Owned by Pugs

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rental Cars

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

The pugs have an odd fascination with rental cars.  I’m not really sure how all this came about, as it’s not like we have a rental very often, but for some odd reason, the pugs insist on going for a ride in any rental that we have.  Now that I think about it, the pugs insist on going for a ride in any car that is at our house.  When my parents came to visit they insisted on going for a ride in my Dad’s big truck.  It is Henry that always leads the charge, but Luna and Benjamin would never miss a trip.

Don’t worry we didn’t let him ride in the back.  But while in the driveway he loved to sit back there.  He thought he was King.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

So yesterday, when the rental car returned to our driveway after what the pugs thought was a miraculous 4 day disappearance that left just one human to pet them, the pugs expected to go for a car ride.  Apparently, we weren’t going fast enough because the next thing I know Henry jumps into the trunk.  I would not have expected anything like that from Henry, he isn’t a jumper at all.  As soon as Benjamin sees Henry in the trunk, he hops right in and sits on the suitcase because he knows he has a present in there (A new knucklebone in this case.  G-Ma has taught him his friend the suitcase always comes back to the house with a treat in it.)  With the boys in the trunk, all happy with themselves, Luna wants in too.  So we help Luna get into the trunk and the three of them are like pigs in mud.

Benjamin, Henry & Luna

So we unpack the suitcases and pugs from the trunk and then we go on the obligatory different car at my house ride on which we let the pugs ride in the backseat and from Henry’s point of view all is then right with the world.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Oh my goodness that is just too funny…LOVE those pics!  Happy pug weekend to all!



I love it!  My grandpug loves riding in the car too.  I drive a suburban and she jumps in, waits for me to put the pillow on the console between the two front seats, climbs up and sits like the queen she is. 

I can’t wait to open my pug picture of the day, it starts my day off right and I can’t wait to read what these three are up to on a daily basis.



Good Grief! This has to be one of my all-time favorite pug stories!  Sleighbelle loves to go for car rides too…and it does not matter whose car it is or where the car is going, just be sure she’s in there and she’s a happy camper!



They look like they’re ready for an adventure!



How very funny that is.  Henry looks like he is on top of the world in the truck.  Your “like pigs in mud” is right on.  What an adorable sight.

Karen B


As soon as I opened this, I was laughing out loud, here in my office, all by myself, and I’m just sure anyone walking by outside thought I was a maniac!!  Your pug adventures are the very best and I couldn’t have found a more uplifting pug blog if I’d searched seven ways from Sunday!  As always, thanks for sharing your babes with us and have a great weekend all!



That is so funny.. it is amazing what goes through their minds! smile
Can I ask what that orange and black thing is? A ball?



These “babies” that we all have, fill our hearts and homes with so much fun… I cannot imagine being with out them.  The daily fun of Benny, Henry & Luna brings me such joy, you will never know, but reading everyone else’s comments, we all have similar sentiments of the joy we get from reading about them.
Definately true… cannot start my day without reading about “our” three fav pugs!
Happy weekend, pugs & all!



Gosh! They are so completely adorable. I love their personalities.
Henry, Benny and Luna, you are celebrities. I’ll miss you three over the weekend.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.



The look on Henry’s face is priceless.  I know he is thinking, “Please, please, let me go for a ride…in the trunk or on the seat, on the roof or the hood.”  Hey, that sounds like the beginnings of a Dr. Seuss book…



Pugs in the hood! (I stole that saying from the pug photo shot book by Jim Dratfield!)
Too cute!
Have a great weekend all!




I was wondering the same thing, I’m glad you asked first grin
Luna seems to like it also.

I love the first photo, you can barely see Luna in the back and Henry looks like he saw a ghost cuuttte



Ruby often amuses visitors by jumping into their car as they try to leave.  Especially my brother’s truck.  It has a nice bench seat so she can stand in the middle with her paws on the dashboard and see out all the way around her LOL.

Corrine - OBP


Too funny.  The orange and black looking ball is actually a vase.  It isn’t too terribly breakable obviously as the pugs are climbing around it.  It is made of a more woodlike material.  It will be going in the living room once this whole new entertainment center thing is finished.



How cute! Pugs just gotta have their way don’t they. Your 3 are just SO adorable.



The picture of Henry in the back of the truck is adorable!!!

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