Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Drops, Drops & More Drops


I know I talk a lot about Luna's eye drops and how I need a spreadsheet to keep track of them all, but I don't think I have shared a recent rundown of all the eye medicines she takes. But before I list all of her medicines, I think it would be helpful to list what ails her.

Diagnoses Right Eye

Diagnoses Left Eye

And to combat the above issues Luna is on the following drops:

  • Tacrolimis 0.03%: 1 drop in the left eye, 2 times a day
  • Cyclosporine 1%: 1 drop in both eyes, 2 times a day
  • Pilocarpine 0.2%: 1 drop in the right eye, 2 times a day
  • KCS Solution/NPD: 1 drop in the left eye every other day, 1 drop in the right eye 2 times a day
  • Genteal Gel: As needed

Once I learn the routine, keeping track of the number of times each day she gets a drop is not a problem. I mainly get confused in determing if it is an "every" or an "other" day. I used to make a spreadsheet but that got too tedious. Then I tried marking things on a calendar, but frequently I forgot to mark down the days so that plan didn't work too well. So, I came up with something that has been working well for about 4 months now.

Drop System

I took a regular piece of paper, folded it in half and created three boxes by drawing lines. The first, and largest box, is labeled "NEEDS". The second box is labeled "ONCE" and the third box is labeled "FINISHED". Inside the finished box, I have an area labeled "NOT TOMORROW".

At the beginning of each day, I move all the appropriate drops to the "NEEDS" section. Then as I give her a drop during the day, I either move it to the "ONCE" section or the "FINISHED" section depending on if she gets the drop once or twice a day. If it is an "every other" medicine and it is done for the day, I move it to the "NOT TOMORROW" section. That way I know not to put that eye drop in the "NEEDS" section the next day. Instead, the next morning, I move it to the "FINISHED" section so I will give it to her the next day. It is hard system to explain, but it has worked very well for us so far.

I have also color coded all the drops so I can figure out if they go in the left eye, the right eye or both.

A few people have asked me why Luna is on Tacrolimus & Cyclosporine in her left eye. To be perfectly honest with you I don't know. I asked the eye vet and she gave me a perfectly reasonable answer, however, I can't recall what it is.

On paper, it seems like I am sticking a drop in Luna's eye every hour of the day, and I probably come close to it, but Luna is an absolute trooper about taking her drops. She sees me coming with a bottle of drops and she just sits down and waits for me to plop it in her eye. I think she doesn't mind the drops because ultimately they make her more comfortable. A chronically dry eye is irritating and can become very painful. But the drops keep her eyes moist and make her more comfortable. And if you miss a few drops a day it is amazing how dry her eyes can get. Luna sees the drops as a good thing, not as a bad thing.

Cost wise, the drop regime adds up quickly. The KCS Solution and Tacrolimus are each $48.00 a bottle. The Cyclosporine is $42.00. The cheapest is the Pilocarpine at $22.00 a bottle. Luckily we can get the Genteal over the counter for about $9.00.

But seeing the difference they make in little Luna's eyes makes the cost and the crazy systems all worth it.

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As i know how you feel the cost means nothing as long as they are happy.Your such a pretty luna just want to kiss that precious face enjoy that smile you have.



What a system that is Corrine!  LOL I can say that I am in almost the exact same boat.  Baxter, too, is on 3 different meds, but luckily mine are all both eyes, two times a day, every day.  He’s also a trooper and just lets me plop those drops right in his peepers.  When those moist, bright eyes look up at me, I know it is worth every ounce of effort and cost!  Here’s a kiss to you pretty Luna!



Corrine, kudos to you for your dedication.  Your description make my head spin.  Luna’s cooperation is proof positive how much she appreciates your dedication to her well being.  I am indeed blessed not to have ever had or now have any such problems with my babies. 

Heather, your Baxter also knows your routine with him makes him feel better.

Bless you all.



oh my goodness… love your chart!  Whatever works for you Corrine.  It is hard to remember when you’ve taken meds, when you’re suppose to take meds… then OMGosh which one did I take!!  It is a blessing that they they don’t fight the routine of getting their drops!  Like expressed in earlier posts.. they know it makes them feels better.



Wow!  That’s a very clever system to ensure that a very complicated plan gets completed correctly.  I’m going to remember it if I ever need to keep track of multiple meds. 
Luna’s lucky to have you!  Of course, I also think you’re so lucky to have that sweet little Looney-girl!

mary castagnoli


I shall tell Bella about Luna and how cooperative she is with her eye drops and see if that makes “Miss Don’t Mess With Me” more cooperative about her daily face and ear cleanings and about taking her allergy meds.  I know I will certainly not complain about having a pug with allergies any longer - or I will think of you with your eye drop schedule and visits to the Drs. and will just zip my lip.
Luna’s sweetness (and your love and care) shines through her lovely, bright eyes.

sue s


Luna you are so sweet and so patient! Hope the drops work well for your precious puggie eyes! Pug-hugs from the Colorado 3



wow Corrine you seemed to have worked out a good system I dont know if I could remember all that I have to agree with you the cost is high but well worth it if it is helping sweet luna you are such a devoted mommy I love the picture of Luna how is Benny doing



Holy Eyedrops!!!!  I have trouble here with the “once or twice a day as needed ear drops”!  Luna is SO lucky to have come under your wings!!!!



Very creative plan for those eye drops!



Corrine, you are amazing. That eye chart, simple yet very effective. Sweet little Luna is such the trooper.

Hellen Norton


Oh My!!!.....Thank goodness little Luna has a Mom like you. She is such a sweet and special little girl.



