Owned by Pugs

Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Little Bit of Hope


First let me say how very grateful I am for all your support and well wishes. It really means a lot to me and helps me remain positive and keep on keepin' on during the difficult times.

I had a very nice conversation with Sol's specialist at AVS. The results of Sol's cytology and culture came back and showed no signs of cancer/tumor or infection. Meaning the excess mucus is a result of inflammation. Inflammation that can most likely be managed through the right combination of medicine. That was a huge relief! It was actually the first time we got good news from a test like that.

The specialist did caution me that it may take a bit before we discover the perfect combination of medicines and dosages that work best for Sol, but I assured her I was up for the challenge. We have lots of experience in figuring out the perfect treatment with Luna and her eye drops. (More on Luna's eyes is coming soon. She went for a checkup yesterday).

We also talked for a bit about Sol's quality of life and really what we could expect in the future. She explained that as long as Sol is not coughing non stop like before, the cough sounds a lot worse than it really is for Sol. Constant, prolonged coughing obviously takes it toll on her, but a little spell here and there is not terribly uncomfortable for her. Which is good because the cough sounds horrible.

The main warning signs that things are taking a turn for the worse are fainting and bluish coloring of her mucus membranes (tongue, gums, etc). This to me is the scary part. I can't even imagine what I would do if Sol fainted. Fainting and the blue coloring are signs that she is not getting enough oxygen and the airways are completely closing. And then the specialist casually tells me that Sol did better than they expected coming out of her anthseia from her scope because most dogs with a collapse like hers have quite a bit of bluish coloring when they come out of sedation, but she had none. That little tidbit of information simultaneously made me feel better and worse at the same time.

I specifically asked her about life expectancy because at this point I want to sorta have an idea. I have been living the last two weeks as if it is day to day and that is really taking a toll. The specialist confidently said that with the right combination of medicine Sol has a good 6 months to a year. Obviously this is not a guarantee nor is it a cap, but it is a guide. And frankly, even though it isn't a long time, it was longer than I had thought.

So, the main things we will need to be on the lookout for is an increase in the coughing, fainting and bluish coloring. The fainting and bluish coloring scares me. I hope we never get to that point, but I guess it is good to know what to expect.

So for now, I'm going to try not to think about fainting and I am going to focus on what is important. Things like car rides, walks in the pouch and spaghetti.

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I’m glad that with the right meds it can be managed as i hope sol will have a good quality of life as she is such a special girl we will keep positive thoughts for all of you.We all love you here sol and we will be here,enjoy your rides and that pugkin bread.



The last sentence you wrote is proof positive that Sol is absolutely in the best place possible.  Focus on the important things for Sol.  Making certain whatever she has left is the best it can be for her!  You guys are amazing in your love and your dedication to your pugs (and cat)...It is good news from the doctor, better than I had expected…you must be relieved albiet still concerned…hugs to our pugs, much love from DE where it is snowing today…I know you don’t miss that!  We love you guys!



We love you and Sol and your puggy family!  Seems like everyone else’s comments this week have got it covered…but you are in our hearts.  Sol is an old girl, and a love!  In spite of her health probs and her unknown past, I daresay this is her best year ever.  She’s brought a lot to your family (beyond medical bills!), as your blog shows…and you’ve been so wonderful to her!



And you’ll have all of us here, in pug blog-land, sending our prayers and well wishes, no matter what happens or when.  I’ve been holding my breath too.



SOl is a truely amazing pug. And you are an amazing pug mom.
I will be praying for you and your family for a LOT of time with Sol. She is such a lovely girl and I can’t wait to read more stories about her.



Our prayers are with you and yours… this sounds like the best possible news considering the diagnosis… and we’re praying for a miracle! Enjoy and rejoice in all the good things in Sol’s life and let God carry you through the rest.

Pug hugs… judi & the boyz



corrinethank you for the update on sol cant seem to get her off my mind I mentioned before I have had one very special pug named daphne when I was living in mass she got cancer I had her treated for it then I move to florida in 2003 well one year to the month the cancer came back and I was crushed but I made her time so special just like you are doing with sol I know it feels like you are crushed but you do what is best for them and you are a very good mommy to all your babies sol could not have found a better home or mommy



I am so glad Sol is feeling better, and doing better.  Hopefully with meds, you can keep her little booty truckin’ along.  Such a special little soul, your blog makes me smile everyday.

Sol, we love you and are rooting for you!!



Those are good things to focus on!  We are going to keep sending our positive thoughts your way wink  We got your Christmas card too - thank you! You all look wonderful!  Happy New Year!

sue s


It is good to hear some positive words from the vet-Sol has been blessed to come to you and to us! We here in Colorado will continue our prayers for Sol & Riley-we know that as good puggie Mom’s, whatever it takes, Sol & Riley will have great care and tons of love & prayers! Pug-hugs from the COlorado 3



Ok, this is much better news than I was expecting.  I agree that the blue-ness and fainting are very scary, but with the medicine this might never happen (we will continue to pray for that). 

Focusing on the good things, pouch rides, car rides, lots of love: those are the things that will make Sol have the best life ever.  My prayers continue to go to Sol and the family.

Heather, how are you doing?  You, Riley and Baxter are still in my prayers as well.



What good news to start the new year. 
Your vet’s prognosis reminded me of my Dewey, a little poodle we found in our yard many years ago.  We brought her to the vet and he gave us the same prognosis as Sol got.  Dewey was not a very healthy poodle.  However, as it turned out, that little sweetie lived with us for another 6 years!  So, you never can tell - think positive!!
Happy New Year to you and all the pugsters - and thank you for cheering up my morning everyday!



