Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why We Didn’t Get a Long Haired Breed

Henry's bad haircut

Well, it has been getting warm here in sunny Florida.  And the walks with the pugs have needed to be pushed back later and later.  In our journeys, though, we met a man who was an experienced pug owner.  He suggested that we give the pugs a “summer shave” so they would be “cool” during the hot days.  We found the idea interesting.  Especially for Sol, though, since her black fur attracts heat like a moth to a flame.  Also because Sol had some rough tufts of hair that could afford to be trimmed away.

We started with Benjamin.  We gave him a little trim and all was well.  Luna, too.  While her haircut exposed much more of her scar tissue throughout her torso, her actual haircut was one to be admired.  Something got lost in the sauce when we turned to Sol, though.  Most of her haircut was ok with the exception of the area around her neck leading to her head.  We couldn’t quite figure out how to blend it together.  So, now she has an 80’s style bi-level hair-do from her ears to her neck.  The perk is that we trimmed a lot of the gray off her belly and exposed some of her tummy which really should keep her a lot cooler.  In truth, Sol does look much younger with her short sassy coiffe.

Sol's bad hair cut

Sol's haricut

The main problem came into play with Henry.  He mostly sat still but then he wanted to lay down and take potty or chewy breaks.  So, Henry’s hair-do is more like a hair-don’t.  He has patchy fur and the faint black stripe on his back is now completely invisible.  While he was a bit of a wiggle worm and not as cooperative as he usually is, we didn’t think his haircut would go quite so bad especially since the other 3 were mostly ok.  Henry doesn’t seem to mind or care.  It is dreadfully apparent, however, that none of the humans that “helped” with the hair cut attended cosmetology school or if they did they fit the perfect description of a beauty school drop out.  Fortunately, when Henry has his harness on you can barely tell the mess of his mane we made.  But when he is a nakey boy, ooh, he should be wearing a hat!  (Or in his case, a sweater.)

Henry's bad haircut

So, while pugs have always been our breed of choice, it is probably a good thing that we didn’t fall in love with a breed that needs special grooming beyond the typical combing and bathing.  Novice dog groomers we are.  I think we’ll leave well enough alone and the pugs will just have to pant it out when it gets too hot for them to handle.

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I’m sure they’ll all be a bit cooler.  I think Sol’s looks like a classic bob.  And they’re all beautiful as always.

Ivy M. Andrews


I used to groom dogs for a living and my only suggestion would be to bring the pugs into the air conditioning when it gets too hot. That’s what I do with my three pugs. Spanky the Shih Tzu goes to the groomer, but he still likes the air conditioning.



I tried this once with my Golden Retriever. He was very embarrassed - he would hang his head LOL So sad looking! For some reason his hair was never quite right after it grew back - it stayed shorter and thinner… weird.



We had a golden for 14 years…at about 8 years we started shaving him yearly. The 1st time he was so embarrassed, it was funny. But it always made him feel like a puppy!His hair always grew back very nicely. Now we have a maltese, 2 pugs, and a frenchi. The maltese goes to the groomer monthly (what a pain!) and I have seen pugs there and can’t for the life of me get the reasoning behind it. They are already short haired and very easy to give a bath.



My little Rosie has the double coat and it is just miserable for her almost year round here in South Florida. (We really only have about 15 cold days scattered over 4 months.) So we have her shaved every 3 months. And of course our other girl Roxy only has a single coat, but she doesn’t like to miss anything so we just send her for a bath. The girls think going to the groomer is like going to daycare, they love it!



LOL.  Practice makes perfect and the only way to get better is to practice.  Just think how much cooler the pugs will feel.  Benny doesn’t look bad, Sol looks great, Henry was just too wiggly and where is little Luna?  I’ve seen worse on first time “groomers”.  We love all the puggies regardless of their “dos”.



Ok OBP, put the clippers down, move away and no one else will get hurt! 

You crack me up…I think you need to take down all the mirrors and cover all the reflective surfaces in the house until their fur starts to grow back!



I used to groom my poodle/yorkie mixes myself, which would involve similarly shaving them about twice a year.  For the summer months especially, it was like removing a blanket and they loved the freedom.  Part of the reason I’m totally ga-ga over pugs is their short coats and the ease of grooming.  Bathing and occasional use of the Furminator is about it.  OBP, you’ll have to be careful with them out in the Florida sun—they could get burned!



I would like to see a pic of Sol’s shaved tummy.  She was very furry on her tummy, so I bet she does like that.



LOVE the photos!~! So adorable is Sol.



Awww, I think it was a great idea even with mistakes given you live in FL.  Now they will be nice and cool this summer!

That picture of Sol on her back is tooooooo much cute in one place!



I absolutely adore this blog. I am the proud owner of two pugs- one fawn, Otis, and one black, Brady. I didn’t think it was possible to enjoy the daily postings on this blog more, but then you got Sol and she just brings a smile to my face with every posting. I remember reading about the difficult choice regarding her surgery, and the fact that you decided it would be worth it given her zest for life and the chance to make all of her final years the best ever. Every time I see a photo of her now, I think of how much she must love being a part of your family and how apparent it is that the humans and the pugs of your household feel the same way. All of your pugs are unique and special and are a joy to watch as they experience life as a pug. Without the pug blogs I follow, I fear I’d want to get countless more! smile



Count me in as a “Sol addict.”  I loved your blog before but since Sol has joined the family, I can’t get enough!  I had my boy Charlie at the vet yesterday for his yearly checkup and I just had to tell them all about Sol and how cute she is riding in her pouch.  Funny I was never a big fan of the black pugs until Sol came on the scene.  Now I think she is the cutest pug I’ve ever seen!  But shhh!  Don’t tell my two fawns that I said that!



