Owned by Pugs

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Anatomy of the Catch

Henry catching a biscuit

I have been trying for awhile to get a few shots of the pugs catching treats that are tossed to them. To make it possible we had to change from Cheerios to a larger treat that would show up a bit better in mid air. So we opted for blueberry flavored dog biscuits. Something a bit bigger would have worked even better, but if you look close you can see the treats flying through the air.

The pictures of the treats the boys caught were OK, but the interesting shots were their near misses. First up is Benjamin taking one on the chin.

Benjamin catching a biscuit

The toss is up. Benjamin is intently focused on the treat which is the light brown spot highlighted by the green tree background and just above the white bar.

Benjamin catching a biscuit

But something went awry. Did Luna's wiggling tail cause Benny to take his eye of the treat? It doesn't much matter, the treat bounces of Benny's chin. You can see the treat as it falls to the ground.

Benjamin catching a biscuit

The treat takes a couple of bounces and ends up between Luna's hind legs. Watch out little girl you are about to be up ended.

Next up is Henry and his miss was quite amusing.

Henry catching a biscuit

The toss is good and it looks like Henry is in a good position to make the catch.

Henry catching a treat

But wait, what happened! The treat bounces out of Henry's mouth at the last minute and you can see it falling to the ground.

Henry catching a treat

Nooooo! Come here tasty treat!

Henry catching a treat

And then the worst possible thing that could happen happens. The treat rolls into the pool. Not knowing what to do the pugs start pacing around the edge of the pool devastated that their treat has met a soggy demise.

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Such cool pictures!!!  I LOVE Henry’s mouth in the first one…so wide and ready to catch!  Love them!  My boys also do pretty well with catching nuggets in the air…their skills have suffered a tad as they’ve aged, but they still catch more than they miss and love the game.

Henry, better get your lifejacket on so you can get that soggy one buddy!

mary castagnoli


They say “a picture paints a thousand words” - but I just love your witty recaps of your pugs escapades.  Your love for these wrinkled-face guys is so apparent, and you so ably depict their different personalities and puggy traits.  My heart smiles every morning as I read your stories.

I have one black pug beauty names Bella.  It is just the 2 of us and she is camera shy - so I get very few pictures of what I would like to capture - not to mention that black pugs are a bit more difficult to photograph - especially indoors.

You are one great pug mama!  Thanks again for my daily dose of doggy cheer.



Oh no…a wasted treat…what to do now??? smile Love the pictures, great action shots!  I love how little Luna is front and center in most pictures…you go girl!  Very cute pictures of her and the boys.

sue s


Wow! great shots!Even if the catches weren’t! With a bit more practice,they’ll be super pug stars at catch in no time! Yeah OBP TEAM!!



What great shots! I’m surprised no one dove in after that treat?? Thanks for sharing their lives with us. And where was Sol?



What kind of Camera do you have because I want one.




Pugs - 13     Swimming Pool - 1

Don’t worry Henry, Benny and Luna, you’re still the big winners of the match!

Karen B


Practice makes perfect!  Keep at it and you’ll be pros in no time!  Tell Mom…“More practice treats!”



That is so awesome! I love the picture of Benny’s miss, they way is ears are all up like that. We can’t do that here, the treats just bounce off them, Gus doesn’t do too badly but can’t catch one thing!
They do love those blueberry treats though!!



Finally.  After almost 16 hours without electricity, I can get by OBP fix.

Love the pictures, great action shots and they made my day.  I am surprised that Henry didn’t jump in the pool after that treat.



Rascal has always been great at catching, even if the toss isn’t right at his mouth.  He’s not up to a game of frisbee catching though.  Biscuit, however, couldn’t catch and the treats would usually bounce off of his face, only to be retrieved by Rascal.  So I started getting close and more on Biscuit’s level and it was more like I was throwing it into his mouth than him catching it.  Since we did it with popcorn, we practiced alot and before long, he was a catcher, not just a recepticle.  But, Rascal is still the champ.



Oh, this just made me laugh. I love it!



Fantastic post. LOVE all the photos! You always get such great shots.



Well done pugs, well done!  Was Sol just out of camera range, catching all the bounced ones?  Since the posting about the cheerio tossings, I have trained Sleighbelle to catch them as well.  She does really well.  And I have also taught her to catch 2 or 3 at a time.  Granted, cheerio’s are smaller than the blueberry treats…and where can I find a blueberry treat for my pug-a-lious pug?



I can’t seem to contain the giggles!
This is too funny!

My 6 are still trying to get the hang of catching, too. Maybe I should try bigger treats…..yum, Pugkin bread bites!



OMG this has to be the funniest thing I’ve ever read on pugs online. I was in stitches and had tears in my eyes! Awesomeness! Love your pugs SO cute!

Corrine - OBP


Hey Sleighbelle - I couldn’t remember who made the blueberry treats, but we just re-stocked and they are made by Nutro.  We got them at our regular pet store.  Believe it or not, Sol does not like the blueberry treats.  So she was sitting in the shade watching Benjamin, Henry & Luna try to catch their treats.

Hayley - The camera I use is a Canon Rebel Xsi.  I love it and highly recommend it.



Glad I’ve finllay found something I agree with!

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