Luna, you are so beautiful smile  Corrine, great system!  Annabelle has a couple of the same eye meds too smile  Our little babies…so worth every drop and every cent wink

Darci and Abbey the Pug


Poor girl!  You’re such a dedicated pug mommy!  Way to go.  I can relate to little Luna with as many pills as I take for migraines a day.  I had to start writing on the bottles so I make sure I take what I need to when I need to.  Hang in there girls!  It’s all for the better!

Karen B


Wow!  My admiration goes to all with daily meds…I have been very fortunate so far with C.J. and Toeby not to have daily routines…If it comes to that, I will spend a fortune on them, as needed!  I am wondering?  Does the dry eye thing come in around a certain age or how does it develop?  Does anyone know? 

Thanks and congrats on your little system, Corrine.  You’re amazing!



wow… that’s all i can say about that.  good for you and luna. that is one crazy routine to keep track of.



You are AMAZING.. I dont know many people who would go to the lengths that you do.. well, except for the rest of us on your followers list! smile
But really.. you are such a good mommy!! They are all lucky to have you!

patty v


goodness, that is quite a routine! bless you for taking care of little luna’s special needs. olive will be 3 yrs old in 6 days, and we have been so fortunate to have no health issues so far. karen b., i am wondering too about the eye issues? does anyone know if this is something that will definitely come with age, or does it just depend on the pug? i’m not sure what to watch for either, any tips on that?

Corrine - OBP


Karen B - I don’t know enough to say why brings about dry eyes in dogs.  I don’t think it is an age thing.  Luna was 2 years old when we adopted her and it was clear that she had been suffering from dry eye for a while based on the scar tissue built up on her eyes.



I googled KCS (dry eye) and there are several causes listed, and lastly they don’t always know what causes it.  It does stress that a life long commitment to medicating the eyes is necessary.  In the google box I typed in “what causes dry eyes” and there are several sites.



Just read “Doing Now” and am so happy that Benny liked going for his first walk since surgery.  Feeling better is the best.

pug mama


Wow, Corrine, Abby’s regimen is pitiful compared to that!  You are a super duper pug mommy for coming up with that system, I never would have thought of that.  about 14 months ago, when Ab’s eye condition (KCS) “exploded”, I too kept written track of what had been done, what needed to be done, etc, but no where near the organization of your system!  If Luna is like Abby, you prolly need to invest quite a bit of money in necessary treats to get the job done, as well, right?



I have told Abby not to fight the twice daily two drops each” because it could be worse.  And then I show her the listing of Luna’s ordeal.  She just sniffs and walks (runs) away!

That is some schedule, Corrine, and I did think when I was reading it that you must have an eye dropper with you at all times.

Pug Hus,
Abby & Huckle

pug mama


the canine opthalmologist we see (who has a pug herself) thinks with pugs, that it is an “exposure” related problem, since when they stick their heads into places, they don’t have a long muzzle to help deflect stuff away from their eyes, so when a pug sticks their face in a bush, weeds, etc, it is their eyes that can get traumatized.  Entropian eyelids/lashes can traumatize the eye surface too (rolling inwards, also because of the wrinkle, brachycephalic situation).

Karen B


pug mama, that is great info to have!  Perhaps I should cur"tail” the hunt for places to pee when C.J. and Toeby go outside and for walks.  So far, their eyes tend to be on the too wet side and I’m always wiping their eye boogies!  I guess that’s a good thing, huh?

pug mama


actually, Abby had lots of eye boogies, and that was a sign of the dry eye problem (cuz the tears have a liquid component, and a mucus component, and with dry eye, there is less liquid, so it will look more eye boogy"ish”.  I had no idea that is what it was either, but the next time you are at the vet, they can do a Schirmer tear test to measure tear production).

Karen B


pug mama, really!!?  Yikes!  Now I’m worried that C.J. and Toeby might have trouble, if not right now, soon.  I will definitely have the vet look at their eyes next visit.  Thank you for the information.  This blog is so helpful as well as entertaining!

pug mama


I guess, in hind sight, I wish we had had our regular vet be “onto” the eye condition sooner, cuz her eyes were goopy for quite a while, and they never mentioned dry eye, and I failed to google it.  But, after she got an eye infection in her worse eye, they did do the more extensive eye workup in the clinic, which showed her issue was deeper than just an eye infection. 

But with some of that abnormal, we went to an excellent doggy eye doctor, who just treats eyes, she is extremely brilliant, when we saw her, it was just as if you or I went to the eye doctor, special lights, glaucoma test, stain for corneal abrasions, etc, etc.  Abby was put on cyclosporine ointment (higher concentration than drops), which has helped immensely.  I am not sure about this next part, but Abby had had some cloudiness or scarring on her cornea, and with the treatment (now, for the rest of her life) some of the surface clouding has cleared, and the doggy eye doctor thinks she has really pretty good vision for a 12.5 yr old princess:-)



Anyone notice how many of us have Pugs named Abby?  I thought that was curious.  Also a couple of Baxters in there as well.

Pug Hug,
Abby & Huckle

Sherri F


Corrine, I enjoy this site so much! We have 2 pugs, Petunia and Quigley, who are our hearts! Like your sweet Luna,Quigley also has KCS. He’s been on cyclosporin and genteal for over a year. It really didn’t seem to help him, in fact he has gotton much worse. He began to walk into things, and we have had a visit with an optomoligist in Baton Rouge for over 2 months. Well we finally got to see her. They prescribed Protopic .03% in each eye twice a day, it is quite expensive at $150 for 30g,  and of course tear lubricant 4 or more times a day, plus pilocarpine 1% 1 drop in food twice a day, increasing to 2 drops 2nd week twice a day, up to the amount he can tolerate. I know this is an eye drop, but she said it is used very successfully taken orally. Well, thankfully, his eyes look amazingly better. We go back in six weeks for a followup. We are so thrilled, and hope Luna’s eyes continue to improve too.

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