Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Dremel


I don't know how your pugs do with toenail clipping, but nail clipping around here is an absolute disaster. The pugs have to be bribed and even then they are still a wiggly, uncooperative mess. And the worst part is their toenails grow so fast!

So, we decided to buy a Dremel made for pets. For the boys, the Dremel has worked wonders! I can't remember the last time Benjamin's toenails were as short as they are now. And we are hoping that his quicks will recede over time so we can get his nails even shorter.

Luna, on the other hand, has different thoughts about the Dremel. She has taken to hiding whenever we break out the Dremel. So, it looks like Luna is sticking to the nail clippers.

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aw luna you are just too sweet i’ll protect you babe.

Minnie and Mack


We don’t blame her for hiding!

Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack



Romeo hated his nails clipped, and thus they were longer than I would have liked.  If I took him to the vet, it took 2, sometimes 3 people to accomplish the nail trimming.  One day I was strapped for time so I took him to the groomer I use for Missy…voila he was as cooperative as could be…easy peasy.  From then on he went there for his nail trim.

Little Luna, that noise evidently scares you.  You look so pathetic in this picture.

mary castagnoli


Bella is black - her toenails are black and they grow with an instant curve towards her foot pads so they are under constant surveillance for trimming needs.  I, too, bought a “Peticure” - the HD model; and at first, I thought I had found salvation - but my docile little girl has decided she’s just not into mani/pedi’s.  I takes 2 of us at the vets to get the job done and I come out of the room looking and feeling like I’ve been competing in a steer-wrestling competition!  I may check into an off-site (non-vet) groomer and see if she’s more cooperative there.  So - LUNA - we totally relate.
I just got a finger brush and some canine toothpaste for B.  I may wait until the weekend to try that out.  This pug just ain’t much for being messed with!



Poor Luna!  Got to love her hiding under the little table; so cute!  My pug, CoCo used to despise her nail trims just with the clipper but one day she decided it isn’t so bad and now just hops in my lap and lets me do them.  Of course, getting a treat afterwards helps!



What is it about pugs and their nails?  Sleighbelle is the same way.  But I have found one way to accomplish the dreaded nail trim…while she is asleep!!!  She is such a sound sleeper, that I can trim her nails and she sleeps through it.  And, contrary to pugs everywhere, getting a nail trim does not kill the pug!  If your pug is a really sound sleeper, I recommend this method!!

mary castagnoli


SLEIGHBELLE:  OH!  Would that I Could (do Bella’s nails while she slept) - but she’s very sensitive to anyone messing with her paws.  In fact - the vet has done her nails, on one occasion, after sedating her (as in:  putting her out with anesthesia like for surgery).  Even though he says he has to do this for some of his bigger dogs - I just wasn’t comfortable with it.  I might lower the emotional stress for both Bella and her pedicurists - but I just don’t like anesthesia being used - except for surgeries.
In addition to being black - her nails are much denser than other pugs I’ve seen - kind of like bear claws.  If I had a treadmill at home, I’d probably try covering it with sandpaper and having her walk on that a few times a week - would be beneficial for her chubby waistline as well!  This is definitely my biggest dilemma as a pug-parent!



My gang wont let me do there nails but they are great with my groomer and she does such a good job its funny the five fawn ones nails grow so fast but Toby my black pug his nails don’t grow he has never had to have his nails cut weird



It sounds like everybody is talking about MY pug. The nail trim is like a screaming torture. So the vet does it. And I don’t even know how, but out he comes with the nails nice and short. I laughed out loud after reading about “Bella” (above) and her groomers looking like steer wrestling champions after a nail trim. Are you SURE you’re not talking about MY pug?



Luna picked a good spot hiding under the gift table!
I bought the Dremel 2 speed and it works wonders on Ruby Claire’s little nails. I use it on her nails once a week; it’s quiet and does not vibrate so she tolerates it.
Her Lab sister, however, runs for cover under the bed.



Awwww, Luna it’s not so bad!  I walk Hooie and Tina so much that they don’t need nail clippings but Tina had a similar reaction at the site of both the dremel and clippers in the past.  Hooie is indifferent and let’s me do whatever I want to him.



This is so funny to me that almost every pug reacts to toenail clipping like they’re being tortured.  And nobody screams like a pug getting their nails clipped.

The best clipping Bennie ever got was when he had to have a growth removed from his eyelid.  The vet cleaned his teeth and clipped his nails while Bennie was asleep.

Sleighbelle has the very best approach!  Wish it would work for me, but I think the next best solution would be to put Bennie on Mary’s sandpaper treadmill!  I just love that idea!

Hellen Norton


GiGi was not concerned when we had to cut her nails.
BUT DAKATO is a different experience all around! The only one brave enough to try is daughter Karen who has a really different nail cutter. One of us hold Dakato wrapped in a blanket with just her nose sticking out and she does not even know something is going on!

