Owned by Pugs

Product Review: Zoom Groom

By OwnedByPugs.com

January 7th, 2007

Zoom Groom Product: Zoom Groom Made by: Kong
Henry's Rating: 5 paws out of 5
Benjamin's Rating: 4 paws out of 5
Buy it at H. Doodle

What is the Zoom Groom?

The Zoom Groom is a completely rubber brush with very thick, flexible bristles. The brush is used to remove excess hair, which we all know our pugs have an endless supply of, and to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy.

Benjamin & Henry’s Findings

Both, Benjamin & Henry give the Zoom Groom high marks because they have been using this product for years. Since they were pups, they have been getting regular brushings by the Zoom Groom.

Why the pugs like it

Before we found the Zoom Groom, Benjamin & Henry had the misfortune of being brushed with various other brushes similar to soft slicker brushes. While the brushes helped remove excess fur, neither Benjamin nor Henry enjoyed being brushed by them and instead they wiggled the entire time.

With the Zoom Groom, however, the boys love it. Whenever, I get out the Zoom Groom, the boys excitedly run to the yard. Henry will sit, lie down, roll over and put himself in any position as long as he gets brushed with the Zoom Groom. Benjamin, who barely tolerated any other brush, actually enjoys the Zoom Groom.

Why the owners like it

The biggest reason I am such a fan of the Zoom Groom is because Benjamin & Henry like it. Before brushing them was a chore and it was something that none of us enjoyed. Now, however, it is actually fun because the boys get excited to be brushed.

Another reason, I am sold on the Zoom Groom is because it works! Here you can see the results of brushing Benjamin and Henry for about 10 minutes.
The fur flying

I also like to use the Zoom Groom to help clean up the boys after a long day at play. When we come home from the dog park or the beach, the boys are usually a dirty, sandy mess. Before I let the boys in the house, I brush them with the Zoom Groom and the fur flies and so does the dirt and the sand. It is a great way to help keep them clean in between baths.

The Zoom Groom is also durable and easy to clean. We have had our Zoom Groom for almost four years now and it is holding up great. The fur is easy to get out of the bristles and if the brush gets dirty you can simple rinse it in water since it is rubber.

If you are a pug owner, I’m sure you have been hit by the cold, hard reality that pugs shed! The Zoom Groom certainly won’t eliminate shedding, but it definitely will help you remove excess fur from your pug and if used on a regular basis will help reduce the amount of fur you find around the house.