Owned by Pugs

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Toy in the water bowl

When asked what I love about Benjamin, Henry & Luna, one of the things high on my list is that they make me laugh every single day. I was treated to a fine example of their silliness just the other day when we came home from running errands.

When we let the pugs out of their crate, in their excitement, the boys always grab a stuffed toy and run around the house with it in their mouth. Well, apparently, Henry was thirsty and had a bit of a dilemma on his hands because he didn't want to put down the toy down to get a drink. So, he just dropped the toy on the side of the water bowl.

Benny was thirsty too, so he grabbed a quick drink with the toy hanging out on the ledge.


And Henry came back for another drink and that is when the stuffed toy went for a swim.


You may also notice that the stuffed toy is a doll. It was another baby toy that we bought for Luna that was from the same mermaid toy set. However, one again, Henry commandeered it.

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Benjamin:  Hey chick, the pool is the other way!

This was great…Thank *you* for making us laugh, Corrine!



You two boys are just hilarious.  When people find out I’ve had pugs since 1963 they always ask what is so special about pugs.  At the top of my list of answers is they are always entertaining and make me laugh every day.



thanks again Corrine for the laugh just to funny

Sue VDB I agree I have owned pugs for twenty years now and a day does not go by that I don’t laugh at there silliness pugs rule

sue s


Ditto! Thanks Corrine for the laugh! Maybe the doll has a hidden camera in it so the boy’s can check when Cupid decides to use their water dish. Have a great day all! Pug-hugs from the Colorado 5



Good laugh for today smile  It’s so true, pugs are so comical.  I don’t know what I’d do without my puggers!

Karen B


Hmmm, doll flavored water!  How delightful!

The daily silliness of my puggers never ceases to make me laugh!

puggsie's mom


how cute, my puggsie does this every day with at least one of his toys.  i think he is giving them a bath.



Luna, meet me in New Orleans and I will get you a voo-doo doll and some pins.  That’ll fix the boys.

Pug Hugs
Hukle & the Swamp Pugs



I’m just reading this with a big smile on my face! 
I just love these pugs of yours!

pug mama


Speaking of silly pugs, and yes, dolly taking a swim is very silly!!! 

Have any of you peeps owned by pugs seen the video going viral of the pug squeeling “batman”????  LOL!!!!




pug mama, I had to look…that is so funny.

Hellen Norton


Hey doll or whatever Henry was thirsty AND picking on poor little Luna at the same time just proves he cn do two things at a time.

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