Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Swim Camp 2010 - Benjamin


Despite being a land lover, Benjamin is a very good swimmer. Rather than swimming laps, Benjamin prefers to swim circles. This completely makes sense for him because when he gets excited on dry ground he runs circles around everything. The coffee table, the bench in the yard, the sofa. Since circles come naturally to him we don't insist that he swim a more traditional lap.

Benjamin starts standing on the first step. And then he jumps. Yes, he jumps just like Henry. It took him a while to work up to it, but now he just leaps into the water. Watching him jump in makes me one proud momma.



Once he pops back up after his dive, he starts his circle. He swims one big circle and then heads back to the step. Once on the step he promptly jumps out of the pool and then runs a circle around the table on the lanai. I guess you could say that he prefers cross training. Perhaps, we could teach him how to ride a bike and then he could be a triathlete?


After a little rest, it is back to the step and then Benjamin begins his circle routine again.

Here is video of Benjamin in action.

Benjamin Swimming - Swim Camp 2010 from obp on Vimeo.

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I love that all his wrinkles get even more wrinkly when he is swimming in his life vest.  SERIOUSLY cute wrinkles!




Hellen Norton


Ben you are one heck of a swimmer!!! A cool dip is a must for puggies in hot weather!! We do not have a pool but do have a garden bath tub. GiGi loves a cool dip and en falls asleep.
Grannie PG



Benjamin, you’re diving!??!?!  WOW, good work handsome…guess Henry gave you a good pep talk.  Cross training…a bicycle…hahahahaha, Corrine you are great!  Loved seeing you cruise Benny!  That pool water looks sooooo inviting!  You’re up next Henry…can’t wait!

Mr. Cole is, most likely, in surgery as I type.  The boys and I had an early start (4:30 AM….Yaaaawn) and Cole was dropped off with a smothering of kisses.  Bax is now snoozing next to momma at work.  I didn’t want to take Cole and leave Bax alone given what happened the last time his brother left without warning…so in order to not cause undue stress, we all made the trip together and Bax is by my side.  Here’s to Cole breathing easier soon!



Benjamin you are seriously cute and funny at the same time.  You beat to a different drum, but oh my, how sweet it is.



YAY! I am loving these stories! This one cracks me up because I know so many dogs, mostly pugs and yorkies, that do the ritualistic circling. It’s hilarious and adorable.



Oh My gosh!!  Too cute.  Benny Benny, he’s the man…
who can swim like Benny can!
What an awesome swimmer he is… and he’s a landlover!



love the way the little legs go so fast looks like Benny is having a blast and staying cool go Benny

Heather will be thinking good thoughts for cole now he will be able to breath better I am glad you took bax to work with you and I am sure he is happy to to get to spend the day with momma please let us know how cole is stay cool everyone



Cole is out of surgery and “alert and watching the world go by”...They said it is already obvious that his breathing is much improved!!  YAY for my boy!!  So, he’s on IV fluids and in critical care to be monitored for a bit.  Doc is calling me later this afternoon for another update.  He has to stay overnight :-(, but all just for his safety so they can keep him on fluids.  In the morning, they will offer him food and then I’ll get the update as to when I can (race as fast as possible) go pick him up!

Baxter and I just had a noontime stroll where he was sitting by the fountain for a bit and watching the people eat yummy things…he was also photographed by a woman who “has a pug back home” - ahhh, the puparazzi…tough to please all the fans!

Thank you for all the thoughts, prayers, and good wishes!  Cole sends you a big, easy breathy kiss!



Benny, I love how you dive now smile  Great job and great video!  I love watching their little legs paddle.

Heather, we’re sending positive thoughts and prayers for Mr. Cole smile



heather… pug hugs & kisses for Cole.  Glad to hear he is doing great from his surgery.

Pupazzi!!  they are everywhere!!  One of my co-workers says that about Pugs…. they are everywhere!!



