Owned by Pugs

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Green Paws

Henry, Luna and Benjamin

We are trying our hand at a little, container vegetable garden this summer. So far, we are having some success with our pepper plants (seen behind the pugs). We have a total of 3 plants and we have close to 10 peppers total. I have no idea what we are going to do with all those peppers, but I think that is a pretty good problem to have. At least they are in all different stages. It looks like our first pepper will be ready for picking this weekend.

We also planted a cucumber plant. We have tried cucumbers in the past without much luck, but this year's plant is looking strong. We will definitely need to be getting it a bigger pot.

The pugs enjoy checking up on the plants each evening after their walk. I water the plants and they have fun sniffing around.

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great garden decor i have some to i call them my garden sitters real pretty to.Love these ornaments.



What lovely gardeners you have!!  grin  Enjoy those fresh veggies gang!  Yum!



I am always surprised by how big Henry is compared to Luna.  Well fed, and not on peppers!  It seems impossible (for us Northerners) to already have peppers about ready for harvest.  We can’t even safely set plants out yet.

In pictures of the three of them, it always looks as if they are cooking up some mischief.  That wouldn’t be possible, would it?

Heather, I have plopped a kiss on Cooper’s head from you.  Thank you all for your support.  It really helps through this difficult time,



Lovely gardeners indeed!!  Add some tomatoe plants, and onion… voila… add to peppers and you have salsa!!



I think they’re probably hoping you decide to plant pumpkins next!



Oh Huckle, thank you so much.  I’m honored to have “given” him a smooch!  I was actually thinking of you and Cooper on my way into work and sent more prayers up.  I hope he is getting lots of momma lovin’ and isn’t in too much discomfort.  You guys are on my mind…



this picture made me laugh!  they look very pleased to be sitting in the plants!

too cute:D



I have never seen any gardeners any more gorgeous than these three.  Little Luna is almost hidden among the plants.  Happy plant sniffing sweeties.



they look so happy and cute in this picture

Huckle I too have been thinking about you and Cooper a lot and saying prayers for him please give him a hug for me



Little Luna needs a step ladder; those leaves almost hide her tiny self!

Karen B


Fabulous teamwork! 

I am still thinking of all our “ailing” babies also!  Give Cooper an honorary smooch from me too!  Hope the rest are doing well in their recoveries!



Another wonderful picture!  They are all so cute smile

Huckle, I’ve been thinking of you and Cooper as well.  We’ve been sending our thoughts and prayers too.



Add a kiss from me to Cooper, too.  How is he doing with his therapy? 

Charlie has developed a cough since his surgery and I can’t help but worry that its a trachea collaps like poor Sol’s.  But the vet x-rayed him on Tuesday and didn’t see anything so he thinks he developed an infection due to the tube down his throat.  I hope that’s all it is; he sounds ghastly!  He is on cough tablets and antibiotic.

Corrine, I wanted to comment on yesterday’s picture of Luna but just didn’t have the time.  I love that she’s a big, brave girl now.  Isn’t it wonderful how love heals the heart?



They are a bunch of little farmers!  So cute!

Corrine - OBP


Huckle - Give Cooper some petting from me too.  He is lucky to have such caring and devoted owners.

Paula - I am glad to hear the Charlie’s surgery went well, but sorry about the cough.  Hopefully, a nice dose of antibiotics will clear things up.



Huckle, Cooper is in my prayers every day.

Likewise Paula, Charlie is in my prayers, and praying more that the cough goes away.

Hugs and kisses to all from me and Romeo.



Hey all,
Thank you so much for your thoughts about Cooper.  They seemed to have helped.  He was supposed to have second chemo on Monday but it didn’t come in, not until today.  We were about going nuts knowing that would be the only way he have any remission.  Monday I didn’t think he’d live out the week.  He has rallied a bit late this afternoon after chemo, anti-nausea pills and predisone.  My husband slept on the floor with him last night and talked to him off and on all night he said.  If he seems better and not in pain (but how do you tell?), we will have a slight reprieve on that final decision.  It’s so hard to know, isn’t it.

Thank you all,
Pug Hug,
Abby & Huckle

Corrine - OBP


Huckle - My heart breaks for you.  I know the weight you feel and the roller coaster of emotions that go along with it.  Stay strong and know that you are in my thoughts.



Huckle I know all about sleeping on the floor with a sick baby.  It is hard to know what to do and when to do anything, but somehow if you pay really close attention you will know.  Happy to hear that Cooper has rallied some, and hopefully you will be able to keep him around for some time to come.  Again hugs and kisses to Cooper and a prayer your way to keep the faith and stay strong.



Paula hope Charly gets rid of that nasty cough hopefully the meds will do the trick

Mike G


I have a vegetable garden and my pugs love to sniff around - they eat the collards I plant, which is ok because they like them much more than I do!  You should try a couple of tomato plants, I’ve had a lot of luck with the Early Girl and Better Boy varieties in 12 and 18 inch containers.

sue s


Copper is in prayers as is Charlie here in the COlorado 3 household! I must say- I have never seen such cute farmers! Maybe I will have Beauty do my gardening this year! Pug-hugs to all from the Colorado 3

Patty B.


And are the pugs watering the vegetable plants as well???

Everyone out there in OBP land - have a very happy weekend.

Love from, Rocky, Adrian and Gulliver

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