Owned by Pugs

Monday, June 23, 2008

Weird Dream


This weekend was pretty uneventful.  We spent a lot of time working in the yard and the pugs joined us outside for a bit during the evenings when it wasn’t too hot for them.  Which meant I spent most of that time fussing at Benjamin not to eat the mulch.  He is constantly walking off with a piece of mulch to chew on.  It is one of those puppy habits that he never outgrew.

On Saturday night I had the craziest dream.  I still can’t really make heads or tails of it.  We were at my parents’ house in Maryland and the pugs and Cupid kept escaping out of the yard.  I was able to get them back, but there was some issue with the recycling pickup so each of the pugs had to go to school with a kid that I knew in grade school.  At the end of the day, I picked up Benjamin & Luna but Henry was missing.  Word around school was that his student just left him outside.  As I was frantically looking for him, somehow I ended up at a grocery store and as I was checking all the aisles to find Henry the store lost electricity.  Things became utterly chaotic and people were loading up their carts and leaving with everything they could grab without paying for anything.  I still hadn’t found Henry yet and the next thing I remember is sitting in my car at a toll booth waiting forever for my turn to pay the toll.  But when I got to the tollbooth, the lady wouldn’t let me through until I could tell her the names of 3 types of cheeses that I was supposed to have remembered from the grocery store.  I tried telling her that I wasn’t paying attention at the grocery store, that I was just looking for my dog.  She insisted that I must tell her the name of the cheeses and so I started rattling off every type of cheese I could think of.  I could only get two of the three cheeses on her list and so I was stuck at this toll booth forever!  That is when I started to stir and it wasn’t long until I realized that Henry was sound asleep between my legs.

This was by far the oddest dream I have ever had in my life.  Most of my dreams aren’t quite as all over the place as this one.

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OMGosh.  Now, lay down on my couch and tell me, were you a breastfed baby? lol   There must be some hidden fears there somewhere.  That is too weird. Glad it didn’t involve blood!

Hmm, I’ll bet Linda could fit that right in her Pugaimi Vice. lol



That was a busy dream for sure. I hate when I have that kind. At least when you woke up Henry was there, I know you were relieved.
It would be interesting to really know why we dream crazy things like that.



Holy Cow!  Where you smoking the mulch this weekend? (Sleighbelle will eat the mulch too, and when the yard guys are done mowing, she’ll grab a piece of the compacted clippings and eat those too-yuck)  That is a crazzzzy dream!  I’m glad to hear that Henry was right where he belonged!



BTW, COCOA mulch is toxic to dogs.  It contains the same ingredient that makes chocolate toxic to them.  If they eat enough, it can be fatal.  :-(

BTW, again, today’s pic is also adorable and not to be overlooked. grin



Your dream really went at what’s scary, didn’t it?  Losing those we love, and trying to figure out confusing parts of life.  (Who moved our cheese?) 

Nana used to say that a dream like that is better out than in.



More of a nightmare than a dream.  Poor Henry to be out there all alone would make me frantic.  Glad it was just a nightmare.  Beautiful picture of Henry, who looks so peaceful and content.



Henry is trying to telepathically tell you were he was in your dream.  “mom, over here, no, you’re getting colder, move this way.  Warmer, warmer…”



Maybe your pregnant! tongue laugh

bobbie jo


that is a really cute pic i think that it is really sweet



Wow. That was quite the dream. The 3 cheese question cracked me up.

I go through periods where I dream I’ve lost one of my pugs. Usually it’s that they got off their leash and I’m running to find them, completely frantic. It’s always nice to wake up from those dreams.



We dream about what we are most anxious about.

I have recurring dreams about not being able to get home in time for DD to return from school.  I get so upset that she will be scared and alone, waiting for me.



Mommy - you are getting very sleepy….now when you get up you will go to the grocery store and get every kind of cheese you can… imagine..that’s right..now bring all that home and give it to the pugs for safe keeping…
hehehehe…I think the pugs are brainwashing you!! LOL!
Dreaming of cheese is a good thing! It symbolizes gains and profits. Or maybe that was gains for the pugs! grin



OK, dreaming about cheese means gains and profits, so maybe it means your business, which is connected to your pugs, is going to have lots of gains and profits.  Or, maybe it means you are going to gain more pugs! lol Or, maybe the cheese refers to Cupid and therefore means you are going to gain a cat.  OR, maybe it just means you are going to keep taking pictures of all your “babies” and try to teach them to SAY “CHEESE”



Oh, wait!  I’ve got it.  It’s kinda like Christina’s idea of Henry sending you messages while he was sleeping next to you, but instead of moving, he was trying to tell you that he doesn’t get as much attention as Benny and Luna. Note:  you needed to give 3 types of cheese and you could only give 2 (Luna and Benny)  Henry was associating himself with the 3rd piece of cheese. 

But then, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and a piece of cheese is just a piece of cheese. lol

Hey, that reminds me, I bought cheese the other day to snack on, the twists of 2 types and I keep forgetting they are in the fridge.  Wait, maybe you dreamed it to tell online, to remind me that I have sticks of 2 types of cheese in the fridge to snack on.

Or…..... sorry, that’s it.  I do get carried away at times. lol



Carla, you crack me up.  Maybe you were smoking the mulch too???? Where did you and Dee find out that cheese dreams mean profit and loss?



LOL.  I got it from Dee. grin  Oh shoot, I went to get as snack for me (and the guys) and I forgot all about the cheese twist.



LOL! I LOVE this - I google a lot (oh no - don’t tell..hehehe) and looked up dream interpretation - there is a dream dictionary grin I used it the last time my pugs were sending me subliminal messages! LOL!

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