Is anyone else having a hard time going from the site with all pugs on it, Cannot get to OBP Page with the three beauties that we all love. When I enter the page with all our pugs on it the whole area closes down and I have to open the e-mail again and go to the home page!



Lisa, we are lucky in the same way with the walking.  Something about the areas (concrete sidewalks, asphalt roads, etc.) really keen them nice and rounded grin  The only problem I have is their dew claws, since they don’t come in contact with the road, etc. 

Kathleen, Was that two-speed Dremel the 4.8v cordless?  If so, I’d like to trade with you:  mine vibrates (not alot) and is noisy.  Rascal is always the one to get upside with noisy appliances (i.e. vacuum, shake blender, blow drier and even the Dremel.  So far, he has gotten used to the blender, doesn’t even notice it.  But that’s all.  I use the Dremel for my own nails, particularly my toenails.  He hears the noice and barks like crazy. lol

We are actually managing to teach the “old dogs” new tricks.  Actually, they are only 5 yr, but we didn’t stick to the training when they were puppies.  One step at a time.  Biscuit is letting me wipe out around his eyes with a tissue, and then run the tissue through his wrinkles.  Oh, and before the wrinkles, we got them to sit still (mostly) to have their ears cleaned.  Tooth brushing is next. lol

Amy *Mushu's mom*


I hate nail trims!!  Mushu is such a baby. There is one tech at the vet’s office that refuses to do him. Just because she had to change her clothes. He got so worked up he expressed anal fluid all over her.
The last time I was at Petsmart I flew into the room demanding they get another person to hold him. The girl didn’t have a clue and he nearly got off the table in the noose.
I have found that he is usually good the first time or two at a place. So I have taken to finding a new groomer every so often.
Ugh pugs and their feet!

sue states


Well glad my gang isn’t the only :nail Clipping Get your hands off my paws! Type. I opt for the vet-We tried trimming Solsies nails(and Daisey, Beauty & Proto) but Solsie squirmed like her tail was on fire-off to the vet-can you say LOVE at first sight? Calm, prissy and oh so sweet Solsie had no problem with the Vet!!!!! Oh well, it got done and we all survived. Pug hugs from the Colorado 4



Ruby makes noises like a rabid monkey and freaks out if you try to clip her nails.  We have been asked not to return to more than one groomer because of her antics over the nails.  I prefer they be done with a dremel because they are nice and short and smooth and don’t split.  Ruby has other ideas LOL.

And again, she will be good one, maybe two times for a new person.  Then she figures she knows them well enough to be a brat.  Max won’t let me touch his feet, but he just pulls them away and holds them back.  For strangers, he is so petrified, he doesn’t move.



Oh my, it seems an aversion to the nail trim is a puggy trait. Mine over the years have always taken several people to accomplish the dead.  Several have turned blue during the process. My daughter’s black pug even has a move named after him at the vet clinic - the Exorcist Pug - because he manages to turn around in their arms like magic!! My current pug, Bugsy, is the exception to the rule. I can cut his nails all by myself and he enjoys it!!
I love Pugs!!!

Teresa A


My oldest has one nail on each front paw that curves horribly, so she has to have a trim every 3 weeks or so. We used to try it at home but it sounded as if we were killing someone every time we brought out the clippers. When we actually touched her with them the neighbors were dialing CPS!  We started taking her to the vet and it routinely took 4 people…one to clip, 3 to hold. One day, I failed to call ahead and the vet was really busy, so they didn’t have an exam room for us. Our vet came out and took Carly in the back without me.  A few minutes later they were back and our vet was all smiles. She clipped Carly’s nails without any assistance! I’ve been banned from the room ever since and it is a one person job! It seems that all that screaming was merely an act designed to gain my sympathy and extra treats…silly pug!



I wanted to add as well…we have a cat that is wonderful for nail trims.  He snoozes and purrs while I check each toe and clip the nail.  If Ruby sees me clipping Skywalker the cat’s nails, she runs and hides LOL.  I will see her peeking from behind things, checking to see if those bad clippers have been put away.  Last week Skywalker knocked the clippers off the table, then played with them for a bit before leaving them in the middle of the floor.

When Ruby walked through that room, she would give those clippes a wiiiiiide birth and walk way around them LOLOLOL!

Lilo N me (Aka Gwen)


Lol @ Ruby and the wide berth. Lilo does the same thing with the clippers and the pedi-paws buzzed far too much for her. Luckily walking in the summer does the trick for her. It’s just in the winter with the snow that she needs them done more often. I should really take a course and learn to do it so I’m not as scared as she is. I’m sure that’s half the battle with these black babies.

Love to all from Lilo n Me n Tux

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