Owned by Pugs

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Caption This #166

Cupid and Benjamin

Looking forward to your captions in the comments.

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... that’s right, Cupid… Mom gave us (her favs) pugkin bread… it was yummy, and you didn’t get any… nah nahnah nah..nah….

... wait a minute Cupid, is that a crumb of pugkin bread on your whisker.. let me remove it for you… slurp

either way too cute!



Cupid…you have orange spots…like a pumpkin…um, Cupid, do you taste like Pugkin bread?  nom, nom, nom…...



LOL Jennifer…love it…This is an adorable pic of Mr. Ben and Cupid…I just have to giggle…



Sue, any word on when Abby can come home?  You both are in my thoughts!!



Somehow I don’t quite trust you Cupid.



I bet you can’t do this with your tongue, Cupid!



The first thing I thought of was what Danielle said! Too funny.

Great pic!

Gina & Pip



Oh Cupid, you can try and try, but you will always be a silly ole CAT, not a PUG!  Pugs rule, Cats drool!

Hellen Norton


Cupid every Pug needs a cat to keep them in line every once in a while.

We have had Peanut, a tiny chwawwa (can not spell this morning)!! GiGi hates it when she wakes her up from a sound sleep with him SLEEPING next to her on being helt between her legts!!! Have tried to get a picture but the time it takes me to sit up and grab the camera gives GiGi time to move and chase him away!!

Mandy Reid


Gimme a kiss!



this is such a cute picture can’t top the sayings of everyone else

Grannygoogs I loved reading about you even though it did bring a tear to my eye reading about the puppies and the special one thank you for sharing it with us

I went to pick Abby up this mourning and when they brought her out to me she was doing the puggie dance and howling yes Abby howls hard to believe even the vet couldn’t believe her howling she reminded me of Benny as she has to wear a shirt over her bandage she goes back in two days for a bandage change it is hard to believe she just had surgery she is so hyper I just have to wait now to see what kind of tumor it is and that will be a three to five day wait thank you everyone for your prayers and good thoughts I will keep you up dated as soon as I hear anything



Sue, I know that Abby’s howling was music to your ears, and made you feel so much better.  The next few days will be so hard on you, but think positive and know OBPers are praying for you and her.  Thank you for the update.



YAY sue…love that Abby was doing her happy dance and howl (Bax howls too, love it!)...I bet she looks adorable in her shirt and she must feel so very happy to be back home!  I’m still praying hard and thinking of you both.  I think it was great you caught them so quickly and I just know she will be fine!!!  Give her a lil’ kiss from me!!

Karen B.


“Hmmmmm, takes like CHICKEN!”



You like to use your tongue like this to wash?

Whatever for??



Benny’s not sticking out his tongue to Cupid, is he?  If so, she may open paw him.

Cute comment Pat!

I’m so glad to hear that Abby is hyper.  That seems like a very good sign.  She’s one tough little Puggie.  You both continue to be in our prayers.

So funny Sleighbelle - Pugs rule, cats drool.  So right!

Pug hugs &
Huckle chuckles

sue s


Ok Benny, so I did have a taste of pug-kin bread-but I’ll share some cat nip with you next time if you don’t tell Henry & Luna! Love that Abby is dancing and singing-uh-howling! Hope the tests come back NEGATORY!!Continued prayers and pug hugs from the Colorado 5



Great comments!  I can’t think of anything funny to add.

Sue, I’m glad Abby is back home and did her happy dance for you!  It will be a long wait but hang in there.  We’re sending our prayers.

Our foster, Miss Peanut was adopted on Saturday by a wonderful, wonderful family.  I just got my first update from them and Miss Peanut is doing great in her new home!  She and her new 7 year little girl are best buds and sleep together already smile Yeah for Miss Peanut!



Andi, that has to make you feel good that Miss Peanut had latched on to “her” little girl.  That means you need a good job fostering her.  Yay Miss Peanut.  Yay Andi.



Grannygoogs - Until sue mentioned the sadness of your two Pugs, I did not realize there must have been more about an older post last week that I hadn’t picked up on.

I am so sad about those puppies.  I’m sorry and now my eyes are leaking.  Such heart break for you.

Forgot that all of you south of the equator do everything backward.  BTW - you can pronounce those names?  Whew.  No, I don’t think any of us would find your story boring.  It’s fascinating to me and I’ll read it more thoroughly tomorrow - past my bedtime!  Thank you for sharing.

Pug hugs &
Huckle chuckles

pug mama


Pretty good Cupid, but I think it needs some more pumpkin! 

so, Abby still has a high calcium level.  They assure me her kidneys are fine.  They assure me she does not have hyperparathyroidism.  She went to the vet on monday, had a touchy feely exam, to feel if she had any swollen lymph nodes, which she DID NOT, then she had an anal exam, which also turned up nothing.  So, aside from sending her to the vet school for a whole body scan, Abby’s vet is just going to have us recheck a chem panel (with the calcium) in another month, after it has been longer since the last burst of all the meds and steroids to control her breathing problems.  Never easy.  And, me, being a nurse, of course I think the worst, and Google the heck out of what I do know, and I know I just need to enjoy my precious baby and be her mama and not her nurse.  <3



Pug Mama, I still have your Abby on my prayer list.  You are doing all you can, and loving your baby is one of the best things you can do.



Allright, which one of us is gonna get the ottoman?  On the count of three….  one…. two…. three…..



Taste like chicken.



You may not have realized it but you had a little food stuck in your claw!  YUM



Pug Mama - This may be a stupid question, but what are they looking for when they test for that?

Prayers for you and Abby!



I want..MY NOSE BACK!!

pug mama


(this is long, just a response for Huckle, but read on if you are curious about the discussion about Abby’s calcium level quandry)...

Huckle, No question is stupid when it comes to lookin out for our beloved puggies!!!  After Abby’s episode of pneumonia, etc a while back, and she had to be on the heavy duty antibiotics, sedatives, and steroids to such a degree, on a doggy that has already “been around the block”, they recommended we come back in for them to check a basic chemistry blood panel, primarily to look at her kidney and liver function levels, to make sure they were doing ok after all the meds.  So, her kidney levels were good, one liver value was up a little (but it is the one that always gets jacked up from steroid use), but the incidental finding on the remaining values was this calcium level that was high (a total calcium).  High calcium can mean kidney failure, hyperparathyroidism, or cancer (the things the vet spoke most specifically to me about), but depending on whether it is just the calcium ion alone or if it is the calcium bound to protein that is high, it can mean different things. 

So, in the end, I was doing the right thing to get her liver and kidneys checked after the heavy duty meds to get her over the pneumonia, and we stumbled onto the high calcium, which, for the time being, after the vet posted all the details on a forum for veterinary professionals, they said given my special baby, it is prolly just a fluke, since the level had come down slightly, and her physical exam didn’t show any enlarged lymph nodes.  They said an expensive body scan at the vet school is an option if I want to, but at this point, with everything she’s been through, and given the fact that she is coming up on 13 yrs before too long, it’s not like I would make her suffer through cancer treatment, should she be hiding something deep inside.  My goal for her is comfort.  Her trachea is so touchy.  If I was a millionaire, maybe, but, 3 yrs out of nursing school with student loans, etc, not quite there yet.



Pug Momma I hope everything goes well for Abby and you I will say a prayer for her and send good thoughts your way



Last time I checked…. Cat was not on the Pug diet.



cutie silly and funnny



Cute, I mean real cute.

My babes is always by my feet and sleeps with me all night. wow, does he ever shore.

8 months old already.

Pug Henry v.

St Paul, MN

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