Owned by Pugs

Monday, May 5, 2008

Music to his Ears

While Benny, Henry & Luna eat food that we make for them, I give them a tiny bit of Wellness kibble here and there so that if something like a hurricane would happen we could switch to kibble and the pugs would be no worse for the wear.  When I scoop out the dry food Benny always makes me laugh so I thought I would record it to share a little bit of his food excitement with you.

On a side note,  I have been loving the Flip video camera.  It makes creating little videos so easy and it could not possibly be easier to use.

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Great video! Benny is super adorable.



Don’t you love how they quicky look at the floor, JUST IN CASE a piece of food may have dropped?

I have to say, he is very well behaved.  Ruby would be spitting and sneezing and rooing and bullying me while turning circles LOLOL.



That is exactly what my Sassy does.  She never looks at me while I am chopping anything, she is always looking at the floor to see if I have dropped anything.



What a well behaved boy. He is so cute, its fun to see them moving in videos instead of still photos.
I made the meatloaf recipe from Eco Dog using turkey instead of beef.  Brandy loves it. I baked it in a mini Hors D’oeuvre pan so they are mini meat loafs, each is just right for a meal.



He is sooooooo handsome…*swoon*



My computer is not letting me view the video, but I KNOW that he has to be better behaved than Sleighbelle…she spins so fast, I think she is going to meet herself coming and going…and she loves to whimper.  She seems to think that whimpers make the mommy go faster, they don’t!



It really is a great video!  I noticed that two postings talk about their pugs turning in circles in anticipation.  Bennie does that and spins so fast I think he’s a top.  A really cute pug top : )

Karen B


I also have a “spinner”!  Toeby howls, barks, and spins while C.J. jumps, hops, skips, barks and is a general nuisance while I try to get the food in their bowls and to the floor!  They’re hilarious!



Benny is so POLITE and well behaved! I’m going to play this video for my three puggiepigs and so they can take a note on how to be good during mealtime. Thank you for sharing! I love your pugblog!
Nancy and the porkypugs



How cute! I noticed in your post that you make their food. Would you mind sharing how you do that and what you use? My pugs have food allergies and I’m having a hard time finding a homemade diet for them. The vets here have been very discouraging and just try to sell me expensive canned foods. :( Any advice would be very appreciated! Laura

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