Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life with Benny

Life with Benny involves a lot of bone holding.  We spoiled him when he was a pup and would hold his bone for him while he chewed so needless to say we have raised a pug that couldn’t hold his own bone if his life depended on it.  You reap what you sow, I guess.

In any case, Benny loves to chew so we do a lot of bone holding for him and when we are unable to hold his bone we must come up with a creative way to simulate us holding the bone.  Like wedging it between sofa cushions.  But, while Benny loves to chew he certainly isn’t a very effective chewer.  This goes back to my do the things you love even if you are not the best at them thing that I learned from Henry.

When Benny chews a rawhide bone all he does is soften it up with his slobber.  He will work for hours on end, but never really gets anything.  When Henry chews we have to keep a very close eye on him to keep him from eating too much at one time.  Even Luna, who has the smallest mouth I have ever seen on a pug, can chew circles around Ben.

But it is all moot because there is really nothing Benny likes to do more than go to town chewing a bone while you graciously hold it for him.  And this, my friends, is what that is like.

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Too cute!  I love how he stops for a split second when he notices the camera.



in a word….SPOILED!  smile



You live your name:  owned by pugs!

Was Benny your first pug?  They are so easy to spoil, aren’t they?



We held the bone for Brandy too, she would sit for hours and chew as long as we held it. It was the pack bonding grin



OH MY GOODNESS…I haven’t even read beyond the first sentance but…We do this too!!!  I am resident bone holder as well…Riley will have it no other way!



This must be the canine equivalent of “Peel me a Grape.”  All hail Emperor Benny!
I think it’s a pug trait.  Rocky and Adrian would much prefer having their bones held while they chew, however, when a human hand is not available, they will find one of my shoes, prop the bone up against it for leverage and chew to their little hearts’ content!



Ok, I’m not sure if I should be worried about our pugs or about us!  I do the same thing for Sleighbelle!  She is better about holding her bones now, since she is older; but when she was little, it was a requirement that i hold her bone.  I agree with Linda, it’s the pack bonding!



That is so incredibly adorable!!



I can’t believe I’m not the only bone holder!!!  Too cute that we all do this!  Ah, the life of a Pug…

Karen B


I’ve never had to “hold” for C.J. or Toeby!  I’m amazed that they hold their own…  They crack me up because they dig their little fingers in and around their chewies with a death grip and Heaven help anyone that tries to take C.J.‘s!  He grrrr’s like a tough guy but Toeby just follows and wags his cinnabun tail!  They’re hilarious!



LOL, love the video.  Benny is so enjoying his rawhide.  How long do you hold his bone for him, Owned by Pugs?  I had a puggie one time who loved to have her bone held for her, but if no one did, she certainly did it on her own.



Benny you are one lucky puglet!!



Just plain darn cute - chewing on a bone.
As for us puggie parents, we are very much alike.. I too, hold the bone for Mr. Skittles, but he will hold it and chew as well.  Who has who trained??



I love the moment there near the end when he pauses. SO CUTE!

Ivy M. Andrews


When my black pug and my newest pug were baby, babies, I too would hold their chew bones because they couldn’t do it themselves. Now…they’re on their own and darn good at the job!!



Ditto..when our little maddie was a baby, every morning after breakfast I would hold her chew stick and she would chew it for 20 minutes. Now she is a champion chewer. I would do anything for that precious little baby.  That video is so darn cute and typical of the puggies.  smile

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