Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Treat Gods


Part of Henry's anxiety/dementia routine begins around 7 PM (or when the sun starts to set---depending on the time of year). Each night Henry will stand by the front door as though he needs to go potty. We will take him out and he will either do his business or decide to come right back in the house. About 10-15 minutes later, Henry again stands by the door and trained as we are, we let him out. He pees or poops or does nothing and then makes his way back to the house. When the door opens to go back in, he steps up and immediately begins looking to the "treat gods" for his payment of a small dog treat. 10-15 minutes later in the night, cue Henry to the front door. Outside, potty or no potty, front door opens, eyes to sky, treat. Rinse and repeat until 830-9 PM when finally he then is ready to be placed onto the big boy bed (the people bed) where he then will settle for a good night's sleep.

After each trip outside he looks to the sky for his treat. This routine was the pugs' bedtime routine for many, many years. They'd all go out front for a final pee pee of the night, rush to the front door, get paid in the form of a doggie cookie and then be put up on the big bed. Well, Henry starts this routine and practices it over and over and over again nightly. We know that he is not ready for bed when he begins doing this at 7:00 since we've tried to put him to bed and he will yelp for us to let him down off the bed. (We are very lucky that he does know that he's on the tall bed and does not to attempt to jump down.) And we have considered not rewarding him when he comes in if he has not gone potty, but we are worried that would make a disconnect to going outside to potty at all. It is just part of his OCD type anxiety and cognitive decline.

The funny part is the OBP parents would typically take turns letting Henry out and playing treat god. But each night Cupid will choose an OBP parent lap on which she will firmly plant herself for hours. And once Henry starts the ritual, the parent with the cat on the lap simply looks gazingly at the other as though to indicate, "hey, I can't go, I have a cat on my lap. I don't want to disturb her." While the unlucky one with no cat on lap, has to go up and down and up and down bringing an empty bladdered dog outside to do nothing but turn right back around and get a treat. At least Cupid does take turns when choosing a lap.

#CupidChoosesNoFavorites #HenryFakePottyForTreats #GoodPug

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Minnie, Mack and Mario


What great puggie parents!  We also have the cat/puggie in the lap dilemma at our house.  However, the lap is always mine much to my husbands disbelief!

sue wooding


I had to chuckle the pugs know us so well my Baxter which is a boxer has me trained I feed my pugs in there crate Baxter eats in the kitchen and he after he eats he goes and stands right near the counter where the cookie jar is as he gets one after his meal

Sue VDB and Annie Fannie


I think Henry has done a marvelous job training his parents.  He may have sundowners, but he also knows how to get those treats.

Christie Sachde


Henry’s no fool…he knows how to get the treats out of you! Our puggies are all about the treats too!



I absolutely loved reading this post!!!

Henry is brilliant!  And I’d say whoever can lure Cupid on to their lap has had a very successful evening!



how well those puggies have us trained   smile
My puggie knows that he gets his denta stick treat after breakfast/ potty time… and there is no getting away with it.



It is heartwarming to read (every day) about your highs and sometimes-lows of loving a pug. To allow Henry to live out his life in the manner in which his brain determines is the meaning of loving another living being.
Thank you for letting me peek into Henry’s life on a regular basis. It has allowed me a little extra love in my life too.

Sandra B.


Well said Elizabeth!

That is just how I feel too.


brenda cooper


We always knew Henry was smart.

Joyce Joy


I couldn’t agree more with Elizabeth’s post.

I just love reading about Henry and thru him love my little puggers that much more…I know that is hard to believe…that you could love them any more than you do!!

OBP you are a wonderful family.



Seniors rock! And I love what Elizabeth wrote!

Love you Hank!!!!!



The pets have turned the tables. They have you under their paws!



I’ll fake potty for treats too!  #HenryIsTotallyOnToSomething

Steve Lindhurst


Roger that!



Another good story.  Plus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the phrase “empty bladdered dog” before.  smile

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