Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Benjamin and Henry

Last weekend, we dug the electric blanket out of the closet and put it on the bed. I know, I know. We live in Florida. What on Earth would we need an electric blanket for? Before, I lived here, I used to feel the same way. I laughed at the Floridians with their fireplaces and boots and gloves and thought they were all crazy. Then I lived here for a few years, and now I really regret not getting a fireplace in the house.

I have learned that cold is relative. Plus, I was talking to a neighbor who spends a lot of time in Colorado and she said that 30° in Florida feels colder than 30° in Colorado. It has something about the amount of moisture in the air. I'm not exactly sure on all the details. What I took away from the conversation was that I was totally justified in buying the electric blanket.

In any case, we put the electric blanket on the bed last weekend and the pugs love it. They are in toasty, pug heaven.

However, the recent cold snap does have me very concerned about Benny. He has been very stiff and slow going the last few days. Right now, I am chalking it up to the cold weather taking its toll on Benny's aging bones and joints, but nonetheless it has me very concerned.

While I am working, I have been keeping him in a sweater to help him stay warm. He seems warmer, but it doesn't seem to be helping his stiffness.

Yesterday, I had an idea and I thought I would create a mini electric blank for the pugs to use during the day while they are on the couch. So, I dug out the heating pad, put it on low, stuck it under a double folded blanket and within seconds there was a pile of pugs on the heating pad. The heating pad isn't meant to stay on all day, so I have been turning it off and on throughout the day hoping to keep the pugs feeling good.

Hopefully, the cold will pass and Benny will get back to his usual spry self.

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AAWWW… that is too sweet… heated pug pile!!
The air has changed here, and the temps is 1 with a wind chill of -3   I know this isn’t as cold as it is in some places at the moment, we have a had some wind and it is bitter out there.  The change over hasn’t been pleasant.
I put a blankie over Mr. Skittles as I left for work, hoping he would find it cozy and stay underneath it for a while.
Keep warm lil puggas xoxo



As I was reading your post my mind was trying to think of what I could use that would be like a small electric blanked for the pugs.  And then read your solution.  Very creative…I’m off to buy a heating pad just for them.

Corrine, I don’t know how you get all the wonderful pictures as you do, especially when all three are together.  I can’t just get a decent photo (Black Pugs don’t show up to be more than a black spot) of one of them let alone three.

Georgie has been licking his paws more and more.  Is that a Pug thing?  Any solutions?  His paws don’t seem to be sticky or injured.

Pug hugs,
Huckle Chuckles,
and the Swamp Pugs want Cooper to go home. wink



Awwwww, cozy, toasty brothers!  Hmmmmmm, you’re on to something with the mini-heated blanket Corrine…May have to try it out!  Benjamin looks dashing in his red sweater!  I hope you warm up and get those joints moving easily again Baby Ben…I will be thinking of you!!!  Maybe some mom assisted stretching could help work out the kinks?  Stay warm everyone!!!



Your CO friend is exactly right.  And with you living right on the coast, that moisture will really get ya.  When I would talk to friends her in NYC about the cold in FL, they just laugh, even my husband.  He couldn’t laugh though the other night when he discovered that the temp at my daughter’s place in N Central FL was even colder than here in NYC.  grin  Imagine cool to cold temps and no snow to shovel.  lol No wonder we have so many snowbirds. grin

As for the heating pad- fabulous idea.  You are sooo smart.



Its true!! Here in CO, it’s very dry so the cold doesn’t feel nearly as cold as places with more humidity. Weird weather we are having here in CO—we are in the 50s and 60s!! Hope Benny is ok!



Baby Benny, I am so sorry the colder weather is affecting you so.  Mom is really helping you out in a very good way, and hopefully your weather will warm up soon and you will be in tip top shape again.  Romeo lives in he Midwest and he is staying curled up under or on top of the warm blankies.

Marcia Martin


Oh Poor Baby Bennie.  I hope you are moving better soon.  You are too sweet for all those aches and pains.  Please keep us updated as to how Bennie is doing.  Hopefully, when it warms up you will be better.



I know you probably don’t think you need another dog bed but have you thought of maybe picking up one of the ones that are actually made so that the bed only turns on the heat when the pet is on it?  Sounds like it would be a great solution.  :D

Karen B.


I spent a LOT of money and bought heated dog beds in an effort to get C.J. and Toeby out of my bed…Worked great but Toeby kept throwing up in em and ruined em…His vomiting has stopped now and I’m really tempted to try the heated bed again…They really are nice for the babies!  Might feel good on Bennie’s joints!



Awwwww, poor Benny:(  Hooie also is really stiff and gimpy when he wakes up in the morning now a days with the weather the way it is in California.  I finally started to give him his meds for his joints to help him.  He wiggles out of any clothes I ever put on him to keep him warm!!!!

