Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Eye on the Treat


I have been trying to work on capturing action shots of the pugs to help improve my photography skills. Well, that, and my collection of photos of the pugs sleeping or being lazy is getting out of control.

While my skills as a photographer haven't really improved, I have been getting a good laugh at some of the photos I have been taking. Today's photo is a prime example.

I have found that the best way to get the pugs to "do something" is to play our treat catching game. The game never disappoints as it always gets the pugs moving and me laughing.

In this case, we have Henry intently focused on catching a treat I just tossed in the air. The focus, and the touch of crazy in his eyes just kills me. And Henry subscribes to the theory that the pug waits for no treat. His technique is not to wait for the treat to get to him, but to jump up and snag it out of the air.


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nice photos they look so sweet good action shot mine rather i just hand them over they don’t like to over do lol.



Awwww…I love this pic of Henry in action!!!  Look at that lil’ mouth stretched open as much as possible!!  So cool and I think you have great skills Corrine!!  Hope that treat landed just where it was supposed to Sweet Henry!!!



Huckle, how is Sweet Cooper’s week been?  I’ve been thinking of you guys a lot.  Give him a smooch from me.



The “touch of crazy in his eyes” is the perfect caption for this one.

Yesterday while I was trying to figure what steps I needed to repair my printer (don’t ask), I was surfing around on OBP and came across Bloopers #1 (Sept. 17, 2007).  This is a picture of dear, sweet Luna and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a funnier one.  I printed it out and have it above my computer and at the ready whenever I need a good laugh.  It is adorable.

Pug Hug,
Abby & Huckle



Such focus!!!  I love your theory Henry.  You don’t wait for it to happen, you make it happen.  Sweet Henry.

Doing Now - don’t you wish you knew what those sweethearts dream about?

sue s


Henry is a hoot! That look of “It’s MINE!” says it all. Corrine, you have great skill-and great models,too. Your stories are delightful-you really need to think about doing a puggies book! Thank you for making the start of my day!!Pug-hugs from the COlorado 3(And More?)




mary castagnoli


Your posts always make me smile.  Your commentary is so good at capturing the hearts and souls of your pug-buddies (and the pictures are truly great, also).



I just love this picture of Henry Corrine I think you take beautiful pictures and I love the captions to go with them it always puts a smile on my face and a chuckle



That crazed “treat eye” that Henry has is hysterical!  Note to self:  Never, ever get between a pug and his treat!



Oh yes, Corrine - a puggie book!!  I second the notion.  Also, Doing Now - Love when they dream…it makes me smile to see them flailing about and wondering what they’re dreaming about!  You’re a tough cookie Miss Luna!  *giggle*

Karen B


I think this is a great action shot but did he catch it?  My guess is yes!

Huckle, yes, we need an update…Think about you often…Pug hug back at ya!

Doing now, C.J. “roos” in his sleep as if he’s greeting an intruder.  It’s hilarious to watch him sleep.

Janelle Woodward


Henry:  “Mine Mine Mine MINE!!

Corrine - OBP


Karen B - I’m pretty sure he caught this one.



Karen B, et al
Thanks for asking about Cooper.  I think the positive thoughts are helping.  He seems better this week than he did last week although not a lot of energy.  His stubby little tail still goes a mile a minute with attention.  I think the addition of Prednisone to the chemo has helped tremendously.  We know it’s not a fix but an extension to his quality of life at the moment.  Abby must not think he’s very sick…she was loudly informing him yesterday to stay away from her bone that she was carrying all over the house and teasing him with.  Ahhhh, siblings….!

Pug Hug,
Abby & Huckle



Huckle so glad to hear cooper is doing a little better abby sounds like my emma I have five or six nyler bones and miss emma thinks she owns them all and dosent want to share well when baxter wants one he just helps himself not to miss emmas liking of course but he wins out



Huckle, thanks for the update.  You and your sweet Cooper are still in my prayers.  Glad he is doing better.

Karen B


Huckle, I’m so glad that Cooper is doing better.  I think Abby is just trying to find a way to get Cooper to cheer up and feel better and maybe she thinks if she teases him, he’ll come and play with her…Animals have a sense of when something is not right and I think they always will try to find a way to “make it all better”.  Bless her little heart!

sue s


Thank you Huckle for the up-date on Cooper! Continued prayers to be sure! Abby is definitely trying to keep her bro in good spirits-good work little girl! Pug-hugs from the Colorado 3(or more?)

Hellen Norton


Oh Henry did you get the treat? Hope so sweet boy.
The others seem to be looking on the ground. Did they miss the treats.
We enjoy All the pictures of the Gang. Really starts the day off right.

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