Oh no!! Hahaha it reminds of the time my husband asked me to give him a quick trim… needless to say he ended up shaving his head!

I have though about trimming the pugs down before but Indy isn’t very cooperative and Gus would probably just bark at the trimmer.

I like those gel cooling bandanas you can get, you soak them in cold water for ten minutes and then strap them around the pugs necks. It works wonders..



Ditto what Sydney says about this blog!  Love, love love it!  I really loved the video where you were tossing the Cheerios.  We tried it with Molly and yup, after the first couple of tries, she caught every single one!  These pugs are quick learners!  We’re still trying to teach her to shake….she’s not so quick with this one!

You guys make my day!



Loving Sol’s sassy new ‘do!

Many years ago when our youngest son was 3 my husband decided he needed a haircut. When he was done he noticed that he missed a spot so grabbed the clippers to get it…but forgot to put the attachment back on. Instant reverse mohawk! He hasn’t touched the clippers since, and I’m not gonna tell him what you did to your dogs… don’t want him getting any ideas smile



Sol’s bi-level: LOL! They’re all still as adorable as ever! Hope it helps them stay cool.



AbSOLutely hysterical.  Your blog makes my day.



Hmmmm….I’ve got a couple of Puggies that would probably LOVE a haircut! But I don’t think they’d love the sound of the clippers coming at them.
And I’m sure my dog grooming skills would match yours, if not worse!



Just looked at my email after being gone most of the day.  One of the second (OBP is always first) emails was from a dog trainer who sent “how to ‘home’groom your dog”, and I laughed and immediatley thought of you Corrine.  I should send this to you.



I didn’t read everyone else’s comments, so I don’t know if this has been said yet, but I would be a bit careful in trimming pugs.  I live in Windsor, near Detroit.  While it’s not as hot as Florida, the humid can really soar out here and we reach very high temperatures in the summer.  I consider shaving them and actually tried to book an appointment with a groomer.  They told me not to shave them because their thick coat actually helps protects their skin and body from the high heat.  I thought their fur would make them hotter, but they said it was actually the opposite.  Maybe they were wrong, but I just thought I would bring it up as something to look into.  I would hate to see any of your beautiful puggies get heat stroke.

Karen B


Shelley, thanks for the heads up on the shaving.  Will check this out before proceeding with giving CJ and Toeby a bad hair summer!




I was wondering if you could help me out. I have a year/ half old pug ” bubba”, he sheds alot and i don’t know what to do…....it hard cause i have a 1 year old little girl too, that i don’t want her getting the hair all over her…..what can i do??? also he eats his poo ...please help thanks.



Mel…give up….the pugs never stop shedding!!! Mine (2 pugs and 1 french bulldog) are mostly confined to the laundry room. Its a large room, and is only gated away from the rest of the house…so they can see us and we can see them. As for the other problem (poo) i need a camera to see which one of them does it in the middle of the night and then which one of them eats it before morning….there are traces of it but its mostly ALL gone!!! So we started crating the pug that we thought was the one and sure enough it stopped. but god only knows what goes on outside when the 3 of them are pooping in the yard. Good luck!! you can buy this stuff that they take as a pill…it makes their poop taste bad and they wont want to eat it….now does that make any sense?? go figure.



Mel, pugs are shedders.  A lot of brushing and a good diet help somewhat.  It’s just a matter of constantly cleaning up.  The only pug I have ever been owned by who didn’t shed as much was a black pug. 

As far as the poop eating, unfortunately I have a pug who does, my others didn’t.  Talk to your vet about this.  You might want to try one of the remedies for poop eating to see if it helps.



I’ve been grooming dogs for about 6 years, and i was a vet tech for 3 years before that. Do not shave your pugs, Goldens, labs, etc. Dogs that shed regularly need to do just that. Shedding out the old dead coat allows the new coat to grow in smoothely. SHAVING a dog that regularly sheds damages the coat. The dead hair gets shaved down so that it’s not heavy enough to shed out, hindering the new coat growth and causing skin irritation. . Plus the coat naturally keeps the heat off of the skin. Shaving the natural coat takes away their sunscreen and heat regulating abilities. The natural coat, when brushed regularly and kept clean, helps to keep the heat and sun off the skin and allows air flow between the hair follicles. Sometimes the cost grows back just fine, but sometimes it grows back sparse and patchy or coarse, unable to regulate the body temperature like it should.

The BEST thing you can do for your dog is have a De-shed treatment done by your groomer regularly in the hot months. Every 6 to 8 weeks, the groomer can help stimulate shed, and brush it all out. Reducing shedding in the house and helping the dog stay cool.

Trade secret:we all hate shaving pugs, Goldens, labs, beagles, huskies, shelties, Eskimos etc. We all talk about how horrible it is that you insist we shave your double coated or short haired dog. We all feel sorry for the dogs because they will be HOT and ITCHY.

Do some research before you permanently damage your dog.

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