Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Suicide Drive

(* Read Warning below)

We took a trip to the dog park this weekend. Since the weather was very cool (perfect pug weather) we decided to venture out to somewhere where we do not go that often. We had a nice time (and that will be a follow up post) but the drive on the way to there was a hot mess.

The dogs barked the whole way there! Whenever they get like that in the car it is extremely hard for me to retain my focus on the true mission of driving. My ears were bleeding from the decibel level and my blood pressure must have been through the roof because there was a point where I could have pulled a Thelma & Louise if I lived near a cliff! It was really unbearable.

I can understand when they get excited and they feel the need to let out a gleeful yip here and there but just incessant barking the whole ride there? Really? This time it was like the boys were just arguing between themselves in the back seat. It's like Henry told Ben that they were going to the dog park and Ben said it wasn't true that they were going on an errand instead. So they just bickered about who was right. It was the dog rendition of Grumpy Old Men. (Ok, so I guess it is time that I see a current movie, huh?)

* Anyway, when you watch this video short, if you dare, be sure that you are prepared for at least one of the following to happen:

  • Your boss will supply you with a written counseling since you are not completing your work (and are disrupting your co-workers)
  • Your own dogs will bark relentlessly
  • You will lose you hearing
  • You will go insane
    • OBP cannot take responsibility for any of this, as you were sufficiently warned.wink

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pug mama


And poor little Luna in between them both, she’s like “OH Puhleeze Shut the heck up brothers, you’re hurting my princess ears!!!!”

This video got Lily’s attention, she hasn’t paid much attention to the TV or videos on the laptop so far, but hearing pugs in distress sure got her worried-LOL!!!!



oh wow okay then they had alot to say lol,they had to vent to.



When I played this, both of my pugs started barking too!



Wow, the “daily bark” was in full force!
Now Boys.. you know you shouldn’t distract Momma while she is driving!!
too cute!!



Insane?  Been there.

Hearing loss?  Huh?

Pugs, and Cooper are still barking.

Boss?  That’s me, but it doesn’t seem to matter.  Bark on…

Amy *Mushu's mom*


It’s too cute when it’s someone else. wink



this is so funny when I played it all six of mine startedbarking Abby still is poor Luna in the middle
my Abby is like that in the car except she howls the whole time I have even tried turning up the radio but that didn’t help just more noise
Huckle I have a question for you about Georgie do you know what brings on his coughing Cuddles was doing real good but finished his meds then monday started to cough really bad so called the vet she put him back on the prednisone for 7 days and it has done wonders he only coughs when he goes out doors



Welcome to my world.  There are periods of time in my home when this occurs…on a daily basis.  I truly know the feeling. 

Oh, and my kids totally ignored this video.  I guess they figured this was not worth the effort at this time.



Oh do I ever feel your pain with this.  Not only do Hooie and Tina try to jump in the front seat and often knock my car out of gear while doing so, they also barf, grunt, yowl, scream, and play fight in the back seat the ENTIRE time they are in the car. 

I get they are excited but seriously Piggy’s?  I love how Luna is the quiet one and has to get in the middle of the 2 boys and into the camera’s view.



This is how it is nearly every time I take the girls out.  They only time they don’t bark is if they are sitting on your lap.

Lucy and Pen's Mommy


Huckle-hilarious, I’m still laughing!
Funny how the boys keep egging each other on until Luna puts herself in between them!



So, when I played it, Bugsy, who was under a blanket in my lap, jumped up, nose to the ceiling and started howling!! LOL Then, Gracie, the sheltie/corgi, got to howling too!!
This happens to us when our daughter’s 8 year old, Zorro, comes over. I get the feeling Bugs is saying “This is my house, old man!” and Zorro is saying “I was here first, little boy!” It’s too funny and actually is one of my ringtones!!  It’s funny to watch people in public when that ringtone happens!!



sue, you know I don’t know.  I have tried to go back in my head for that very reason.  The next time he starts in I’m going to make note of it.  I wish there was something that starts him up just so I can eliminate that something. I tried right away with the last time to make note.  It just seems it happens.

Poor little Cuddles.  It’s so hard to be a pug.

sue, I’m wondering how long he can be on prednisone?  It seems to work wonders for him.  The minute I give Georgie a broncodilator (I can’s spell that obviously), he stops too.  He was good for a month then started ‘honking’ again.  This seems to be a lifelong pattern in his case.  I asked the vet about effects of long-term medication and he said it was no problem with this.  Georgie doesn’t mind the extra braunschweiger he gets his pill in (peanut butter isn’t what he wants)either.

I know how hard this is for you, and for Cuddles and you’re also hypervigilant waiting for the next round of goose honking so even his good days are marred.

Marynell, you have an evil twin.  That is so funny and so easy to picture.  LOL



Oh, Hellen, any Dakota stories?  How have you two been adjusting to each other?  I’m sure she was worth the wait.



I found this video and all the comments extremely helpful in understanding Bennie.  When we take him in the truck, he makes this odd, loud whining that we call caterwalling.  The - Whole - Time!!  Every dog I’ve ever had in my life before loved going out for a ride and would sit down and look out the window until they got tired and curled up for a nap. 

My previous theory about Bennie was that somehow he was traumatized when his breeder took him in the car for the first time.  Now I believe that what happened is: Bennie is a pug.



Watching that scene caused a re-inactment right here! Except switch Luna the pug for Skywalker the cat.



Ever try watching the Westminster Dog Show with two pugs who bark and freak out whenever a four-legged animal appears on the screen?  I don’t recommend it!