Hellen Norton


WOW!!! I know how the pugs feel!!! It is really cold in Louisiana!! GiGi likes her new heat bed. I put it between her pink blankies and she stores away! Also she sleeps on my bed at night with her pink blankie and streched out against my side. Loves a extra bellie rub during the night.



I’m sorry to hear that Baby Benny has that stiffness.  I hope you have some warm weather come along for him.

Recently my husband had been using our heating pad for one of his aches, and Bennie discovered how wonderful it was.  And so he’d watch and wait until my husband would get up, and then Bennie would commandeer it for himself!!



Hello all, from Northern Colorado, where it’s going to be close to 60 degrees today, with bright blue skies and sun, sun, sun (yes, I’m gloating).  While Ellie needs a sweater first thing in the morning when she goes out, the rest of the day she can stroll in the sun.

Huckle - has Georgie been checked out for allergies?



I love this picture of Benny and Henry they look nice and warm Corrine you take such good care of them I give all my pugs cosequin DS for there hips and joints maybe that will help Benny or do you already give it to himat first my gang liked the change in weather but now they rush out do there thing and right back in the warm house last night when I got off work it was only 38 here in Tampa Florida way to cold for me

Hellen Norton


OK FOLKS   I have tried to order 2 calendars several times today. Give all the info and go to checkout. Give billing information AND BANG!!! I am back to the beginning.


Corrine - OBP


Hellen, Give me a call at 1-877-491-7877 and I can take your order over the phone.



Thank you Corrine Dear for all the snuggle pug pics. I love them! It’s funny all this talk about Colorado as we just moved here in August. Wish I could meet some of you other CO pug Mom’s.
Will think good thoughts for Bennie that he feels as spry as ever soon.
Kelly Grace & Edward



Poor Bennie. I hope the sweater and the heating pad works for you. Stiff joints are no fun. I was thinking if Pip is slow going in the morning and once he does his ‘kitty cat’ stretch, he walks into the kitchen. The hall is carpet, the kitchen is hard wood and his feet always slip. It’s like he is walking on ice. It’s the only path to the back door so he takes it slow. It’s kind of cute actually.

Huckle~I was gonna ask what SusanL asked. Has Georgie been checked for allergies? Thats what started with Pip’s allergies. He was always licking his feet and I just thought it was a comfort thing for him but then he got crusty skin around his eyes. When I took him to the vet he checked all over and sure enough…allergies. I hope it isn’t allergies for Georgie but something to consider. smile

Stay warm all!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Susan and Gina…thanks for the heads up.  I’ll make a vet appointment and see if that could have something to do with his licking his paws.  I better get some dog insurance soon!

Thanks & Pug Hugs,



We live in Ohio so my girls get pretty stiff in the winter also. They sleep on a loveseat in our bedroom. We bought them an electric HEATED MATTRESS PAD, twin size. We slipped it over the cushions and placed a blanket over it. It has ten heat settings and shuts off after 10 hours. It is MUCH more safe than a heating pad. We have one on our bed also. It keeps then toasty warm and helps with their stiffness!



poor babes hope it gets warmer soon.We here in the northeast know about cold it’s in the teens here and we’re in for more snow.Stay warm guys.



Not sure if anyone else has brought it up, but there are now electric throw’s on the market. I bought a couple at Sear’s last week. They have a 10 position heat setting, and an automatic shut off after 10 hours. I bought it for my husband, but when he’s not using it there’s a pile of pugs taking up every square inch of that blanket.



What a cute little pile of pugs!
My little guy, Solomon, is 9 already and I have noticed that as it gets cold out he too stiffins up quite a bit. The vet unfortunately thinks it might be the beginning of arthritis, which is so not cool. But anyways, I have put him on a supplement called Yucca Root Powder, which was recommended to me at the local pet food store. I just mix it in with his morning meal, and it has made a world of difference. He has been on it for over a month and he seems a much better range of motion. He used to limp a little in the morning, and after he had been laying down for a long time, but I haven’t seen him do it since about a week after I started the supplement. Just thought I would share as it has made such a difference for Solomon and it is relatively inexpensive.



Heather - about the Yucca Root Powder - what amount do you use.  It sounds worth trying - maybe even for us adults?



Huckle - I am not entirely sure of the exact amount, as the brand that I use comes with a little scoop and I just use two of those. I think it’s about 1/4 tsp. I would go and check out the exact amount, except I am currently out of town and I can’t even remember the name brand. I live in Canada and it’s a canadian brand. I will try to remember it, and let you know.



Seems we have two Heathers on this blog.

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