Owned by Pugs

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lazy Days

Benjamin and Henry

The last few days have been extremely hot and that means the pugs have been checking in on the outside world from the comfort of the couch in the air conditioned house. Barking at all that pass seems to be quite fun for them. Of course, I would prefer if they brought the barking down a notch, but they have to fill their days with something, I guess.

Luna prefers to spy on the outside world from ground level. I caught a shot of her in mid bark. I just love how her normally bulging eyes are extra bulgy in the photo. Get 'em girl!


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Looks like my house it is a cute pictre and luna reminds me of my darla those eyes get so big i just love it.Way to go luna.



I love that the boys are so smooth and light that they look like little naked bodies!  Too cute.  And of course, Luna the Fabulous is as marvelous as ever.  I love these pictures.  It’s good to see that your pugs are living the spoiled life they feel they deserve!!!



Awwwww, the brothers.  Too cute…and Miss Luna, you get ‘em sweetie!  Love bulgie pug eyes!

Wanted to share the good news…There is a Savior in my life and, given that, Mr. Cole will be checking in at 6:30 next Wednesday to have his soft palate surgery!  Prayers for a smooth surgery will be appreciated.  It’s very hard to have to put him under when the last time I was dealing with a surgery, the outcome was my worst day…It was hard enough returning to that place on Monday when we had our eval.  I have to control my mind though and focus on positive thoughts for a better breathing Cole!

Stay cool today gang!!



Nekked Boys… heehee too cute!  Miss Luna you are indeed oru precious Diva!

Heather, many prayers for Mr. Cole and you.  Positive thoughts, positive thoughts….
pug hugs, prayers and kisses from us



I have two crazy boys myself and the love to bark at everyone. I have the couch right up to one window that faces a pretty busy street, so they get the chance to tell people off quite often. I love that Luna is mid woo, I can almost hear it!



My three love to bark.  The din gets annoying, but like you say Corrine, they have to fill their days when it gets hot/humid.

Little Luna, in mid bark, with eyes bulging, looks so cute.

Heather, GREAT news about Cole.  Prayers are with you and think positive.  This is different from your baby Riley, and Cole will be so much happier to be able to breathe better.  I will also send up thank you prayers for your Savior.



My puggers like to bark too at everything that passes by. Very cute pictures of the boys and of course Little Luna is just precious mid-bark smile

Heather, great news for Cole.  We’ll be sending our positive thoughts and prayers.



I’m so amused by Bennie’s vigilance at barking at whomever dares to walk by our house.  Of course, that is during his awake and alert portions of the day!  During his napping portions of the day we could have an invading army outside, and he wouldn’t know or care.

And Heather, that’s wonderful!  Cole—and you—are in my thoughts and prayers!



I love the pictures Luna is just to much the face on her my what big eyes you have sweet Lunna my gang also prefer to stay in the cool house instead of going out after they eat in the mourning they always go out and dont want to come in for a while but now its out do there buiness and right back in and dosent matter where they are have to bark at anything and everything nothing gets past them not even a leave that may move

Heather I am so happy you have a savior now Cole will be able to breath better I will be saying a prayer and thinking good thoughts for you and Cole

hope every body stays cool



eh I know what you mean. Plus the thunderstorms here and there. **sighs**

Karen B


That’s a great shot of the boys!  Love the little dark “trace” down their backs!  It’s getting bloomin’ hot here too and the other day after we talked about the hot pavement, I went out to feel it and OMG, it IS HOT!  Now I hesitate to walk the boys in the evening…

Luna, you go get ‘em girl!

Heather, C.J. and Toeby both had the palate correction surgery and C.J. actually had a nose job which I refer to as the “Robert Redford surgery” cuz he looks just lik ehim now!  LOL Anyway, they actually made his nostrils bigger because he had very narrow nasal openings!  Don’t worry, keep the faith, and we’ll all pray for you and Cole…I really think the recovery is easier for the puggies than us parents!  And by the way, they both still snore like furry freight trains!!!



Heather - that is the very best of news.  Now you can concentrate on Cole completely.  You have had enough to deal with this year with Riley without this new worry.  Blessed thoughts your way from Abby and I.

Sue S - how is Beauty doing with her big event.  If you put the coming babies in the pics section, a lot of us will be beating down your door for one!

Luna can’t take a bad picture as far as I’m concerned.  Even her bad ones are good ones.  I can almost hear her low “errrrrrr” as she winds up for the second part of her bark.

Benny and Henry look as if they are plotting something but have to turn away from you so you won’t hear their plans!  You go, guys!

Pug Hug
Abby & Huckle

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