Owned by Pugs

Monday, May 10, 2010

Armchair Guard Pugs


To say that pugs are guard dogs would be a stretch, however, to say they are of no use in keeping an eye on things would be an understatement. I think the problem is with the word guard. My pugs don't really guard anything. I would imagine they would guard a piece of pumpkin bread with their life, but that would imply that they wouldn't eat it right away and actually have something to guard. But, I digress. Perhaps, a better word is surveillance? My pugs are great surveyors. Because surveillance requires observation, it does not require them to take action. And I would say that observing is a very strong pug quality. They observe me go to the kitchen, they observe me get a blanket out and beat me to the couch.

While most of their observations are made in areas that don't really need observing, I have to say that the pugs do a very good job of letting me know when anyone is around the house. Mailman - check, neighbor's lawn guy - check, delivery man - check. Most of the time, they alert me to routine things, but there have been a few times that they let me know about things we weren't expecting.

Just a few days ago, Henry alerted me in his patented "woo, woo" that there was a cat hanging around our side yard. Which was good, because Cupid does not take too kindly to other felines pawing around her territory.

And the true genius is that pugs have their paws on the pulse around the house and you would never know it. They do all their surveying from the comfort of the couch or a cozy dog bed or a lounge chair by the pool. And they always look strangely disinterested. But maybe that is their modus operandi - make others think they are not paying attention when they really are.

But make no mistake, the pugs are in surveillance and not the guard dog business. Because unless doggie kisses are kryptonite to those with ill will, the pugs would not be of much assistance. But the good news is they would alert the proper authorities and have them take care of it. Delegating, another pug strength.

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It certainly looks like you have everything under your watchful eye…great job handsome!



How true, they are not in the guard dog business!  Although our puggie is very protective of me and my daughter.  If my daughter and husband are clowning around and she screams out ( as girls do!!) well, Mr. Skittles is right there, barking at hubby, to stop and left her go!!  but I bet if there was a treat involved, he would be putty in anyones hands!
While I have noticed that your pugs observe… my pug will follow me everywhere…. If I get up to get the blanket in another room, it obviously takes 2 of us to do it, he is my little shadow, it is only me that he follows around.



I have to agree fully with you pugs are not good guard dogs but they are on top of everything that is going on my five dont miss a thing even every mourning when the ducks walk across my front lawn they are right at the front door barking at them mine will look like they are sleeping yet they know and hear everything if someone comes to the door they sound like good guard dogs but once the person is inside its wag the tail and lots of doggie kisses



I always say Jade is the cat I always wanted.  So the watching and knowing everything that goes on comes into play for her.  Especially the feigning interest part!!



this made me LOL big time because it’s so true!!!!!

they are good for nothing:D

Hellen Norton


Watch Pugs….yeah. After all Punkin bread could be hiding anywhere!!

Karen B


Great post and I agree 100%!!



When we first got Bennie, we had a german shepherd named Blue.  And he was ALWAYS guarding us.  As a puppy, Bennie would key on Blue and mimic his protectiveness.  It was very funny, both to us and Blue!!  After Blue went to the Rainbow Bridge, Bennie gradually turned into the surveillance expert that all pugs are meant to be : )



What a true story.  Romeo barks at the trash truck and there has been major road work going on two blocks from us, so traffic is diverted to our quiet street.  The big constructions trucks zoom through here, so he is doing a lot of barking.  Like Sue said once someone is inside it’s all “love me, love me”.  Romeo wants to be in the room if I am going to be there for a while; otherwise (if he’s not sound asleep) he will observe as well.  Love those pugs, they are so worth the entertainment value as well as the loving.



Corrine, you speak the truth smile  My puggers are great at surveillance!  Too funny!  Great picture of Benny on the job smile

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