Owned by Pugs

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Guess She Doesn’t Like It

I gave Luna a small bite of cucumber and the video below shows what she thought of that. Also, my favorite part is how Ben swoops in at the end and eats the cucumber and then gives me a look that says, "What? That was a perfectly good piece of cucumber." I guess it falls under the 5 second rule for the floor, but it was in Luna's mouth for more than 5 seconds.

Luna and the Cucumber from obp on Vimeo.

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Simply Pug


A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a floor I guess. wink



Too funny!  Luna is so precious and cute.  Benny is like my pugs, can’t let anything that hits the floor go to waste!  Great way to start the week.  Love the video!



Oh my… I thought she had a really big piece of cucumber!!! Funny to watch!!



Luna says, “Mom, I tried, really I did.  Didn’t you see me chewing?  But what was that?  It certainly wasn’t a piece of cheese!  Oh yeah, thanks Benny for getting rid of the remains!”



Who would have thought Benny would be such an opportunist?  Maybe he just likes his food “warmed up” a bit. Yum

Pug Hugs,
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs +1



Oh my gosh. I would’ve thought by the way she was chewing that it was a huge piece of cucumber! So funny. I love how her tail was sort of wagging as she chewed. And sweet Benny, cleaning up the floor so you didn’t have to. What a love!

Pug Hugs from Gina & Pip



Loved the video Luna was so cute chewing and saving a piece for Benny my gang are like Benny if anything falls on the floor they are in a race to see who gets it first even Baxter the boxer but the puggies win out they are much faster Huckle are you ready to tell us who the plus one is come on we want to know



My rule with human kids is you have to at least try it and take two bites before you know whether you like it or not.  That’s what Luna reminded me of…she at least tried it.  Benny is like my Romeo…always there to grab whatever.

Marlene's Mom


I love it! I didn’t think Marlene would like cucumber, however she does!

Karen B


C.J. will eat anything BUT the floor…

Luna is missing some teeth, isn’t she?  I think that’s probably where all the “chewing” was coming from.  She’s an adorable chewer at any rate and I for one, commend Benny for not wasting food!



It sure took her a while to figure out that she didn’t like it, but how sweet that she pre-chewed it for Bennie!

pug mama


my, oh, my, Luna, you sure rolled that cuke around in your mouth long enough, before deciding to go “p-tooey”.  Glad the cleanup crew was on it so quick, so mom didn’t have to pick up slimy wet partially chewed cuke:-)

Huckle, ok, the suspense is killing me.  What is it?  What is “+1”???????



Little late today as the morning was spent in the ER for this Pug momma…If it’s not one thing, it’s another…I’m OK, now….

Anyway, that was absolutely adorable to watch…I loved Miss Luna going to town on the cucumber tid bit…and Benny was a great finisher!

Thanks for the smile Corrine…it was needed…although between excrutiating pain, I have been enjoying the care of the best two docs in the world…they have great bedside manner…non-stop licks!  grin



Heather, I am sorry to hear you had a painful experience, and hope you are recovering very well.  Yes pugs are the best doctors/nurses in the world.  They know when we are not doing well.



Heather sorry about your painful experience hope everything is better I am sure the fur babies will take very good care of you



I was gone allllll day and missed my OBP fix until now.  Thank goodness I caught up, because this little video is so sweet.  I’m enjoying Luna’s chewing/scrutiny of the cucumber, and then Benny’s expression after he finishes it off is priceless!  I agree, he seems to be saying, “what?”



this was just so sweet as we love seeing luna same way at my house if it hits the floor it’s gone.

Hellen Norton


At least I tried Mommy, but…..it slipped out of my mouth and Benny made it disapear really fast.

Heather sorry to learn of your pain…I know what that is. My doc doubled the strength of my pain pills in June but the old bones still hurt.

GiGi will not eat any thn but her dog food EXCEPT when anything has meat smell.



Heather, how are you feeling today?  Please let us know.



Awww right, aww right, here goes besides the fact that I can’t figure out how to tell this without deflecting blame on my part.  It turned out that it worked out really well, however, both Brian and I were dismayed in the beginning as we had a different thought as we wanted to approach this in a different way.  Enuf double talk.

One of our daughters-in-law arranged with someone she had gotten off of Craig’s List, I believe it was, to get a male Boxer puppy (4 months old).  She wanted to surprise Brian (attributed in part, I think, because her father left when she was two and she missed out of stuff because of it.  She keeps telling her husband (#3 son) that she thinks she can get him to do anything for her and she may be right.  (I thought this bit of background would put it in perspective somewhat.)  She and I snuck off - the place was 1 1/2 hours away and Brian had no clue.  At the time when she told me about it, I should have put my foot down.  We had wanted to get a rescue Boxer and I was filling out applications (obviously not fast enough), one from the group where we got Cooper. I am now aware of how little she listens to me as I have waxed eloquently on the virtues of rescues and how impressed we had been with his rescue group.  And so what stopped me from just saying “NO”?  Nothing, and we had quite a bit of time on the ride to go into that again.  But, I didn’t.  I guess it was the word pictures she came up with about how happy he’d be that let me give it a shot.