I was thinking about the OBP family just last night as I put my 2010 OBP calendar up.  And I will have special thoughts for Sol tonight as I eat some spaghetti.  Hugs for the OBP four in the new year!

mary castagnoli


YAY - SPAGHETTI!!  YAY - CAR RIDES!!  YAY - POUCH WALKS!!  YAY, SOL!!  As the song says:  Just Hang On to What You’ve Got, Girl - Don’t Let Go, Girl - You’ve Got A Lot!!  (Boy! Does that date me - but when I think of Sol (and I do each day) - that song comes plays in my head.  A terrific New Year and great things in 2010 for all of you at OBP!



Marty has actually done the fainting part!  It is VERY scary.  He coughs and then just flops over.  I took him to vet immediately and he felt it was due to elongated palette.  With his age and complete fear of vet’s office we decided to see how things went.  Thankfully he has not had a “faint” in several months now!  I think a lot of it comes from anxious/nervous combination, setting him to cough.  He turns 11 in May and we are just thankful for every single smelly breath day with him!

We will keep Sol and your family in our prayers!



Such wonderful news, glad to hear that Sol is doing better,and with the right med combo, she will continue to improve.
It has been a scarey week for all us readers in OBPland, not to mention sad.  Everytime I tuned in to read the new posts, the water works went off again!
It is very nice to end the year on a positive note.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Heather, you continue to be in my thoughts, I am sending up a prayer for you and your family to help you with you loss
Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone, and your pug babies.
May the new year be filled with more fun times than bad!
Pugs & kisses to all
Pat & Mr. Skittles from Nova Scotia



I’m so grateful to read today’s post and learn that we can all end the year with some hope!  Corrine, you’re a terrific pug-mom! Lots of pug-hugs to Solsey, Benny, Henry, and Luna!

And a very Happy New Year to everyone in our OBP Family!



I had quite a conversation with God last night about Sol and Heather.

We all love Sol so much and she has proven to be a very strong little girl. Surely that strength will sustain her and carry her through…that, and her very loving family.

Heather you too have been constantly on my mind and my heart aches for you.  Please take care of yourself and give Baxter some extra loving.  Keep in touch and let us know how you are.



Heather just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you



We are going through this with you. All of us care deeply and you certainly can rely on some major prayers for you and Sol! I feel like one of my own is sick… :(



We understand just how hard this can be, our little Tuni has collasping trachea. She has had it since we got her two years ago. She does well expect when she plays or its cold outisde. Playing is what we limit her on sadly. Five minutes is her limit. Her tounge has turned blue over a dozen times but she has recovered everytime and we hope that gives you hope for little Sol. Are puggy prayers are with your family.



I wish I had the right words. I can only say that I am so glad that things are better for Sol than expected. She has enhanced each of our lives in such a tremendously beautiful way.
Corrine you’re amazing.
Sol, you are so incredibly loved.

Mr Harry pug


Oh pets we love them so much, but it does’nt half hurt. She is in the best place with you all.



We don’t post much but we have been thinking about you all and about Sol these past few days. You are wonderful people to care for her like this. She is so darn cute. Happy New Year to all of you. Love, Brutus and Miley



There are no words…

I am truly and utterly broken without my little boy…I keep replaying what has just taken place over the last couple of days and I still can’t comprehend it is real…

I want you all to know how much our family appreciates being on your hearts and in your prayers.  I keep telling my little angel to catch all of the prayers that are floating up to him…

Your words, thoughts, and prayers mean the world and are helping me to breathe…thank you from all of us.

Sol, maybe you can eat some noodles for lil’ Riley…he did love a good s’ghetti too.

Patty B.


Everythings been said.  Ditto on it all.  May you all (and especially Sol) have a very Happy, Healthy 2010.  The short-term prognosis sounds hopeful and doesn’t everyone feel better with a little spaghetti in their bellies?  I know I do! Buon Appetito little girl!

11+ yr pug mama


Hang in there, you and the critters.  My girl who is almost 12 has had tracheal collapse issues, on and off, for about 4 years now.  She is now doing really well, though, on a combination of as needed hydrocodone for cough, and ace for calming (oh, and cyclosporine for dry eye).  I hate having to give her medications, but considering last January, when she briefly needed a breathing tube to hold her airway open, she is doing really, really well now.  Only coughs a bit when she is very excited or exercises too hard.  And, the key for my girl, is to decrease the opportunities for her to get overexcited (so, no more pug play, no more dog park).  She still has outings, just no more of the kinds that send her over the edge, so to speak.  She loves grandma’s house, she does well at the pet store, or to visit the neighbor dogs which she knows well, etc. 

Hang in there Sol, you sound like you are in excellent hands:-)

Ivy M. Andrews


Stay tough Sol. It won’t be such a happy new year without your sweet face greeting us.

sue s


Dear Heather, My heart aches for you!!Riley is a new angel amongst so many of our dear sweet fur babies! No pain, no suffering only happiness and peace! Riley will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge when you both will be united forever in eternity! I pray you will find some peace of heart in this e-mail.Peace & Blessings- from the COlorado 3 amd me-Pastor Sue



Sol is a fighter. She is a sweetie!



Praying for you and holding you close to my heart wee Miss Sol.



I am glad that Sol is doing better then you had initially thought, but i am so sorry about the diagnosis.
My heart hurts for you but I am sure Sol will enjoy every minute of her 6 months to a year till who knows how long because she has such an amazing family who loves her.




This is great news.  You are right too, the most important thing is her quality of life.  When faced with my own reality with my first Pug Carmen, I had to put that first and my love second.

I am so happy that Granny Sol has this as her reality!  She is an angel.

Karen B


One thing our animals can teach us:  Love like there is no tomorrow!  Everyday is a gift!

Heather, you are still in my heart.  I ache with you!



All my prayers will include Miss Sol. ***Hugs***

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