Owned by Pugs

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spike Went Home Sunday


The weekend with Spike ended midday Sunday. It was a great visit and even though eventually Henry grew mildly more than indifferent to him, we knew ultimately it was not the right thing for either dog for us to keep Spike. We spent Sunday by again offering them a morning walk and a final test of the boys being alone. This time they both settled and while Spike was awake during our away time, he was not anxious. Henry was passed out. Spike tried various locations where he could settle himself. He used the main pug bed. (It is weird...we are sure you have noticed that we are down to a scant few beds. There are multiple reasons for this. First, Henry really only cares for the one bed. Next, too many beds make for tripping hazards for sweet blind Henry. And if he's not using them, then no reason for them to clutter his path.) Spike tired of the main pug bed then weren't we surprised to see him hop up on the sofa and commandeer the pillow pile a la Benny & Henry of old! Seriously! It is a such a huge change to be with a dog who can accomplish such feats! It has been so long since we've had jumpers, leapers, runners, hearers, seers, non-coughers and just an unbelievable presence of such good health! And Spike isn't even a puppy! He's 7. But a young 7 for sure.

I did want to share a bit more about Spike. Because while this is really more about Henry, we wanted to share info about Spike. Without discrediting any of our current or dearly departed pugs, Spike is a perfect dog for us (should Henry no longer be with us---no wishing bad on Henry, of course!). Spike is an active, well mannered, attentive, people pleasing, good natured pug. I know that is how all pugs are really. But Spike, while not terrific on leash initially, was easy to correct, happy to do the right thing and overall would be exactly the dog we would be looking for in a different place and time. He is housebroken, a chewer (but only on stuff he should chew), excitable but not overly anxious. Just HAPPY! And I think that is what he really brought most to our home was happiness. Although it was not to the one who needed it the most: Henry. He filled the hearts of the people, but not the pug. And if we are being honest, while trying to stay upbeat and positive, we have been brought down a bit here and there by Henry's sadness (and yet we hadn't even realized it until after seeing our own elation over Spike's enthusiasm). We hope Spike finds a terrific home. He totally deserves it. We certainly hope that a great family pans out. Maybe someone with an older child who will play with Spike and be rambunctious with? I am not sure where he will land but I know that he will be a bouncy bundle of joy wherever that is. If you are interested in Spike or other dogs like him, check out CFPR's website (or the pug rescue nearest you). It would be great if all pugs could have a wonderful forever home. smile And a very sincere thank you to Ann and all of the team at CFPR who make pug rescue a wonderful success. Rescue is very necessary work and we just wanted to add that we truly appreciate the experience and appreciate the hard work that goes into finding families the perfect match.

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