Of course we got the puppy (and we definitely didn’t want a puppy…that was a given (I paid, however).  All common sense that I thought I had was completely not there.  He could have had one paw only and I’d still give in once we saw him (I’m very weak) and Brian even weaker.  So, we stopped at Big Lots on the way home to get him a bow, tied that on his collar and she took him in to Brian.  He melted when he saw this youngster, although by the next morning, after several squishy poops and a run-in with Georgie (puppy did not understand Georgie wasn’t playing!), things were less idyllic in our house and we called the breeder (read that ‘backyard’) to return him (ugh, another 1 1/2 trip).  But in that space of time, Brian had fallen in love with him so returning him was no longer an option and so we have the new Cooper (I’m surprised he named him that but maybe that helps with the pain of losing the first Cooper.)

The reason I am ashamed by my weakness to just say no and instead support a backyard breeder.  Pam was trying to tell Brian that he could use the puppy for stud service and make lots of money oh horrors.  (I can’t get the new Cooper to the vet quickly enuf for neutering)  The puppy is cute, there’s no getting around that, but he is a PUPPY and not from a rescue.

I’m sorry this is so long kids because I’ve vowed to not type so much and seem to end up doing it anyway.

That’s my story, kids.

Pug Hugs,
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs +1

Karen B


Oh, is THAT all?  I thought it would be something DRAMATIC!!  lol Don’t feel bad for buying from a breeder…someone has to take the pups before they end up in a rescue situation or worse.  Better a loving home than God knows what tragedy.  Yes, rescue is wonderful but don’t beat yourself up.  You probably did what any of us would have!



Best wishes for the new Cooper.  Have you taken him to the vet yet for a complete checkup?



Huckle congrats on the new baby cooper it dosent matter where you got him as long as your husband and you love him now how about the puggies liking him Georgie is probably just letting him know who is the boss so when does he go to the vets?

Heather how are you feeling hope the boys are taking good care of you



Both my pugs are staring at me wondering why I am giggling.  Why did she chew it for so long, then decide she didn’t want it?  Tee hee!



Hi Huckle - sorry if I growled at you earlier!!! mea culpea!! New little Sooper Cooper sounds wonderful, I really love boxers myself, they are bit like ‘big’ pug. Have fun with Sooper Cooper’s Pooper Scooper.
WE have an Afrikaans [a language derived from Dutch, Koi San, Gaelic, English - in fact a real mish mash of languages] expression for inside ‘poop’ is called a “spons doering” literal translation ‘a sponge thorn’ rather apt and extremely descriptive!!
Have fun with him and I know Georgie and the others will accept him soon.
Lots of pug hugs and real kisses
Grannygoogs & the Lonehill 6



Hi Huckle,  I’m glad Grannygoogs did growl, because that’s how I found your post that updated us!  And congratulations on Cooper II.  With time and love that beautiful boy will be well-behaved (and housetrained)!



Grannygoogs, you crack me up!



I didn’t know you growled.  I thought it was all in jest.

How do you pronounce ‘spons doering’

Unfortunately, the Super Cooper’s Pooper Scooper is right on.  I’ve thought of calling my daughter-in-law to come clean the rug every time there is a pooper scooper event.

Another unfortunate is that Georgie attacked going-for-blood incident where I had to grab Georgie to get him away from the object of his angry desire.  He was not going to quit.  It was over a bone that Cooper was trying to steal and Georgie was protecting it.  The cat teases him all the time, usually luring him into a situation where she can bat him (not in anger) and his puppiness thinks she’s teasing,  I guess she is.

The vet has declared him healthy and given him his shots and the vet tech, who held Cooper1 during his chemo, thinks he is quite handsome and will be a nice grown-up and resembles Cooper1 quite a bit.

Has anyone heard of the Continental Kennel Club?  That was his “papers” that daut.-in-law was impressed by.  I asked the breeder what it was and all she would say is that it’s like the AKC???  I’ve never heard of it.

Thank you guys for being nice about Cooper2.  I also didn’t mean to imply that buying a Pug from a breeder was a bad thing.

Pug Hugs
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs +1



No harm done, Huck!  Hope everything smoothes out soon.  Good luck with Cooper2!  Hope you have many happy years together!



Huckle, google continentalkennelclub.com.  There seems to be quite a bit of info on it.  From what I gather reading through it has been in existense since 1996.  I had never heard of it before either.

Since Cooper got a clean bill of health, the only other thing I can think of with the poop is his diet does not agree with him.  That can happen a lot.



Hi Huckle - how’s it going with Sooper Cooper?? has he settled in?
pronunciation ‘spons’ sounds like responce with out the ‘re’
‘doering’ sounds like do’er or using you can use a Scots accent and say “dour” & ‘ring’
Hope you have managed to get his diet right
Pug hugs
Grannygoogs and the ‘Lonehill 6’



Grannygoogs - “sponge thorn” is right on although he is not the sponge but the faucet!  And we can’t turn him off.  It’s going to be either the leash or the crate until he gets his eliminations under control.  I am having as much trouble with my husband going through with this plan as I am with Cooper (should I put them both in the cage?).

This morning’s news carried the story of a school bus crash in S. Africa and the loss of 6 children.  The children that made it through the crash must be so traumatized.  Once you know of a person in a city, state or country, a tragedy seems so much more immediate.  It is an awful thing to have happened and for what - to beat a train!  That didn’t work very well.

Abby, who doesn’t like any dog other than the one she sees in the mirror, actually let Georgie rest his head on her rump.  Granted, it was her rump, but I don’t think that was a personal statement, just a softening of her “rules”.

Pug Hug
Huckle & the Swamp Pugs +1

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