Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 2, 2014

Rough Weekend

Poor Benjamin and Luna had a very rough weekend. Both of them have collapsed tracheas so there is generally a chorus of coughing and goose honks echoing throughout the house. However, this weekend was extremely bad.

Benny got so bad on Sunday, that we sent a video to our vet to get his opinion on Benny's condition. (Our vet totally rocks! He was crazy enough to give us his cell phone number and we text him or send pictures and videos to him from time to time to answer some of the many questions we have while caring for a group of senior pugs). After viewing the video, our vet suggested that we give Benny a shot we have on reserve for Benjamin in case he gets too worked up. We had the shot on hand for quite some time now and unfortunately on Sunday, we needed to use it.

Benny took the shot like a champ. I think it was harder on us than it was on him. We tested our strategy (how we would hold him, etc) for administering the shot on Henry since he was nice and calm at the time. Henry was a good sport, but he did look at us a bit like we had lost our mind. If he could talk, I'm sure he would be saying, "You have the wrong pug!"

While were aren't 100% sure what caused Benjamin and Luna to have such a hard time this weekend, we are pretty sure the weather was the culprit. It was disgustingly humid this weekend. With summer looming, I'm hoping this weekend is not a preview of what's to come.

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Minnie, Mack and Mario


Hope the shot helped Benny!  Please keep us posted.

Melissa & Bosco


AAAW Benny my buddy…I hope you are feeling better.
We live in West Palm Beach and feel the same way!!  This weekend was brutal!!  And summer isn’t officially here!!  UUGHH!

Beth Lauters


Hope Benny and Luna are doing better today. We had a humid day here in Wisconsin yesterday as well. But temps were only in the 60’s for us. Not quite Florida weather. Take care.



I hope Benny is feeling better. Humidity is horrible. It’s been so hot and humid here in Omaha too that I won’t go outside. smile I’m sure it’s nothing like Florida but still miserable. Hope the puggers are doing better.

brenda in texas


It was hot and humid here yesterday, too. Sure hope Benny and Luna feel better soon, I know that is scary when it happens.

Sue States


Hope the shot worked on Benny I love the non-humid air of Colorado-maybe Benny can move here since we can’t send the air there. Feel better-Pug hugs from pastor sue & the Colorado 2

sue wooding


I hope Benny and Luna are doing better today



Hope Benny and Luna are doing better!!  We’re in Fort Lauderdale and it looks like a humid week ahead——take care!!!

Sue VDB and Annnie Fannie


Poor Benny and Luna.  Do you have a dehumidifier?  Senior pugs are beautiful beings, but problems with them can cause so much concern and stress when they exhibit health problems.

Hugs to the pugs,
Sue and Annie Fannie



Oh dear, I hate hearing they had a hard time.  Boo for humidity! 

Your vet does rock, Corrine!  And sending the video was a brilliant move on your part.



Oh my, not a pleasant weekend indeed!  Hope all is well now!  xo

Julie L.


i love how your “medical assistant” is in the background of this photo.

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