Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Showing Respect At City Center


City Center is Henry's every morning go-to spot. It has always been a popular pug spot with us. There is a lot for dogs to see and sniff there. There are also various sporting activities that happen there. There are also various monuments and markers of past people of importance. City Center is a circle with various "arms" that branch out and each arm has something community relevant. Off one branch there is an amphitheater and community building, the next arm offers the baseball and soccer fields. This is followed by the indoor community sports complex (basketball,etc) and they have little skateboard park attached there, too. Next is the local YMCA followed by our neighborhood library. Then the circle is complete when you get back to the amphitheater. Those branches create the outer circle. But the inner circle is where we tend to have the bulk of our walks and see the mini memorials along the way.

One morning, as Henry approached one of the larger memorials, Henry paused. Whether this was due to tiredness, stubbornness or if he was just catching a smell, it seemed so intentional and thoughtful. But since we are always giving Henry the benefit of the doubt, we will chalk it up to his big heart and being respectful to those who the world has lost.

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Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


Henry does indeed appear to have a moment of respect.  This is such a sweet picture.



Ever respectful and being reflective.  Henry, you da man!

sue wooding


it looks to me like Henry is showing respect cute picture

Joyce Joy


I will give Henry the benefit of the doubt too.  It is because of his big heart.  This is a beautiful picture.  Thank you.



Henry is a good pug and has always seemed so thoughtful.

Christie Sachde


Perhaps on previous trips he has sensed the feelings of the folks around the memorials…so, he may well know…



Hank-a-doodle, always the respectful fellow! You are a precious sole sweet boy, smooches to you!

Sandra B.


Henry is a sensitive guy under his camo harness.

That is one of the many things everyone loves about him.



As smart and as sensitive as Henry is, I am certain he stopped out of respect.  He is the wonder-dog!

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