Thanks Huckle for answering my question my vet said Cuddles will have this for the rest of his life I really dont want hime on prednisone but it is helping him my vet told me many things can cause a flare up dry air cold air over excited so many reasons both times he has had a bad episode I try to think what caused them and still havent figured it out

Lilo N' me (aka Gwen)


Sue, i believe you and Huckle have it right. Cold air, dry air, low humidity, excitedness, and i think even allergies.  Lilo does that darn reverse sneezing, and all of these things are triggers for that.  I’ve changed her food to grain free, and that seems to have helped with her eye goopers, and her itchiness, but she’s still scratching a bit and her ears are red so i guess i’ll have to use some of the topical oil they gave me and slip her some benadryl. 

I’m so thankful for Lilo not contracting any doggy flu this winter, (touch wood), as last winter I couldn’t even take her out the door in the cold air and she would start right up, and i would carry her home and get out of my boots and coat, all the while she’s still reverse sneezing, and go into the bathroom with her and crank the shower up. That and running a warm steam humidifier and of course her antibiotics finally cleared her up.

I can’t even imagine what you and Huckle go through with your furbabies.

On a lighter note, it appears Tux may be finally learning.  He’s still not going to go outside. (poor little hairless black pugs lol). He is going on his puppy pads so we are very pleased with that, and his attacks on Lilo are slowing down, but he’s still a puppy after all.  Tried the walking thing on one of our nice above freezing days again, and he flattened out on the ground like the spider after Garfield slams it with a newspaper.  Then he was shivering like mad so i put him back in his nice warm house.  Oh well, hopefully we will be having spring like temperatures soon where all these little babies will get used to the outside thing.

Pug hugs and prayers to all in need. Love to all from Lilo N me, n Tux

Lilo N' me (aka Gwen)


whoops, i forgot to mention, this video, woke the Diva out of a deep sleep, but i think she’ll be ok lol.  my brother came upstairs to see what all the barking she was doing was all about. lol

pug mama


Oh Huckle and sue, I hear your love and concern for your dear pups with their coughing and such.  That is what my Abby girl had and for the last 5 years of her life she was on steroids more times than I can count (as well as “as needed” cough pills and sedatives, and then the occasional antibiotic thrown in.)  All you can do is love ‘em and be very in tune to how they are doing and get them to the vet at the first sign of a flare.  Despite all the meds for the last 5 yrs with Abby, I can confidently say that her quality of life did not suffer, and in fact may have improved in her eyes cuz it meant she got her yummy braunschweiger to disguise all those pills smile

Gwen, I feel your puppy pain with puppy’s not liking cold weather.  Lily is being a little stinker, she will go outside for me, and piddle some, but I think she gets too cold to finish the job which means she comes right back inside and finishes on my carpet.  I tried newspapers and puppy pads, and she just thought they were fun new playtoys.  A note about walking on a leash, have you tried getting a bite of a nummy treat to entice Tux into walking, and when he walks on the leash, then he gets rewarded with the treat?  Lily is doing great walking on a leash and she is only 11 wks now.  I take my girl in tomorrow to the vet to get weighed, and have a few shots, so I am really anxious to see how much she has gained.  She seems twice as big as when I got her-LOL!

Jennifer Moulton (Used to be Davis)


This made me sad for Luna!

Lilo N' me (aka Gwen)


No i haven’t tried the treat thing yet Pug Mama.  That may be the only way. Lol and now he’s having a fight with my baseboard in the hallway where the built in vac plug is…....... it’s neverending..



Gwen, a fight with the baseboard?  That is a hilarious picture in my mind.

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


Sue, it’s a laugh a minute around here. I’m pretty sure this little pup is tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee, Abbott & Costello, and the three stooges all rolled into one. I’ll have to put a recent pic up. Right now a little concerned with these patches of hair he’s losing that are getting bigger.  But he has no clue anything could be wrong.  Taking him in Wednesday. Noticed a couple of weeks back small little bare patches, I thought they were defense wounds from tussling with Lilo, but he’s been in a shirt or sweater almost this whole past week + and the patches are bigger. No raw areas. Just pale white skin.  There are so many different causes for hair loss. I didn’t know there was puppy alopecia. While I’m sure that a hairless pug would still be a lot cuter than those hairless cats, I really don’t want to see it!!!

Gosh I love this group. I’ll keep you all posted. I’ll post some pics on my fb page of Tux from last night.



Gwen, just saw Tux on fb.  He is a cutie.  Looks like he could have demodex mange, but it could be something else.  Minnie, who was my sister’s dog before she died, had demodex mange just after she was adopted as a puppy. She had no itches, or symptoms other than the patchy hair loss.

Please keep us posted.

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


Thanx Sue. One of the ladies from All Things Pugtastic also thought it could be mange as her little guy Kaos when they got him had a severe case of it. But hard tell. These were surprise puppies and the girl who has the parents and one of the brothers was a little upset when that was brought up, more I think due to lack of knowledge, that even though all the other 5 pups are fine one could still have it. My understanding is all the pups may have the mites, but if they have a lower immune system they can develop into the mange.

He has had a little bit of itching but nothing drastic. I’m worried now about taking both dogs in bc Lilo has been scratching a little more lately again and her ears were red inside obviously from that, but I gave her the Benadryl and put the burrow solution in her ears and she seems to be better. 

I really need to find me a nice, decent looking, single veterinarian to date!! 
For sure will let you all know how things go.



This is going to sound funny, but we have taken to watching this (and “Pug Talk”) in the mornings as a way to wake up. It makes us laugh so much!

Pug mama-Jen C


Oh, music to my ears, thank you for popping this back into my memory, Chuckie.

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