Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Nelson & Punky

Nelson and Punky with Nick and Carrie

Names: Nelson & Punky

Ages: ~4

Rescued From: SBACC

Shortly after returning from their honeymoon, Carrie and Nick began the search for a small dog to help make their new home complete. During their search they found Nelson and Naomi, two pugs, on the Seal Beach Animal Care Center’s (SBACC) website.

Naomi (aka Punky)

Naomi when she was first brought to SBACC

Nelson and Naomi had been through quite a bit before they were taken in by volunteers at SBACC. Both of the pugs had been found in a local shopping center and they both were infected with sarcoptic mange. While each was brought into the SBACC at separate times, volunteers quickly determined that Nelson and Naomi were from the same family and were best of friends. Naomi’s mange was considerably worse than Nelson’s and so much of her fur was missing that she was described as looking like some creature from a “Star Wars” movie.


Nelson when he was first brought to SBACC

Since sarcoptic mange is contagious to both animals and humans, the Seal Beach Animal Care Center had to take extra precautions to make sure other dogs in their care and the volunteers of the center did not also become infected. Before Nelson and Naomi could be walked, volunteers had to suit up and put on surgical booties, a surgical gown and gloves. Despite the extra care they required, Nelson and Naomi quickly won over the hearts of all the volunteers at SBACC. Since they were both infected they were able to share the same run and cuddle and comfort each other while they were recovering.

After visiting the SBACC website, Nick and Carrie arranged for an interview with Nelson. When Nick and Carrie met Nelson it was love at first site and after their interview with the handsome pug they knew they wanted to adopt him. SBACC was thrilled to have found such a loving home for Nelson, but they also wanted to adopt Nelson and Naomi together since they were so close and had come from the same home.

Nick and Carrie had seen Naomi on the website and they originally did not setup an interview with her because her condition was so bad, but after realizing that Nelson and Naomi were so close, they both agreed to interview with Naomi as well. Before they could go to see Naomi, Nick and Carrie had to suit up in surgical gowns, gloves and booties since she was still contagious. During the interview, Carrie held Naomi and Naomi rested her little head on Carrie’s shoulder and flashed her big brown eyes. Carrie’s heart melted and both Nick and Carrie knew that despite Naomi’s condition that adopting both was the right thing to do for their family.

Shortly after their interviews with Nelson and Naomi, Nick and Carrie were able to bring their two little ones to their new home despite the fact that Naomi was not completely free from the mange. To help keep the two pugs together, SBACC allowed Nick and Carrie to foster Naomi until she was given a clean bill of health. It took 4 months before all of Naomi’s mange was finally gone and during that time SBACC graciously paid for all of Naomi’s many visits to the vet. Once given the all clear, Nick and Carrie were finally able to officially adopt Naomi and after few months of much needed TLC, Nelson and Naomi began to thrive in their new home.

Punky after being adopted

With the love and care of Nick and Carrie, Punky (formerly Naomi) has made a full recovery

Nick and Carrie soon discovered that Naomi was full of energy and big dog attitude. They decided to rename her Punky, a name they felt matched her personality and her bright and shiny disposition. While in the loving couple’s care, Punky’s gorgeous coat grew back and the little pug made a full recovery.

Nelson after being adopted

Nelson, "The Lover", in his new home

Nelson also made a full recovery and was able to overcome his hand-shyness. Carrie and Nick nicknamed Nelson “The Lover” since he is such a gentle and sweet boy. Nelson is definitely an extrovert and loves being around all people, although he isn’t too fond of the neighborhood cats. But most of all, Nelson enjoys spending time with Punky. The two are joined at the hip and love to cuddle.

Nelson & Punky cuddling

Nelson and Punky cuddling together

Being just married, Carrie and Nick treat Nelson and Punky as their children. Carrie describes the pair as “spoiled rotten and loving every minute of it.” For a pug, it doesn’t get any better than that!



Congratulations to Punky and Nelson for finding such a loving forever home.  Your mummy and daddy are wonderful people and I am sure they are realising what a joy it is to have puggie children.

What a bittersweet story…  I am so glad for a happy ending…or should I say a new beginning.  Congratulations to you and Punky and Nelson for finding them a well deserved home. ;@)



I just love reading such loving stories.  I h ave 2 male pug puppies and am always amazed at how wonderful this breed is.  My your dogs bring you all the joy and happiness you deserve.



Aww! I love the name Punky, and I also love Nelson’s color! cute pugs! =) <3 (smiley face and heart!)



Nick and Carrie, huge blessings on you for your love, caring, and such generosity to take both Punky (love the name) and Nelson.  Their story is heartrending and I feel such relief for them because the love you have and give to them is heartwarming to me.  I just find it so very hard to believe how anyone could ever mistreat any animal.  It boggles my mind that this happens.  Thank goodness for you and others like you.

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