Heather glad to hear Cole is out of surgery and doing good will keep thinking good thoughts I bet Bax is really enjoying his stroll with mommy



Heather, thank you for the great update on your Cole, and yay he is already breathing better.  I know you can’t wait to bring him home, and of course Romeo and I wish him a speedy recovery.  Thank you St. Francis. Again, a big thank you to your savior.

I think it is fantastic you are able to take your puggeers to work with you, and I’m sure Baxter is happy to be with you and not home alone.



You all just warm my heart.  I truly love all of the “OBP Family” and am so grateful Corrine opened up her life with Henry, Ben, Luna, and Sol for us and that we’ve stuck around together for so long…It’s just a wonderful ‘nook’ of people who ‘get’ the love we have for our puggas!

Thank you for all the nice thoughts.  I am SO excited to hear the new and improved Cole!  The last couple of days were pretty tough and I can’t decide if it’s coincidence or divine intervention that his increased difficulties coincided with My Savior offering the help that got Cole exactly what he needed just in time.  We are truly blessed.

Baxter has been sleeping soundly in the (freezing!) cool AC (there is no happy medium at work as momma is in a sweater!) since our lunchtime jaunt.  All that PR (Pug Relations, of course) takes a lot out of a pug!

Thanks again for all of your support.  It really means the world…



Heather - I couldn’t be more pleased if it was Abby who had the procedure.  Here’s to continued improvement for Cole.  What a relief to have Cole out of surgery and awake.  Hold on, one more day and he’ll be back with Baxter and you and insisting on special treatment.

Benny, Benny, Benny, look at you go.  How fun to be able to take the under water videos.  Your wrinkles may slow down your swimmers gait, and don’t feel bad with Luna’s showing off.

Tell Luna I wasn’t ignoring her on the blog, but after I typed in my comment, I see is isn’t there.  You are terrific Luna.

Pug Hugs,
Abby and Huckle
and Gracie and Georgie



Yeah for Benjamin!  He’s doing such a great job!  And since my husband is a triathlete, I’ve seen a lot of them, and would absolutely love cheering for Baby Benny.
If he doesn’t care for the bike portion, maybe he could join up with some dogs who do, and do a relay event!



Huckle, how are things going with Gracie and Georgie?  With your signature, sounds like maybe everything is working out.  Hugs and kisses to the puggers and to Cooper too.

sue s


You Go Benny Boy!! These have been just great to see! Heather so glad Cole is improving and doing so well! I am in the midst of packing to move to Walden where I have been assigned to a church. Our God created all creatures and our sweet pets are a gift given to us to show us unconditional love. Perhaps people should take notes and learn how to do this for each other. I love the sharing and caring in our OBP Family! The world would be a better place, perhaps, if we were more pug-like! Pug-hugs to all-the Colorado 3



Sue VDB - Thanks for asking about our newbies.  She is an instigator, something like a two year old and he is very laid back and looks at you with complete love.  Abby’s not thrilled but this afternoon as Georgie was asleep in my lap, Abby had to state her authority and joined him.  She even went to sleep with her head on his rump! but that’s a teaser, to us both because her usual interaction with either is “go home”.

I took Georgie to the vet this aft.  He won’t hop up on things, sits with his back leg out to the side and has trouble getting up.  He has arthritis (at 4 years old?) which may account for it or some neurological underlying cause (including PDE).  But, he is the sweetest thing.

Sorry so long but I wanted to give some background.  Cooper is back from his third chemo and then we wait.  Every time time I think his behavior signals the end, he bounces back.  We may get several more months if lucky.

Pug Hugs,
Abby, Huckle, Georgie and Gracie (the Black Swamp Three - our area was known as The Great Black Swamp)



Huckle, thanks for the update on the puggers.  Pictures soon?  Give them and Cooper a big pug hug.



Sue VDB - everyone is properly hugged!  Thank you.

Pug Hug
The Black Swamp 3
& Huckle



Some of these comments people are saying here on this issue really seem to make me look at this in a whole new way. I do enjoy the responses though.

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