she is still got her appetite, smart cookie!  *giggle*  Feed the cold Abby!  Please give her a kiss from me and keep us posted.  I know we are all scared and anxious right along with you.  Hugs and pug snorts!



pug mama, glad to hear that Abby rested somewhat better last night, but I bet you didn’t.  Pray the antibiotics stsrt doing their thing to make her feel better.  The fact Abby still has a good appetite is a positive sign, so hold onto that.  We know you are doing everything you can to comfort and take care of your precious girl.  Prayers will continue for Abby and for you.  <3<3<3



Pug Mama. sending up some prayers for Abbey..hate to hear about any fellow puggers not well!!
Tomorrow July 1 is Canada Day, here in Canada..national holiday, I have the day offf, thus a long weekend!!  When I return to work on Monday, I know some of you will be celebrating July 4!!  So, Happy Independance Day, American friends!!  Have a wonderful long weekend!!



Pat, Happy Canada Day. I’m not looking forward to the July 4th fireworks.  Kansas City, Kansas is the only surround city that allows fireworks and all the other cities come here.  Too noisy and too many terrified babies running away and getting lost.



Oh Sue VDB that isn’t good!!  I know dogs that are terrified of fireworks too!  We don’t celebrate with fireworks…My neighborhood is rural, lots of trees, not good to set fieworks off in!!  We usually get together with family & friends for BBQ and outdoor games, then camp fire in back yard ..quiet, dogs come over too!!

pug mama



Oh, what is the matter with poor Puggy-wug
Pet him and kiss him and give him a hug.
Run and fetch him a suitable drug,
Wrap him up tenderly all in a rug,
That is the way to cure Puggy-wug.

Mary M.


LOL pug mama, I see your sense of humor is still intact - that’s a good thing!  Still praying for you and baby Abby



Corrine, wet paws and cranky pugs - I love it and so ‘right on’.  Henry has quite a scowl to put it mildly.  Plus, he’s blaming it all on you!

Sue VDB echoed my thinking, too.

Eating is always a good sign and vets seem to ask this question right away.  Prayers and positives to you and Abby. We are right there for you. Did you make up that poem?  Very cute.

Gina, that was sooooooooo funny and I’m still laughing at the word picture you made.Most of us can identify I’ll wager.

pug mama


Huckle, oh no, I am no where near that creative, that poem was written by Winston Churchill for his daughter who had a pug grin  Bad me for not crediting him.

Gwen Woiken


Lilo is the exact opposite.  She hates all inclement weather. She will hold it as long as she can.  During a very cold snap she once held it and would not go outside for 72hrs. She takes herself off of water and everything. Stubborn little pug.

Gwen Woiken


Omg, i just got onto here for the first time today, i kept clicking on the wrong link and getting nowhere.
pug mama, so sorry to here your dear friend is so sick. Lilo and I will send some loving healing puggy prayers your way too.  Happy long weekend to everyone, those down in the great USA as well as everyone up here in god’s country, or is that dog’s country? i always get that one mixed up!



Gwen, LOL.  I have a Canadian friend who will tell you it’s both, except for now in Ontario.  The weather absolutely refuses to warm up.



Gwen, another LOL.  What do you think, Pat?



To our Canadian friends - Happy Canada Day!!! and to all my friends in the USA - Happy 4th July!! My granddaughter trned 1 today so have had a gurgley conversation with her on the phone to the UK.
Pug Mama - try and give Abbie some half cooked rice, that should dry up her stools, still a great believer in massive doses of Vit B [Heptonic] - as soon as any of the ‘Lonehill 6’ act odd, 5cc of Heptonic, works like a drream and they love it along with peanut butter.
We will all light candles for Abbie and say ‘pug prayers’
Keep stong!!
My 6 hate winter, the frost on the lawn is too much to cope with, so Mom does the ‘pooper scooper’ every morning - little buggers!!
Pug hugs to all
Grannygoogs and the ‘Lonehill 6’

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